No, I think you just flat out get more happiness for citizens where India's trait in vanilla meant fewer larger cities would provide more happiness. Also, NiGHTS has it so military units cost happiness or something too.jaundicejuice said:Has anyone tried the total Civ V conversion mod Civ V Nights?
It changes how the A.I. functions a bit, creates more policies and policy branches to explore, changes how later buildings influence the game, making them more powerful than their pre-Rennaissance counterparts and, the biggest change of all, it alters how happiness functions in the game. In Civ V vanilla, more citizens in a city means more unhappiness, in Nights the more citizens you have, the more happiness there is. So basically every Civ functions the way India does?
jim-jam bongs said:So... anyone figured out what changes Double Fine made to Meat Circus in this patch? Because as someone who never played the original it's kind of annoying as is.
FloppyDelux said:i know how you feel![]()
it's $4.99 here which isn't so much of a deal lol. Got to try the demo first.Toma said:Why is there no one talking about the daily deal Avadon, you crazy people. Its a steal for 3,50$.
Toma said:Why is there no one talking about the daily deal Avadon, you crazy people. Its a steal for 3,50$.
DMPrince said:it's $4.99 here which isn't so much of a deal lol. Got to try the demo first.
DMPrince said:it's $4.99 here which isn't so much of a deal lol. Got to try the demo first.
wilflare said:where did you get 3.50$ (USD?)
Disregarding the fact it could probably go even lower it IS a pretty good value. Especially if you treat it as 75% off compared to their site (and was even higher before it was dropped from $25 to $20 there.)DMPrince said:it's $4.99 here which isn't so much of a deal lol. Got to try the demo first.
TrumanBurbank said:So what's the word on The Binding of Isaac? Worth buying?
ThoseDeafMutes said:Arkham City = Steamworks????
Thanks for the explanation, I might be buying.The_Technomancer said:He has two main franchises, Avernum and Geneforge. IMO one of the best things about both series' is that he uses descriptive walls of text to describe new areas you enter and the mannerisms of the NPCs you talk to, which helps compensate for the crude graphics and are actually very well written and good at setting mood.
Avernum was heavily inspired by 80s and early 90s computer RPGs, and plays almost like Dungeons and Dragons in that respect. Party of four, large world with lots of quests and secrets and magic items and stuff. This is what your character screen looks like, basically:
So its worth noting that he's remaking the first one into Avernum: Escape from the Pit, which will be releasing early next year. That'll be on Steam as well, so if that sounds interesting I'd wait for that. The original game looks like this:
The remake will look like this:
Geneforge on the other hand is inspired more by games like the original Fallout titles, or Baldur's Gate. The first game in the series, just called Geneforge, is pretty much my top RPG of all time. It hits what I think is an incredible balance of exploration, mystery, faction-based politics and more. Read my review here:
The other games in the series are definitely solid, although not as amazing. But the first game is something I think every RPG fan should at least play once.
Bufbaf said:If you're a fan of 80's Transformers and despise the movies, it's one of the greatest things since sliced bread. It's a bit short, but it's freaking amazing, tons and tons of references to the 80's show. <- The best credit roll on this planet, no actual spoilers but I'm advising not to watch it if you're planning to beat the game. I wasn't aware of it and i cried tears of joy when I was surprised by this. Not kidding.
Yeah. The developer just lowered the price to that. it's the same thing on GoG.equap said:witcher 2 is $30 right now on steam. is that the cheapest?
That makes me want to get Blur on PC. I played a little bit on 360 a while back, but haven't touched it since.Truespeed said:That was pretty good. I always like seeing well done credit rolls. But, the Blur Credit Roll is still my favorite.
Are those both legit?Weenerz said:Or buy from Intkey/G2Play or any other cdkey website.
Htown said:Are those both legit?
felipepl said:Can I pre-load Rage bought from IntKeys? Or only by Steam?
Keep in mind the game on Steam, Avadon, is his new franchise launch, and is more linear then his previous games.Fewr said:Thanks for the explanation, I might be buying.
Cmagus said:Oh boy g2play they sent my key for Alice Madness Returns and its already been used when I tried to register it on Origin.
Cmagus said:Oh boy g2play they sent my key for Alice Madness Returns and its already been used when I tried to register it on Origin.
GuiltybyAssociation said:I played through Fear 3 with a friend, albeit on console.
Unless the PC version is magically radically different, save your money.
Probably an honest mistake, just get in touch with them. They've been around forever; they're not going to screw you over.Cmagus said:Oh boy g2play they sent my key for Alice Madness Returns and its already been used when I tried to register it on Origin.
slidewinder said:Probably an honest mistake, just get in touch with them. They've been around forever; they're not going to screw you over.
Derrick01 said:Those who can register it got it from the nvidia deal. Only in a better world than ours is it steamworks.
Chesskid1 said:$35 at intkeys. someone said they bought it off them in the RAGE OT, so maybe PM them and ask them if it's preloaded, they received their key yet, etc.
i might buy it off them too so let us know. flip flopping atm.
edit: this is a site that sells keys from europe/russia, just to clarify, several gaffers have said the site is legit and safe to use (for now, more and more developers region locking keys).
Cmagus said:Yeah I contacted them it should be fine.
confused said:Restart Origin, ahppenned to me before and restarting Origin made it show up.