SalsaShark said:Oh man i always wanted to know how shitty The Club is first-hand l.
its mindless fun....at least thats what i remember.
SalsaShark said:Oh man i always wanted to know how shitty The Club is first-hand l.
FloppyDelux said:its mindless fun....at least thats what i remember.
It had a lot of issues on PC IIRC.BioHazard said:Yeah I remember having tons of fun with it o the 360. I think it's a great arcade-y third person shooter. I don't understand all the hate it gets.
XeroSauce said:Welcome to the TF2 Market.
Jocchan said:Not sure it's the right thread to ask, but does the version of Crazy Taxi on Steam (from the Dreamcast Collection) have the Offspring songs?
Spwn said:
would agree with one of the above posters. While there are *many* things that make this game annoying, including:
* the resolution
* the stuttering
* the low-res textures
* the lousy graphics for a 2005 game
* the mechanical NPC gestures when they talk in non-cinematic scenes
* not being able to escape out of cut-scenes or the ending credits
but I still had fun playing it. However, I would never play it again.
The open endedness is cool, but the annoying elements (especially the stuttering and lousy/low-res graphics) would probably ensure that I'll never really take advantage of that open endedness. I don't see myself ever playing it again.
I think it was Xbox1 port, not 360.The Broken Ska Record said:Gun was on my wishlist for the Summer Sale, but is the PC version any good? I liked it when I played it on GameCube way back when. I just don't know if it's really worth the $5 now.
I think it might be easier to support a smaller customer base one on one than Steam's 35 million users.ClovingSteam said:man that cdgamekey site is great when it comes to customer service. Top notch. They are sending me a scan of the serial from deus ex that i bought yesterday. Its really sad to see such a tiny site offer amazing customer service that is fast and easy while Valve still is on the ticket system.
SapientWolf said:I think it might be easier to support a smaller customer base one on one than Steam's 35 million users.
Stallion Free said:Gun is a rough port, but other aspects of it make it a hidden gem in my book. The story and characters are quite enjoyable and the gameplay is pretty fun.
Blizzard said:Eh, it sounds like GUN is rough on PC, but there are so few wild west games I figure that's worth $5.
Neversoft didn't work on Tony Hawk RIDE, they've been off the series since Proving Ground.Baha said:Before Guitar Hero and before Tony Hawk RIDE, Neversoft worked on what many consider a better game.....GUN: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDKa59mLgLM
GUN is a very fun and short (for an open world game) experience. You can beat GUN in 10-12 hrs, maybe a lot less but For $5 it's a definite buy if you can afford it.
Same, considering it. Rented it on 360 and it was as fun as Virtua Tennis always is. There seemed less depth and longevity to it than Top Spin 4, but obviously that isn't on Steam. It's only £10 here too, so I might pick it up before the sale ends.SalsaShark said:What im seriously still debating is VT4 considering i dont have any Tennis game on Steam..
Aguirre said:I ask again... is steam down for anyone here? cant access forum, community or store....
Aguirre said:I ask again... is steam down for anyone here? cant access forum, community or store....
It seems fine for me. Have you tried the usual, delete clientregistry.blob etc?Aguirre said:I ask again... is steam down for anyone here? cant access forum, community or store....
when i click play it does nothing. anyone else have this probleM?Glass Rebel said:Xotic has a demo.
Downloading it right now.
Edit: Uhh. Weird game with weird artstyle and weird high score mechanic. Definitely not my cup of tea.
Aguirre said:I ask again... is steam down for anyone here? cant access forum, community or store....
I really like The Club! I can totally understand people not liking it, like any game, but it seems much of the negativity comes from the game being judged for what it isn't instead of what it is. It's much more of a racing game than a shooter (it's a Bizarre Creations game, after all!). There's no plot, no complex goals beyond improving scores and times, and the different characters are really just like choosing different cars.SalsaShark said:Oh man i always wanted to know how shitty The Club is first-hand. Wish it was as cheap as Alpha Protocol.