ya my bad; i should stop posting articles i find since i don't play anymore;
What race is the most effective to master for an absolute noob scrub tier like myself?
You dont play anymore Holden; are you atleast thinking about returning for HoTS?
Ok here it is, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. I'm also injecting some of my comments/opinions on the units.
Improved units/buildings
Spore Crawler: Does not require Evolution chamber
You'll probably do best if you just fiddle with the races and see what is most comfortable to you. I personally think Zerg is hardest to learn but for some people it fits their play style like a sock. Dip your toes into the training, play a little against the AI, and make a choice.
*Maybe* strategically it's the hardest to learn but as far as mechanics terran seems way more difficult with the amount of micro required and protoss next to that because of how important forcefields can be. I got to master as zerg and I really don't think that would have been possible for me with the other races. Who knows what the hots meta will bring though.
They should just replace all the trash SC2 players and replace them with players that are actually good.BW players will save the pro scene.
Temp0 - 3-3 Air (Lion King - "Be Prepared" SC2 Parody)
Watch this!
Seriously! The original song is fantastic and temp0s version is great as well. The "4-4"-part makes me laugh every single timeTempo so great
Seriously! The original song is fantastic and temp0s version is great as well. The "4-4"-part makes me laugh every single time![]()
I'm really noob @ SC. I finished WoL on casual but never bothered to jump into the multiplayer. Nevertheless this time around I would like to start messing with the online aspect of the game after I finish the campaign.
What race is the most effective to master for an absolute noob scrub tier like myself?
I hardly played any toss with WoL, but I found them cool and since I've played dota for years I found easier to micro small amounts of strong units with skills rather than large armies that requires strong focus on economy and building.
Aaand I can happily go to sleep after this! Goodnight guys <3!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CH4w7UZV3NA
Just listen to that if you guys need motivation to play, lol.
Protoss is the absolute easiest race to learn with. Their macro is incredibly forgiving with high cost units that you can warp in instantly, and their units are for the most part, extremely basic and easy to use. During a battle you basically a move your army and lay down a couple spells and go warp in some more stuff. At the higher level, Protoss is really flexible in HOTS with all their tech trees being viable, and the opportunity to play a harassment style, macro style, and even aggressive with the mothership core recall. They can also be strong at all points in the game with a lot of new strong allins available to them with their new units, and a nearly unstoppable lategame.
Zerg would be next easiest, as they also have a relatively simple time macroing. The hardest part about zerg macro would be injecting consistently and spreading creep, but they can also remake an army really fast after a battle because of stacked up larvae. Another difficult aspect would be the early game with zerg. It's really difficult for newer players to understand when to scout and how to react so that they know exactly when to stop droning so they don't die to allins, or when to keep droning when the other guy is going for a macro game. As far as micro, it's about the same as protoss. Attack with units and control casters.
I would definitely consider Terran to be the hardest race to learn and play with. They are extremely unforgiving in all aspects of their play. There is no safety net when you lose your army. If you weren't macroing during the battle (big mistake beginners make), you WILL get stomped by the much quicker reinforcements from the Protoss and Zerg. Their micro is also difficult. Frequently if you aren't paying attention at the right moment, your army will just get absolutely crushed due to the nature of a lot of the matchups being high dps weak bio vs absurd amount of splash damage. The micro itself is also challenging. Learning to split fast and efficiently, as well as kiting your entire bio force from zealots while controlling vikings and ghosts separately can be hard for a newer player. This isn't as much of an issue though if you like to play a more mech oriented style, which is much more viable now in HOTS. Probably wouldn't choose this race unless you were dedicated and loved playing it. This is the funnest and most rewarding race to me so they're my main race, but I play a fair bit of random on ladder.
I actually got demoted for the first time when I started listening to this song on repeat... that was a long time ago, I remember going from gold back to silver :lolhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CH4w7UZV3NA
Just listen to that if you guys need motivation to play, lol.
LoL, I take it?nope; got other plans.
Any bronze player can use them effectively... they're herp Mcderp to play and dominate with.is there any good replays of swarm host being used effectively in games?
At a low level Zerg is the hardest. Staying on top of injects and creep spread is an onerous exercise for the typical fat fingered beginner. Protoss and Terran are about equal. Both races have simple macro mechanics that can be spammed if the player allows the resource to accumulate. Protoss warp in is the easiest unit production mechanic, but Terran has simpler T1 units that can kick ass with the most basic micro skills.
At a low level Zerg is the hardest. Staying on top of injects and creep spread is an onerous exercise for the typical fat fingered beginner. Protoss and Terran are about equal. Both races have simple macro mechanics that can be spammed if the player allows the resource to accumulate. Protoss warp in is the easiest unit production mechanic, but Terran has simpler T1 units that can kick ass with the most basic micro skills.
Glad to have you in this thread man! Excited?!Aaand I can happily go to sleep after this! Goodnight guys <3!
IMO bronze-low gold league TvP mechanic difficulty comes down to stim vs. force fields with stim being the easier to micro. Later tech is a wash. Colossus are easier to micro than tanks, but tanks are easier to micro than templars.As a gold player I would say that Terran is way harder than toss to play at low levels, you still have to properly mange your infantry while sieging/unsieging your tanks or else you're gonna day to a 1A ling/baneling attack while you try to push (unless you have MKP's marine splits or you have 50+ in supply on him).
Zerg has the harder macro mechanic + knowing when to drone and when to not while scouting for cheese but I think Terran is equal in difficulty due to army management in the mid/late game.
Protoss is the easiest and most scrub friendly race for lower levels due to more forgiven macro mechanics and you can just ball everything you have up and push after turtling for a while.
You'll probably do best if you just fiddle with the races and see what is most comfortable to you. I personally think Zerg is hardest to learn but for some people it fits their play style like a sock. Dip your toes into the training, play a little against the AI, and make a choice.
Is the Torrasque skin cool enough to warrant the collector's edition? It's either the digital non-collector's or collector's for me. Don't want another box in the house, I am pulling up stakes here in 3 months or so and am avoiding cluttering things up.
wow excellent feedback guys. I think I will be trying to master Protoss, since well, they are freaking cool.
Anyways I can tell that I've yet to learn pretty basic stuff (cheese? macro/micro, allin, etc.)
Any suggested text guide for a new player? (I hate video tutorials)
Temp0 - 3-3 Air (Lion King - "Be Prepared" SC2 Parody)
Watch this!
The main benefit is when you have 1500/1500 you can probably find some way to spend it (aka making 6 Ultras or 10 Infestors at once).At a low level Zerg is the hardest. Staying on top of injects and creep spread is an onerous exercise for the typical fat fingered beginner. Protoss and Terran are about equal. Both races have simple macro mechanics that can be spammed if the player allows the resource to accumulate. Protoss warp in is the easiest unit production mechanic, but Terran has simpler T1 units that can kick ass with the most basic micro skills.
The main benefit is when you have 1500/1500 you can probably find some way to spend it (aka making 6 Ultras or 10 Infestors at once).
Some people find Zerg 'easier' in this way.
I'll agree Terran is the most straight forward. MULEs are pretty good too.
I'm not sure true beginners to the series are familiar with the fact that accumulating surplus resources is a bad thing to do in SCII. I wasn't.
True beginners have their minds blown the first time somebody builds two barracks or gateways.
True beginners have their minds blown the first time somebody builds two barracks or gateways.