.desu said:Oh well, last time, first to quote gets a free copy of ME.
Me??desu said:Oh well, last time, first to quote gets a free copy of ME.
Me?desu said:Oh well, last time, first to quote gets a free copy of ME.
Yes, but it's better with KB+M.RetroGreg said:Is Mirror's Edge controller enabled?
Absolutely! The single player is fantastic. It's like a modern version of Sid Meier's Pirates! with a medieval theme. I've put more than 80 hours into it.gdt5016 said:Thinking on Mount and Blade: Warband, but I can't imagine I'd dig into much multi. Can the SP stand on it's own?
RetroGreg said:Is Mirror's Edge controller enabled?
KingOfKong said:does Garrys Mod ever go on sale and is it worth buying at full price? I always get the urge to play it but there isn't much talk about it here on neogaf so I just wanted a few opinions.
During the Summer Sale it was at 1,99. Check out it's Steam Prices page.KingOfKong said:does Garrys Mod ever go on sale and is it worth buying at full price? I always get the urge to play it but there isn't much talk about it here on neogaf so I just wanted a few opinions.
BUY IT.Scythian said:Yeah, I'm on the fence about the Mount & Blade series. Should I buy any of them? If so, which one(s)?
Yes, the SP has a lot of content and is much better than the MP, imo. If you're gonna get one, buy Warband. It's amazing, i have over 130 hours on SP and plenty of characters. I love that game.gdt5016 said:Thinking on Mount and Blade: Warband, but I can't imagine I'd dig into much multi. Can the SP stand on it's own?
I may be too late by now, but PM'd you in case you still have a spare left.poserdonut said:Me and my brother are looking for two people to buy a renegade ops four pack with.
PM me if interested.
Mexx said:ME promo is weekend or today only?
It's the daily deal, so just today. Deal ends in 21 hours.Mexx said:ME promo is weekend or today only?
Not as far as I know. You can even muck with the map editor if you want to jump through hoops.masterkajo said:Quick Question: Mirror's Edge PC, does it have any DRM besides Steam of course?
PaulLFC said:New registry stuff: Metro Last Light, DOTA 2 Dedicated Servers (I assume this will go in the Tools section for anyone with DOTA 2), the press version of Counter Strike: Global Offensive and... wait for it... Railworks 3!!
Ahh I see, may not be new, I'm just looking at the last few latest additions.DTKT said: