Blizzard said:Psh, not dudebro enough. Here's mine.
plc268 said:I'm only missing Y... I don't think there's any good games that start with y
Be honest with support. Tell them you purchased it via Steam and provide a screen cap. There is a post from EA rep saying they will try to assist. It will come down to whims of supportGvaz said:How do you get your keys from Mirror's edge?
I don't want to redownload and install all that shit just for the cdkey.
I think that was the most obnoxious character I could create, unfortunately. But that was months ago so who knows what changes they've added! ^.~Ledsen said:So is that the most nude you can make your character? If the answer is "no" I may play this game.
LovingSteam said:Be honest with support. Tell them you purchased it via Steam and provide a screen cap. There is a post from EA rep saying they will try to assist. It will come down to whims of support
Nothing. I suspect if you do it more than once for a couple of games they will refuse. I only did 2 for games that didnt have the key for (DS and ME).MRORANGE said:what's to stop me from photoshopping pics all of ea titles into my steam library ?
(granted new games will give you cd keys) still seems slightly flawed on EA's part.
DarkSoul520 said:YES. I've been waiting for Monday Night Combat to go on sale. Bought the 4-Pack without hesitation.
graywolf323 said:got space?
jaundicejuice said:In regards to the cd keys for EA games purchased through Steam, isn't there a run command to view a specific registry that show the keys for all installed applications?
iNvidious01 said:i got the deluxe edition of bf2 to register on origin, only had the normal one on steam
ChaoticEko said:So, Im looking at my collection of games, I realize, In alphabetical order, my list is missing only a game that starts with I, another with Q, and lastly, one with Z. Any suggestions on games that start with those letters so I can have a FULLY alphabetized list?
ChaoticEko said:So, Im looking at my collection of games, I realize, In alphabetical order, my list is missing only a game that starts with I, another with Q, and lastly, one with Z. Any suggestions on games that start with those letters so I can have a FULLY alphabetized list?
Foliorum Viridum said:Yes it is. Amazingly, it plays worse than it looks:
I'm going to give Spiral Knights a try now.
Yup, I hope this sale gets more people into it. Such a great underrated game, and there's a surprising amount of depth to it.Gez said:Everyone should buy Monday Night Combat, it's probably one of the better Indie Multiplayer only titles around and actually had people playing in the top 100 before the sale even happened.
rohlfinator said:I started playing Spiral Knights -- not bad for a free-to-play game. I imagine the gameplay limitations on the free version will start to grate on me after a while, but for the moment it's a pretty fun ride.
DualShadow said:But what do you mean by "free version" I didn't see any options to make a subscription or buy the game.
I did see an online shop or whatever it was called though.
Which is likely what he's talking about, free2play doesn't mean the developers/publishers don't make money. Hello there, microtransactions.DualShadow said:But what do you mean by "free version" I didn't see any options to make a subscription or buy the game.
I did see an online shop or whatever it was called though.
Rufus said:Which is likely what he's talking about, free2play doesn't mean the developers/publishers don't make money. Hello there, microtransactions.
Pandoracell said:Anybody up for starting a 4-pack now? Can paypal immediately.
MotorbreathX said:Same here. Will paypal immediately.
Kulock said:Ugh, nice to know a game on Steam (Alliance of Valiant Arms) installed a rootkit without asking me for permission.
drizzle said:Unless you can paypal gift the money, with the paypal tax the price will be pretty much the same
Weenerz said:Now I know which F2P game to skip.
Gift option bypasses any Paypal fees but you are unable to submit a claim in case you got cheated, never received product, etc. Usually on gaf you paypal gift everything unless it's an expensive item.Pandoracell said:Would there be a reason we couldn't? I haven't sent money over paypal in over five years, and I assumed people used the gift option when doing four packs here.
gotee12 said:Gift option bypasses any Paypal fees but you are unable to submit a claim (got cheated, never received product, etc.).
Kulock said:No joke. Any reliable way to scrub this shit out, short of a full format? It's probably fine, there's a couple of big-name games on that list using it, but I don't totally trust it, and I don't like that it was put there without a single Yes/No prompt. And then shortly after that I had my first BSOD in quite a long while.
Yeah, I meant what's available to you without buying any microtransactions.DualShadow said:But what do you mean by "free version" I didn't see any options to make a subscription or buy the game.
I did see an online shop or whatever it was called though.
LocoMrPollock said:
Kulock said:Hm... I admit I'm hesitant to run an executable off of Mediafire.
LocoMrPollock said:Yeah, especially a 88kb one huh? Heh. No worries, it works, but you could search for a verified source if you want.