Quite a few names I recognise and a lot I don't. Definitely looking forward to dreamhack.
You started playing yet dude?
Quite a few names I recognise and a lot I don't. Definitely looking forward to dreamhack.
You started playing yet dude?![]()
Setting down a for a budget for a new PC, not sure if I'm going for a gaming PC or all in-one media PC. The difference is £1000 and an extra month saving. Not sure if my PC can even run SC2 on lowest settings, but i'll give it a shot, if it can i'll play the starter just to learn the hotkeys. Probably after dreamhack![]()
I'm so tired of the Korean argument. There are enough good players at that tournament to produce good games, not every tournament needs the same crop of Koreans doing the same shit again and again.
I'm more interested in seeing some new Europeans play to essentially decide who is the best. GSL is going on, MLG just ended. I don't need to see Koreans in everything
fanboi (or anyone else), wanna meet up at DH? Free pass + booth ♥
More Koreans mean more interesting games. I can only watch euros for so long before I say pewma.Didn't EU have a 55% win rate against koreans at Anaheim?I doubt those guys will be top 3 basically, except for maybe hero.
Argh, that sucks man ._.! Good luck with the new place though!!Hnnnng I wanna! But I'm moving to our new place this weekend, and I really cant afford to go to DH![]()
Seems like a good planSC2 runs on my old PC on lowest settings so you might be alright, just stay away from big team games
Argh, that sucks man ._.! Good luck with the new place though!!
I'm just now checking out the HotS-update and there's no mention of the move-burrowed banelings. This means they're out of the MP, right? I knew this was going to happen all along (and it's kinda sad that some people argued with me that it definitely is gonna be in the multiplayer).
I'm just now checking out the HotS-update and there's no mention of the move-burrowed banelings. This means they're out of the MP, right? I knew this was going to happen all along (and it's kinda sad that some people argued with me that it definitely is gonna be in the multiplayer).
De Vet Du just confirmed that they'll be coming to DH!
That pretty much settles it... I'll be going for sure!
He's going :3Is Huk going? You should get me a photo of him signed, "To Zlatko with <3"
He's going :3
It's a deal! What photo should he sign?
It's a done deal!Oh shit you would? Hmmm.
How about just get a pic of him doing the <3 with his hands so I can make it my avatar forever!That way I know the <3 is for me.
Another reason why no one should ever, ever, ever listen to David "I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about" Kim.
Like, what the fuck are you even talking about bro?
Link + time please?Dustin Browder was even worse in his, talking about how he didn't realise the whole mothership thing was a problem at all in pvz.
It's a done deal!
Now that I think about it, that'll be my second time doing the <3 with HuK!Nerd chills down my spine.
If this happens I will get tight in the pants region. <3
Link + time please?
Dustin Browder was even worse in his, talking about how he didn't realise the whole mothership thing was a problem at all in pvz.
Now that I think about it, that'll be my second time doing the <3 with HuK!
(Uncensored version below, NSFW!)
Get pics of Maddelisk!De Vet Du just confirmed that they'll be coming to DH!
That pretty much settles it... I'll be going for sure!
Dustin Browder was even worse in his, talking about how he didn't realise the whole mothership thing was a problem at all in pvz.
Interestingly, I'm kind of at a loss wondering how Protoss will handle Brood/Infestor in HOTS. Tempests certainly won't be the answer. A lot could one shot Broods, but it would probably take too long.
Also, I am so jealous of that HuK pic right now >.> He's my favourite player too.
How would you feel if I posted photos of me hugging MKP yoshi?
I would cry... but I would be happy for you ._.How would you feel if I posted photos of me hugging MKP yoshi?
What would my lady friend tell me if she saw me taking pictures of other women?!Get pics of Maddelisk!
♥ ♥ ♥Why did I click uncensored? My work just scolded me for looking at too sexy of an image at work.
the vipers potential to snipe observers will make that a tad more complicated.If your getting your mothership neuraled, its your fault. Its not hard to spam f on a hightemplar;;;
Maybe sigh in relief after seeing to froth for mkp so much?What would my lady friend tell me if she saw me taking pictures of other women?!
the vipers potential to snipe observers will make that a tad more complicated.![]()
obs speed, ezpz
oh and i don't see abduct to stay the way it is atm :/
She understands.Maybe sigh in relief after seeing to froth for mkp so much?
shut your whore mouth.
all i fucking want is some way to kill a protoss observer.
i can live without getting my scourge back, but you arent nerfing my abduct too. besides, abduct is neccasary to deal with tempests.
i don't see the tempest to stay the way they are now too;;;
22 range is just little bit absurd.
Oh and if your trying to abduct a 22 range unit, your gonna be over my army lol;
Decrease Tempest range and increase its DPS so that it does more than a stimmed marine and you've got yourself a deal.
that'd be stupid, but then again any comparison to marine dps is stupid.Decrease Tempest range and increase its DPS so that it does more than a stimmed marine and you've got yourself a deal.
When do you guys think Blizzard will announce the HotS Collector's Edition content?
I hope soon. Idc what's in it, auto pre order.