eznark said:Give EA a break. They are making it into a console game, may as well charge console prices.
Oh, they did.Wallach said:I guess they won't be doing anything Steam-specific this time around.
vocab said:$60? I this a sick joke?
dejan said:Oh, they did.
Chris Priestly of Bioware said:Tony, and others, the deal with Steam was not available in time for the Signature Edition offer. I know this will not prevent you from thinking this was a big conspiracy, but the deal was not finalized in time for the Signature Edition. However, we are pleased to now have a deal in place with Steam for Steam users such as yourself. You did have the option of pre-ordering through a physical retailer or otehr digital retailers. If you chose not to, that was your decision. As such, comments accusing us of "ripping off" people are not welcome here and will be considered spam with all implied penalties associated with posting spam on these forums.
As for The Black Emporium, Fadeshear and the Lion of Orlais, the Black Emporium is available for all new copies of DAII, so that does include Steam. Fadeshear and Lion of Orlais are also available on Steam as long as you pre-order. They are only available as pre-order items and will not be available once the game launches, but they are available on Steam until teh game ships. /images/forum/emoticons/smile.png
Wallach said:The content shown on the DA2 page is not Steam exclusive, just pre-order exclusive. I guess they won't be doing anything Steam-specific this time around.
Mrbob said:It is like Bioware is trolling Steam customers. From Bioware social:
I have a couple issues with these comments. The first one is the regular edition pops up for pre order the day after the signature edition isn't available anymore. Secondly the deal wasn't finalized in time for the Signature Edition? Really? What kind of garbage response is this? The game isn't due out for almost another three months, there had to be a cut off of Jan 11 with no grace period involved even though it took so long to get the game on Steam? I'll be waiting for a low, low price now.
Wasn't the signature edition announced a few months ago? It really took them that long? You couldn't extend the deadline a single day just to not screw the Steam customers? Yup I totally believe that spin.Mrbob said:I have a couple issues with these comments. The first one is the regular edition pops up for pre order the day after the signature edition isn't available anymore. Secondly the deal wasn't finalized in time for the Signature Edition? Really? What kind of garbage response is this? The game isn't due out for almost another three months, there had to be a cut off of Jan 11 with no grace period involved even though it took so long to get the game on Steam? I'll be waiting for a low, low price now.
They'll probably raise the Impulse price soon. I noticed that the prices of the retail versions of their upcoming PC games (Dead Space 2, Bulletstorm, Dragon Age 2, and Crysis 2) recently increased to $60.epmode said:Isn't it $50 on Impulse?
EA is such a pile of dicks. Bioware isn't much better.
Gribbix said:They'll probably raise the Impulse price soon. I noticed that the prices of the retail versions of their upcoming PC games (Dead Space 2, Dragon Age 2, and Crysis 2) recently increased to $60.
Pretty much. I couldn't even get worked up over that Interview with Riccitiello because he said what we all knew already.Joe Molotov said:He should have just said "Sorry, EA hates Steam, so that's why they're screwing you guys. We didn't want to do this, but we didn't have a choice because EA owns our souls." At least we could have respected an answer like that.
zombieshavebrains said:Time to wait about 2 years for the DA2: Ultimate edition with all the dlc and not 60 price tag.
It will be half price (or more) at winter sale. Vote with your wallet.zombieshavebrains said:Time to wait about 2 years for the DA2: Ultimate edition with all the dlc and not 60 price tag.
Lostconfused said:Wasn't the signature edition announced a few months ago? It really took them that long? You couldn't extend the deadline a single day just to not screw the Steam customers? Yup I totally believe that spin.
vocab said:That's if the game is any good. If it's as shitty as we predict, then my money is better suited for janky euro rpgs.
You only had to wait one year for DA:O ultimate to hit $25, doubt its going to be any longer this time either.zombieshavebrains said:Time to wait about 2 years for the DA2: Ultimate edition with all the dlc and not 60 price tag.
Oh no I know EA has been pretty obvious in how they do business. I was just pointing out obvious arguments that can be brought against that poor of an excuse for a mod to crush any dissenting posts.Stumpokapow said:Never mind the whole "EA doesn't hate Steam" doublespeak, as if the Signature Edition was the only reason why people had to perceive that to be the case rather than literally every PC-related action since NFS:HP/Create were released.
Two Worlds 2 is out, it's just not on Steam (yet).Joe Molotov said:Yeah, I'm way more pumped for The Witcher 2 and Two Worlds 2 than DA2 right now.
Joe Molotov said:Pay $10 extra dollars, a Steam-exclusive! Fuck you, EA. :lol
Before that even. Spore was EA's Big New Thing and it didn't show up on Steam until well after it fizzled. And The Sims 3 still isn't available.Stumpokapow said:Never mind the whole "EA doesn't hate Steam" doublespeak, as if the Signature Edition was the only reason why people had to perceive that to be the case rather than literally every PC-related action since NFS:HP/Create were released.
I'm almost there myself. I hate that they actually have some stuff I'm interested in, unlike the mostly useless Activision.Lyphen said:I've reverted back to my 2003 "Fuck EA Games" world view. Seriously, screw these guys - strongly considering skipping whatever they put out.
Corky said:hmm I wonder if I should bite on D2Ds dead space 2 deal, it's only 45$ right now. I guess that'll be lower than on steam![]()
Mutagenic said:I'm LTTP on BioShock for PC, but recently bought a copy during the Steam sale. It wouldn't boot up, and I found that Realtek drivers could be the problem. So I updated the drivers but still nothing. I put -nosound in the launch options and it starts right up. Does anyone know an easy fix to get sound? Thanks.
szaromir said:How is Assult on Dark Athena compared to the first campaign? I played the first one on Xbox back in 2004, is the new campaign interesting?
szaromir said:How is Assult on Dark Athena compared to the first campaign? I played the first one on Xbox back in 2004, is the new campaign interesting?
i liked it even more than butcher bay. it felt more focused, more stealthyszaromir said:How is Assult on Dark Athena compared to the first campaign? I played the first one on Xbox back in 2004, is the new campaign interesting?
szaromir said:How is Assult on Dark Athena compared to the first campaign? I played the first one on Xbox back in 2004, is the new campaign interesting?
Corky said:hmm I wonder if I should bite on D2Ds dead space 2 deal, it's only 45$ right now. I guess that'll be lower than on steam![]()
amrod said:shows as 59.99 here
Vik_Vaughn said:Never plaed Butcher Bay or Dark Athena. I think the time has come.
Agreed, he really owns that part. Suits him so well. I loved the original Butcher Bay and would love to jump at the HD remake along with Athena, but third party DRM kills it for me.Stallion Free said:Vin Diesel is fucking awesome in the Chronicles of Riddick games.