So any idea when Director's Cut for Human Revolution is going up?
EDIT: Only 180 MB so seems like their is some sort of issue right now.
I laughed more than I should have.I feel bad for the one addict aware of his position in life.
seems fine since I have arkham city installed. Isnt it a reskin?
Anyone else have impressions on MONACO: What's Yours Is Mine?
So any idea when Director's Cut for Human Revolution is going up?
So any idea when Director's Cut for Human Revolution is going up?
Yeah the 180 mb was just a fully unzipped cat suit skin uploaded by the intern.
So any idea when Director's Cut for Human Revolution is going up?
big update to half life 2 project minerva mod...mmmmm
Dead space was boring, predictable and hardly scary.
Amnesia almost made me piss my pants.
ModBot said:I am giving away 7 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below that corresponds to the key you want (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering).
Rules for this Giveaway:
- This is a giveaway for the thread url: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=556110.
- This is a free for all! You can entry for multiple games on the list below. Send an individual PM for each game you'd like to win.
- If you won a game from ModBot in the last day, you are not eligible for this giveaway.
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 3 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:
Mark of the Ninja --MB-78B62B193F98DDC3- Taken by Mleugie. 3 entrants total.
Ticket to Ride --MB-EE15AECF48EF0FE2- Taken by schwupp. 15 entrants total.
Worms Reloaded --MB-80968D93A9AE43BB- Taken by Madrugador. 35 entrants total.
Bastion --MB-F1B09D52C673D14E- Taken by Razorskin. 3 entrants total.
War of the Roses: Kingmaker --MB-46C1343DF2EBD230- Taken by poopninjamvc3mk. 10 entrants total.
Trine 2: Complete Story --MB-3F0FFB3C0CB3C165- Taken by Horsemama1956. 6 entrants total.
LIMBO --MB-F4D1BA0B3699C350- Taken by ChiefofCitadelSecurity. 1 entrants total.
Why does Skyscraper Simulator actually look pretty good.
Left over keys and stuff!
We all want to be Donald Trump and have buildings with our name on them.
No we don't.
Don't you want hair made from real spun gold, my friend?
Left over keys and stuff!
I lost track on the info regarding GFWL with Batman AA. Some GAFfers said there was a patch that put the game back on using GFWL or something similar. Is this situation completely solved by now? Can people simply download their Batman games and play/unlock Steam achievements without a single issue?
Download the GOTY edition and there won't be any issues.
That was actually just for Arkham City, and it was fixed within hours.
I don't know why but I'm thinking about getting ittle dew. I know it's a zelda clone..... Is it at least a good zelda clone/parody? Some of the humor in the trailer looked a little too self aware.
Ittle Dew was amazingly fun and well worth the whatever it was I spent on the groupees bundle it came in.
I don't know why but I'm thinking about getting ittle dew. I know it's a zelda clone..... Is it at least a good zelda clone/parody? Some of the humor in the trailer looked a little too self aware.
No offence taken hehe, yea, seems I'll wait on it for now.
Also Dead Space is awesome, so enjoy!
I just accidentally discovered how to change the firing mode to a horizontal plane so that should help. I knew that was an option from hearing people talk about it over the years but had completely forgotten about it.
It is still really cool to play around with that. It is such a shame they basically removed it from the third game.
It is still really cool to play around with that. It is such a shame they basically removed it from the third game.
What? That was one of the more interesting parts of Dead Space.
What? That was one of the more interesting parts of Dead Space.
I could have sworn there was a rotating cuff weapon part?
Just updated all of the new profile backgrounds into Enhanced Steam and noticed this:
Those Agarest background prices...
Strangely, the "Tapestry" background is going for about $0.20, but the other two "common" backgrounds (Valeria and Fyuria) are going for $5.46 and $7.56.
I guess it just goes to show, nobody wants shitty looking backgrounds.
Is the DLC upgrade option for Deus Ex going to go up in 8 hours? Trying to finish my current playthrough.
Is it going to be a completely different title similar to Batman AC GOTY or what?
Weapon crafting, while fun, completely ruined the balance of Dead Space 3. Universal ammo didn't help either.
Does the more expensive backgrounds show more "kawaii" things?
This is the one that is the most "revealing"
Guess I'm not too surprised considering it came from the same series as this...
That's actually the same game!