Not positive.The prices for gom stuff are pretty disgusting really. Do Koreans have to pay these rates?
They do (tmk) get a free HD stream at proper viewing times though. Not sure on VOD.
Not positive.The prices for gom stuff are pretty disgusting really. Do Koreans have to pay these rates?
ya ive given gomtv a shit ton of my money and i never got that discount they promised me for being a paying member so fuck them
I'll play some practice games. Anyone, anytime I'm on sc2, any matchup.
That sounds correct to me.Question to all Zergs out there. So the following just happened:
- ZvZ on Taldarim, I'm bottom right, he's top right.
- We both go 14 gas, 14 pool
- We both get around 10 lings
- He then makes a Hatchery at his natural
- I add a Roach Warren and then my natural. I also make 2 spines.
- I get a ling scout in and see that he doesn't have a Baneling Nest. It's not even started.
- He's still on 10 lings and adding drones.
- I pump a full round of lings, attack and kill him.
Was I wrong to do that? Was I retarded? WTF people . . . I scouted you, you made way too many drones, I made lings and killed you, how is that a bad thing?!? Why do I get yelled at for it?
EDIT: I would post the replay but I stayed in game and worked on my macro until I maxed. I can post if you guys want.
this whole combatex apology thing is funny when you remember that there's another known maphacker out there who spends his days trolling people on his smurf accounts and the community loves him for it. :\
ya ive given gomtv a shit ton of my money and i never got that discount they promised me for being a paying member so fuck them
this whole combatex apology thing is funny when you remember that there's another known maphacker out there who spends his days trolling people on his smurf accounts and the community loves him for it. :\
SlayerS Dragon I persume...
he said maphacker......
no way its dragon
he said maphacker......
no way its dragon
If you guys aren't watching the GSL Up and Down matches, oGsInca is playing out of his goddamned mind right now. He's taken out Polt and Losira. The win against Losira in particular was a dominating victory.
If you guys aren't watching the GSL Up and Down matches, oGsInca is playing out of his goddamned mind right now. He's taken out Polt and Losira. The win against Losira in particular was a dominating victory.
According to liquipedia Dragon was accused of maphacking, streamching and matchfixing but we don't know what he's guilty of yet.
Anyways, we like him more than Combatex because he's not a fucking asshole. Plus he actually has skills.
Dragon ftw, best SC2 stream.
"After speaking with TheStC and members of WeRRa, Dragon publicly apologized to TheStC, members of oGs and WeRRa. After Dragon was accused of maphacking, streamcheating and match fixing on PlayXP-forums[5], he then replied that "he was sorry for what he had done" but didn't go into detail which parts of the allegations were true."
So why apologize for something you haven't done. I would imagine if some part of the allegations weren't true he would mention that and only apologize for what he has actually done.
Also what skills are we talking about? Everytime I open his stream he is trolling gold players with mass nukes or something.
Also what skills are we talking about? Everytime I open his stream he is trolling gold players with mass nukes or something.
Inca...the guy who DT rushed 4 times in a row during a finals...I gotta see this.
You guys will love this next bit: He won both times with really, really nice DT timings and attacks.The fuck, what did I miss?
Uh yeah... he's guilty of at least one of the three but we don't know what yet. Exactly what it says there and what I said.
Also Dragon has reached no 1 GM in NA. That actually takes skills despite it being on the NA server.
My favourite moment on slayers dragon's stream was when he played a bo7 with ret and got crushed 4-0.
Dragon stream cheating? What the fuck am I reading?
Uh yeah... he's guilty of at least one of the three but we don't know what yet. Exactly what it says there and what I said.
Also Dragon has reached no 1 GM in NA. That actually takes skills despite it being on the NA server.
My point was that if he was accused to maphacking, streamcheating and map fixing and he is guilty only to streamcheating, wouldn't he say so? Not just apologize in general for things he is accused of without clarifying which ones are true or not.
Also since when any of those are in any way acceptable.
Congrats to him for his GM 1 spot that happened when? Great way to use his skills by trolling NA Bronze-Platinum players. Never got why people think it's so damn funny.
Zen said:CombatEX has also been #1 GM on NA, without mass cannon rushing, or stream cheating
to get there (as per Destiny, and this is post his stream cheating days).
As for Slayers Dragon, you're right that he didn't go into specifics, but he didn't both to refute any of the three claims, and we do know that he went back on his word about never entering another tournament or pursuing a career as a pro game. That doesn't change anything about how I enjoy Slayers Dragons stream, though.
Be fair, CombatEX has just as much skill as someone like Slayers Dragon. CombatEX has frequently beaten, and practices with players like Sheth, Destiny, and CatZ, so there's no real room for 'no skill' comments. People like to act like CombatEX is just another Deezer, but he's far from it.
Personally I find his videos to be very useful even though I don't play Toss.
Dragon stream cheating? What the fuck am I reading?
The surprising thing would be if Ret didn't win. Dragon isn't in a teamhouse and doesn't get that much time to train. It's kind of hard to remain competitive in that situation.
Never said any of those are acceptable wtf. What I will say is that we don't know what he's guilty of and there's no point speculating on it when it happened like a year ago.
hamchan said:Also the trolling actually is quite funny to me anyways. You not finding it funny does explain why you sound so sour towards him.
Destiny is a CombatEX fanboy and you all just Destiny fanboys.
Spending more time in bronze probably isn't helping either
Sorry for not understanding the fun in making fun of lower skilled players while trying to be portraited as a competetive player.
That's just disrespectful and him constantly going "mass nuke kill you" "
" "
" after every explosions doesn't make it funnier. But you are right. That's one reason I don't like him.
That's not really what he does and most of them seem to take it in pretty good humour.
the last dragon video i saw had him repeatedly typing 'easy' to his opponent before he won.
I'm still alive if anyone was wondering.
the last dragon video i saw had him repeatedly typing 'easy' to his opponent before he won.
it also had battlecruisers
?at this point dragon is just whoring himself out for more viewers.
shame, i used to love watching him play in the Korean ladder.
He's doing the exact same thing he did months ago which is grinding a low level account up to a high level. He'll be facing masters level players soon anyways.
and he's doing that because.... oh right, the viewers.
By the way what's wrong with this anyways? It's not like he has any aspirations to be a progamer anymore. Might as well use his gaming skills and the fact that people like to watch him to make a steady amount of extra income.and he's doing that because.... oh right, the viewers.
i don't have problem with that.By the way what's wrong with this anyways? It's not like he has any aspirations to be a progamer anymore. Might as well use his gaming skills and the fact that people like to watch him to make a steady amount of extra income.
He's doing the exact same thing he did months ago which is grinding a low level account up to a high level. He'll be facing masters level players soon anyways.
i don't have problem with that.
i just hate how he is trolling gold lower league just for fun.
EDIT: Which maps should I veto as a Z now then?
Admin... if you where on his level you would have 23 accounts (all bought with black gold money) where you would do the same!
EDIT: Which maps should I veto as a Z now then?
None. Adversity only makes you stronger.
Shut up italian scrub