Corran Horn said:Mmmm traveling down the rabbit hole, adding progamers as friends lol.
Why are some profiles have Add Friend already grayed out?
Cause they are in grand master
Corran Horn said:Mmmm traveling down the rabbit hole, adding progamers as friends lol.
Why are some profiles have Add Friend already grayed out?
imbaIkuu said:You can't add Grandmasters to your friends list.
Well all the Koreans just 1 base all in so I can see why they might have a hard time with that.syllogism said:The highest ranked zerg on korean ladder is currently #29. Meanwhile, the highest ranked random player is #27. Ouch.
syllogism said:The highest ranked zerg on korean ladder is currently #29. Meanwhile, the highest ranked random player is #27. Ouch.
In Soviet Russia, Zerg beats you?HolyCheck said:In Russian Ladder, zerg number one!
Pandaman said:so anybody know any decent terrans?
or just cheesy terrans, so is q3devil around?
dude, i'm cheesiest terran ever.Pandaman said:so anybody know any decent terrans?
or just cheesy terrans, so is q3devil around?
Pandaman said:so anybody know any decent terrans?
or just cheesy terrans, so is q3devil around?
Pandaman said:so anybody know any decent terrans?
or just cheesy terrans, so is q3devil around?
zlatko said:Watching Boxer vs Zenio right now on the NASL stream/restream whatever it is.
Both playing marvelously.
Jeff-DSA said:They are. It's still annoying to see how freaking strong fungal is though. Insta death. But whatever, Zerg deserves the reward for surviving the early game, I guess.
stop relying on your cheapest most basic unit versus late game spellcasters and its not so instant anymore.Jeff-DSA said:They are. It's still annoying to see how freaking strong fungal is though. Insta death. But whatever, Zerg deserves the reward for surviving the early game, I guess.
Jeff-DSA said:They are. It's still annoying to see how freaking strong fungal is though. Insta death. But whatever, Zerg deserves the reward for surviving the early game, I guess.
mescalineeyes said:fungals in their current form are pretty dumb.
Pandaman said:stop relying on your cheapest most basic unit versus late game spellcasters and its not so instant anymore.
mescalineeyes said:learn to magic boy, it's not that hard.
I mean I guess it shuts down harass a bit, but just keep in mind how bloody slow thors are.
zoukka said:I wouldn't be surprised if they got nerfed somehow...
mescalineeyes said:learn to magic boy, it's not that hard.
I mean I guess it shuts down harass a bit, but just keep in mind how bloody slow thors are.
Jeff-DSA said:There's issues with how terrible Terran mech is versus Zerg, though.
I don't think fungal should stop units in their tracks, just deal the damage over the time period, but not stop the units cold in place. It's really dumb.
Play some zvp's and then see if you're still willing to complain about fungal.Won said:It is almost guaranteed. The root effect needs to go away already.
ahoyhoy said:It's the harass I'm worried most about. A single Thor ensures that I have to sacrifice my macro in order to try and micro my way around this bastard guarding an expo line with a planetary fortress preventing lings.
Spl1nter said:wtf. Unhappy our mutas don't auto harass for you lol. Muta harass is so easy.
Inject make units > harrass for 30 seconds and back out repeat process
zlatko said:Find the location of the spire with a scan of the main. If it isn't there then it's at the natural. Drop and take out the spire, or try to attack before spire comes out, so the Zerg has to pump their money back into replacing w/e was used to hold that off. It's not like the zerg can replace everything in one flood during this key time.
I'm surprised more Terrans aren't out dropping to intentionally take out structures instead of getting greedy for drones. You can take out 10 drones and I can replace them in an instant, but the build time for structures is shitty----especially that spire.
twofold said:Infestors clump up like mad. An emp or two would make them absolutely worthless. Ghosts are getting a reduction in cost in the next patch, too, so there shouldn't be any excuses for not using them.
zlatko said:Yeah, you'd think Terrans would want to use a unit that can also DROP FUCKING NUKES OUT OF THE SKY. You know how well a Nuke controls space on a map? TLO is the one Terran who I've seen really be a boss nerd about nukes.
I guarantee all a Zerg generally will do if they see you are starting to do nukes with Ghosts is just make 1 overseer in their army, if you sack some marines to take that bad boy out right at the start of an engagement, and he's stuck with no detection as that bad boy is coming to crash down, then the Zerg has to high tail it.
Ghosts are bad ass. <3
zoukka said:I've lost units to a nuke only once, and only because I didn't know what the korean warning of it was
Also Vikings are quite crappy in TvZ. Sure you can kill all overlords, while the zerg kills you.
zoukka said:I've lost units to a nuke only once, and only because I didn't know what the korean warning of it was
Also Vikings are quite crappy in TvZ. Sure you can kill all overlords, while the zerg kills you.
Jeff-DSA said:It's an expensive gamble though. The ghost, the nuke, the cloaking upgrade, and the ghost academy itself add up big. A failed nuke is downright demoralizing.
zoukka said:I've lost units to a nuke only once, and only because I didn't know what the korean warning of it was
Also Vikings are quite crappy in TvZ. Sure you can kill all overlords, while the zerg kills you.
zlatko said:Did you watch those Slayers/Zenio games earlier too? Remember how he was dropping those marines in the spots where the Zerg couldn't do shit about it? Imagine if you snuck a medivac with a Ghost up there, and then launched a nuke on that map.
Hugoboss21 said:2 viks is more then enough to snipe ovies
Did you watch those Slayers/Zenio games earlier too? Remember how he was dropping those marines in the spots where the Zerg couldn't do shit about it? Imagine if you snuck a medivac with a Ghost up there, and then launched a nuke on that map.
What if on Xel naga, you took a medivac with an SCV, to build a sensor tower on that high ground above the xel naga towers, then left a Ghost up towards your side up there too. The second you see a swell of shit coming towards that Ghost, you cloak him, and set off a nuke towards they way they are coming, if he pulls back, you can cancel it. Solid map control, until he gets mutas out.
I seriously have a hard on for Ghosts, and if I had the skills to play Terran, then most of my builds would be centered around getting them out. They are just too sexy not to use.![]()
Artosis is among us.zoukka said:I've lost units to a nuke only once, and only because I didn't know what the korean warning of it was![]()
Why would u send vikings in the his base? Zerg usually send the ovies around the map to scout.zoukka said:Also a single queen is enough to repel them.
zoukka said:Also a single queen is enough to repel them.
Should work... if you're Boxer and your opponents are from the gold league![]()
Hugoboss21 said:Why would u send vikings in the his base? Zerg usually send the ovies around the map to scout.