Fuck, I kinda want to drive down to DH for a day and just check it out.
I feel ya.
To bad I live 6 hours north from Jönköping...
Fuck, I kinda want to drive down to DH for a day and just check it out.
I feel ya.
To bad I live 6 hours north from Jönköping...
Holy mother of God, Battle.net really sucks dick more than ever.
Another reason why no one should ever, ever, ever listen to David "I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about" Kim.
Like, what the fuck are you even talking about bro?
edit: Eh, slow thread... keep thinking this is like the D3-thread.
What? 30:20He likes how ZvZ is evolving? What's wrong with that?
He likes how ZvZ is evolving? What's wrong with that?
That is FINE, but he's talking about him preferring MMA because he apparently uses more unique builds. Like, what the fuck? MMA is the biggest standard terran 1.0 in existance.lol he means kim saying he likes MMA over MarineKing as a player.
That is FINE, but he's talking about him preferring MMA because he apparently uses more unique builds. Like, what the fuck? MMA is the biggest standard terran 1.0 in existance.
That is FINE, but he's talking about him preferring MMA because he apparently uses more unique builds. Like, what the fuck? MMA is the biggest standard terran 1.0 in existance.
To be eligible, you need to meet at least one of the following conditions:
1. Member of FXO, LG-IM, MVP, NSH, Prime, SlayerS, StarTale, TSL, ZeNex
2. Masters league or higher at the end of Season 7.
(KeSPA players will have their own, separate qualifiers)
I believe he uses Bose headphones...not sure what model, would need to look it up I guessl.
edit: ya i think its these, older model so no idea if anyone sells them now. Bose has a newer model of it though called AE2
Good shit. Thanks Corran.
300 bucks though? Wow. I pay that much for my car every month lol.
Panda your NASL got more drama tonight!![]()
Let me clarify:
1) The NASL schedule was given to all team managers and players at the start of the season. We were very clear that: a) there were no NASL games during the MLG Anaheim week, and b) Week 9 would be played AFTER MLG
2) DeMusliM asked if he could postpone. I talked to him in person, at MLG with the CEO of NASL with me, and we explained to him that we could NOT postpone until after Gigabyte, because our playoffs are next week and there is simply no time. DIMAGA will attend Dreamhack, and DeMusliM will play at Gigabyte, there were no other days.
3) We offered him a place to play and practice at the NASL studio for as long as he needed to play the game... and a lot of players were playing and practicing at the Odyssey LAN center (which is where DeMusliM played from... which is also where HuK and other players were playing)
I understand that DeMusliM is upset for playing in a non-ideal situation, but I believe the NASL was more than clear about the schedule and how the final week would be played.
Also... we send weekly emails about the schedule every Saturday that explains the exact schedule for the following week.
Feel i need to talk about this, as Xeris is saying some true statements, and leaving a hell of a lot out.
Yes i spoke to Xeris in person multiple times throughout the week of MLG. Our first encounter was a "hello how you doing" sort of thing. In which, turned into a talk about NASL - (this was prior to any game being played at MLG, infact was maybe the first day i arrived.) - i specifically asked about when my matches would be played, and he said after MLG, and i then responded by saying, i'm travelling around after mlg to gigabyte, after that isn't a problem? To which a response of yes was in place, i smiled alot and asked "are you sure?" multiple times, i actually think 3 times since usually NASL don't change things. As far as i was set, things were sorted.
The final night of MLG after the finals, needless to say everyone got tipsy, i opened up my email the next morning and it said i had a match of the tomorrow. This according to my prior conversation with Xeris, was a complete mistake.
I tried contacting him several times with emails. (If anybody remembers my troubles with NASL previously, Season 1 - they excluded me from the league because in my "application video" i had a cast around my elbow, i was more than fit to play, but their reasoning rather than asking me am i fit or able, was just to look at the video and say no.) Obviously this is a sour memory, but more related to the topic at Hand is this:
I contacted NASL in season 2, when i was to play Hero, i messaged NASL saying it was impossible for me to play at a certain date, and i'd like it postponed 2 days later, or when ever fit for hero. - This message DID get through, but the day of the match, i got a defloss and a 200 dollar penalty. I messaged, they responded by saying they had no message what so ever, and it was my fault for not following up with several more messages, and that they contacted EG and they couldn't get cold of me either. 1. It was actually EG who contacted NASL, so that was a pretty gnarley excuse in the first place. 2. - i had evidence of the message going through. After the incident kind of unwinded, i actually wanted the penalty fine lifted, in which i was still walkovered, they said no. I thought it was all a little unjust.
So this time i messaged xeris several more times, after no response, I finally wrote on twitter, slightly embarrassing him i guess to get back to me ASAP. He did so, but only because i went public with it. This obviously is NOT the way things should be done, and for that lack of "sportsmanship" i do apologize, but the amount of shady doings that go on without the public knowing about them is atrocious. So after a few emails back and forth about "you told me prior to MLG things were ok, what went wrong?" with a retort along the lines of "i never said that, we can let you play at the NASL office."
Obviously i was a little mad, and acted a little unjust, i'm just pretty sick of this league shitting on me at every opportunity it possibly can, especially when i know for a fact, and so does he, that said conversation took place.
Good headphones are great to have. I use Sennheiser HD555. Got mine for like 150 and they work great. No glasses though, perfect vision up in dis place!![]()
Fuck, I kinda want to drive down to DH for a day and just check it out.
huh.Interview with david kim about hots. He says overlords being able to spread creep is now a tech from evolution chamber which i dont think ive seen mentioned anywhere before?
Just gave the campaign missions a spin, I have such a long way to go haha, I am so slow.
Just gave the campaign missions a spin, I have such a long way to go haha, I am so slow.
Spine Crawler/Swarm Host rush go!
Sooo HOTS global region is official..?
lol @ who bought more then one copy.
why would it be lol for them?well i mean in WoL.
I guess it would of been funnier it wasn't global play, cause they would need to upgrade every copy they have lol;
People don't care to spend to much money (on something worthless) and i just find it really sad
Anyone watching the gigabyte lan streams? Theres two but they should have separate stream for LoL and SC2 but apparently LoL will make an appearance on the same stream.
I also just went "fuck it", and bought the full edition of sc2 since it works on my pc, allows me to play A.I custom games to work on my macro. Which sucks.
Snowman - where is the UK finals being held?
Tuning into NASL for the first time in awhile and wow, Gretorp is still horrible. It's like he doesn't know how to talk to people, as he continually trainwrecks his co-host's conversations/points with ridiculous rants and comments
which is a shame because frodan is amazing.
If only you played more on standard times
and give away all my secret techniques?
and give away all my secret techniques?