balladofwindfishes said:What's up?
summer sales
balladofwindfishes said:What's up?
3chopl0x said:wtf steam
Try changing your download region to somewhere outside the US.3chopl0x said:wtf steam
I can download from everywhere else at 800kb/s but Steam has been doing this shit for the last week or two.
I'm guessing there are different launch/DRM servers for different games. I assume changing your download region has no effect on your particular error.balladofwindfishes said:Steam keeps saying the servers are too busy for me to play New Vegas, yet I can boot TF2 and L4D2 just fine.
What's up?
LocoMrPollock said:Yeah, I must have quit before getting that far, might fire it back up sometime just to see it.
Blizzard said:Try changing your download region to somewhere outside the US.
There is no hyperbole, that is it. After you beat the game you unlock a challenge room that let's you play with it a little more but it's awkward and not all that fun, just kind of neat conceptually.coopolon said:Somewhere someone asked where the water control comes into play and another guys response was a few minutes before the end. There's apparently some kind of puzzle, then the last boss. Might be hyperbole, but still sounds pretty bad. The water control is also not mentioned in hardly any reviews I've read, so I'm not even 100% sure it's even in the game.
Bentendo said:My brother gave me his PC and kept all of his Steam games on it. However, I have my own Steam account and I am no longer logged onto his. Is there anyway to play the games and not have to constantly switch accounts?
LocoMrPollock said:Logging in and out is probably easier than any other solution you can come with.
So call him up and ask for his password?Bentendo said:Well there's a problem.... I don't even know his password.
God, so many games I've been wanting to play for awhile. Aquaria, Back to the Future, CivCity, Half-Life, Railroad Tycoon 2, Puzzle Agent, Super Meat Boy, Sid Meier's Pirates... ARG. And they're right there, downloaded on my computer already. So close yet so far.
balladofwindfishes said:Steam keeps saying the servers are too busy for me to play New Vegas, yet I can boot TF2 and L4D2 just fine.
What's up?
Meus Renaissance said:The only thing I'd like is the ability to voice chat with individuals on my Friend list as a group rather than using another piece of software.
Yea, I tried all those alsoplatypotamus said:Having same issue with New Vegas. I'm validating my local files at the moment, having already tried deleting clientregistry.blob (and switching download servers and offline mode).
coopolon said:Stuff from RPS
-But the larger problem here is that the game is running like a dog on a PC that breezes through Crysis 2 at the highest settings.
-bad checkpoints, no saves
SalsaShark said:summer sales
Your calculator cannot run Crysis 2, ergo you are a liar, ergo your views on this game cannot be trusted!Stitch said:My calculator can breeze trough Crysis 2... and the game is saving after every little thing you do...
Fuck Reviews. They all suck.
I also wouldn't trust someone who's trying to impress me with a computer that can breeze through Crysis 2 (DX9 Version). OMG I CAN BREEZE THROUGH A CONSOLE PORT FUCK YEAHRodney McKay said:Your calculator cannot run Crysis 2, ergo you are a liar, ergo your views on this game cannot be trusted!
I'm pretty sure there's a group voice chatMeus Renaissance said:The only thing I'd like is the ability to voice chat with individuals on my Friend list as a group rather than using another piece of software.
coopolon said:You can do group voice chats on Steam. Just have everyone be in the same chat, then do the start voice chat button. It does a ringing sound, I remember. My friends and I don't use it since when we used to try it was always very finnicky, but I know they've updated it since then so it might be better now.
I don't think he was trying to impress anyone. He was merely giving a comparison that a pretty good looking game (Crysis 2) is able to run well whereas a graphically mediocre game (Hydrophobia) runs poorly. If you have a badass computer that can run every game at 120 FPS without breaking a sweat then hooray for you, the part where the reviewer talks about performance does not apply to you and you can disregard it.Stitch said:I also wouldn't trust someone who's trying to impress me with a computer that can breeze through Crysis 2 (DX9 Version). OMG I CAN BREEZE THROUGH A CONSOLE PORT FUCK YEAH
Stitch said:My calculator can breeze trough Crysis 2... and the game is saving after every little thing you do...
Fuck Reviews. They all suck.
Rodney McKay said:I don't think he was trying to impress anyone. He was merely giving a comparison that a pretty good looking game (Crysis 2) is able to run well whereas a graphically mediocre game (Hydrophobia) runs poorly. If you have a badass computer that can run every game at 120 FPS without breaking a sweat then hooray for you, the part where the reviewer talks about performance does not apply to you and you can disregard it.
For everyone that DOESN'T have a computer like yours, we can look at this review and if we've played Crysis 2 we are able to compare how our computer is able to run the game and estimate how Hydrophobia will run for us.
Stitch said:I also wouldn't trust someone who's trying to impress me with a computer that can breeze through Crysis 2 (DX9 Version). OMG I CAN BREEZE THROUGH A CONSOLE PORT FUCK YEAH
All I see is a horrible water texture.Stitch said:well, crysis 2 didn't have to render water and boobs
i mean look at dat water
maybe I'm just easily impressed...
PaulLFC said:Valve![]()
Schmattakopf said:I bought Champions Online before it went F2P, but now it just shows up in my library as 'Champions Online: Free For All' and I can't find the key.