stop hating skakuras ffs
After Game 7 of the Blizzard Cup finals I can't really blame a Zerg for vetoing that.
stop hating skakuras ffs
After Game 7 of the Blizzard Cup finals I can't really blame a Zerg for vetoing that.
shakuras is bad for zerg in all matchups holden.
you don't have to deal with seige tanks so the middle looks great to you.
zergs complain to much anyway;
map to small, complain
map to big, complain
rocks, complain
ramps, complain
its almost like the race that revolves around taking bases and map control is heavily effected by map design.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHADo they lose even thow they complain? ofc not.
its thanks to the map that zerg isn't winning mostly everything; imo.
Zergs complain about the maps all the freaking time, and they still win games... What if they had their perfect maps... They would be winning everything...
taldarim is shit against protoss.veto:
xel naga
therefore maps are not what is keeping zerg from 'winning everything'.Wats actually funny is that korean tournament uses more "zerg favored" maps.
therefore maps are not what is keeping zerg from 'winning everything'.
they're what make zerg able to win anything at all.
Clearly they are not still winning on 'shitty' maps.Then stop complaining about maps, clearly zerg can still wins with ""Shity"" Maps like xel'naga, antiga, ETC.
Couldn't it be argued that Zerg only does as well as it does because they have the option to veto maps?
I forgot we are Korean.lolinternational.
with good maps we might stand a chance to actually have a winning record vs terran.
Still in gold. What more do they want from me, i had 100% winning record last season
And guess what? I have hockey practice tonight. Every fucking Wednesday without fail. It is stupid.
those dont go together.
those dont go together.
eh?those dont go together.
You know what looks fun?
That's right,ladiesandgentlemen.....qq'ers, it's GAF Night tonight! And we all eagerly await Jasonng's post!
The Weekly NeoGAF Starcraft II Nights
-Wednesdays starting @ 6pm PDT (9pm EST)
-Game types:
<1v1 obs>
<1v1 coaching>
<Team Monobattles>
<Custom Maps>
<Nuclear Arcade>
<Phantom Mode>
<Marrow's Micro Tournament>
-Corran's Stream: (Main Stream)
-Hazard's Stream:
-Vaultrin's Stream:
Mumble Info Dump
Main server: IP = and port = 64739
Backup server: IP = and port = 20198
Download Here:
the last dragon video i saw had him repeatedly typing 'easy' to his opponent before he won.
it also had battlecruisers
Balance speak aside, it's time for me to flaunt a little:
This is after 4 seasons of being in Diamond. Finally!!!
i'd hate to play zerg and have a legitimate balance complaint. it would be like being nigerian royalty and actually wanting to invest in private overseas trading.I forgot we are Korean.
qq zergs! Gaf cycle
yeah but you see the appeal in bw.I just tuned into Dragon's stream and it was pretty much everything described. He massed reapers and just kept typing "EZ EZ EZ" and got all pissed when the dude said he loved him. Don't see the appeal.
i'd hate to play zerg and have a legitimate balance complaint. it would be like being nigerian royalty and actually wanting to invest in private overseas trading.
I can't fucking believe this
Played my placement match against a terran on the new desert map. I kept crushing his small attacks while expanding everywhere. But I started noticing his marines wouldn't fucking die, even though I was upgrading my stuff. 20 minutes later I realized I had been upgrading ranged attack instead of melee, and my lings were 0-3 to his 3-3 marines. I had brood lords, a huge group of Mutas that were annihilating his bases, etc and eventually had no money due to my forces being so cost inefficient.
Platinum now. I'm done with this game
Still in crunch mode. In fact I have my last final tomorrow morning. I'll make an appearance tonight though. Sorry guys for missing last week's.
I can't fucking believe this
Played my placement match against a terran on the new desert map. I kept crushing his small attacks while expanding everywhere. But I started noticing his marines wouldn't fucking die, even though I was upgrading my stuff. 20 minutes later I realized I had been upgrading ranged attack instead of melee, and my lings were 0-3 to his 3-3 marines. I had brood lords, a huge group of Mutas that were annihilating his bases, etc and eventually had no money due to my forces being so cost inefficient.
Platinum now. I'm done with this game
I just tuned into Dragon's stream and it was pretty much everything described. He massed reapers and just kept typing "EZ EZ EZ" and got all pissed when the dude said he loved him. Don't see the appeal.
I can't fucking believe this
Played my placement match against a terran on the new desert map. I kept crushing his small attacks while expanding everywhere. But I started noticing his marines wouldn't fucking die, even though I was upgrading my stuff. 20 minutes later I realized I had been upgrading ranged attack instead of melee, and my lings were 0-3 to his 3-3 marines. I had brood lords, a huge group of Mutas that were annihilating his bases, etc and eventually had no money due to my forces being so cost inefficient.
Platinum now. I'm done with this game