Cheaper from the usual $60, yes - it's $50.Rainier said:Wow, awesome to see both Just Cause games in the top 5 of Steam's 'Top Sellers' list.
Edit: Just noticed Test drive Unlimited 2 is only $39, is it a cheaper game on consoles as well?
Then I hope it does well, and publishers take note.Firehead said:Cheaper from the usual $60, yes - it's $50.
Stallion Free said:Hmm. I still can't really decide.
i keep getting annoyed at jc2 actually. where's the ammo? where are the explosives? i can't find anything.Gully State said:Picked up Just Cause 2 last night and I'm glad I did considering I didn't enjoy the demo at all. Outside of the usual praise for this game's graphics/performance on PC, I just want to say that this game is surprisingly good for anger management. Throw the game on easy/blow shit up and watch your anger just melt away. (In case you're curious, I played 3 hours worth of DOW2: Retribution beta last night and was just getting my ass handed to me moreso than usual. )
garath said:I've been intrigued by Front Mission: evolved for a long time but I am thoroughly embroiled in Mass Effect 2.
Is it worth adding to the backlog at $12? It's not really a no brainer price yet.
You're doing something inherently wrong if you aren't full up on ammo 90% of the game. Look around for the crates all over the military bases in the game. You'll get plenty. I've never had an issue with ammo, because I just go raid a military base looking for those crates.John said:i keep getting annoyed at jc2 actually. where's the ammo? where are the explosives? i can't find anything.
i just wanna blow stuff up : (
Bebpo said:Not that I expect anyone here to know because no one plays the game, but are the FM DLCs for use in the single player campaign (the additional weapons/wanzers)?
I plan on playing the SP sometime this year and the DLC is pretty cheap so I wonder if I should grab the mechs/guns.
Will never play the MP, so if it's MP only there's no point.
lolnoamrod said:
EA steam-tax strikes again!amrod said:Bulletstorm is now available for pre-purchase on Steam.
Was considering double dipping and getting the first one on Steam, that just sealed the deal. Thanks!LocoMrPollock said:Anyway, if anyone bought the original Just Cause yesterday, I found a widescreen hack here.
Just extract to the install folder and set the res that you want. The hud is stretched, but everything else is fine.
amrod said:Bulletstorm is now available for pre-purchase on Steam.
i've got three hours of playtime. i've never found ammo aside from either buying it or enemy drops, and they drop maybe enough ammo to kill three more.Psy-Phi said:You're doing something inherently wrong if you aren't full up on ammo 90% of the game. Look around for the crates all over the military bases in the game. You'll get plenty. I've never had an issue with ammo, because I just go raid a military base looking for those crates.
You could also just go steal a helicopter with a missle launcher and machine gun, and never worry about ammo. I think I remember enemies dropping ammo as you kill them too. But maybe I'm wrong. Usually before you do a mission there's a crate or two nearby.
How far into the game are you?
amrod said:Bulletstorm is now available for pre-purchase on Steam.
BobJustBob said:Also GFWL. I think they're sabotaging the PC version (this plus the lack of a PC demo) to make people buy the 360 version. Worked on me.
I threw up a little bit in my mouth.BobJustBob said:Also GFWL.
BobJustBob said:Also GFWL. I think they're sabotaging the PC version (this plus the lack of a PC demo) to make people buy the 360 version. Worked on me.
Also no SDK. Because why would you want to do something simple like mod an existing game or build a level when you can use the UDK to make an entire game from scratch. At least that's how they explain it.BobJustBob said:Also GFWL. I think they're sabotaging the PC version (this plus the lack of a PC demo) to make people buy the 360 version. Worked on me.
Ya, I don't get it either, seems obvious.ashbash159 said:EA confuse me.
Why not just make their games $50 / £30 (their games are £30 in the UK anyway) and use Steamworks because I've heard it is easy to implement.
I mean if they are going to release games on the PC why not try to get as many sales as possible as opposed to as little sales as possible?
I makes no sense to me.
Install the everything is free mod, I don't even play missions I just go around having fun.John said:i keep getting annoyed at jc2 actually. where's the ammo? where are the explosives? i can't find anything.
i just wanna blow stuff up : (
CaptainAhab said:Why would they bother making a pc version if they didn't want you to buy it?
ashbash159 said:Why not just make their games $50 / £30 (their games are £30 in the UK anyway)
BobJustBob said:They want the anti-console fanatics to buy it, but they want everyone else to buy the console versions. I don't know why. Conspiracies don't have to make sense!
ClosingADoor said:Don't they make less money on consoles? If a game is $60 on Steam, Valve takes like 18$? On consoles that cut is also there for the retailer and they have to pay Microsoft/Sony for the privilege of using their platform. Would only seem logical to try and maximaze your PC sales, or I must miss something here.
Rollo Larson said:holding out for the last remnant
come on TLR, i passed on JC2 for you. dont let me down
Because EA has an online store itself and would rather you buy their game from their store (that way, they have 100% profit on the transaction).ashbash159 said:EA confuse me.
Why not just make their games $50 / £30 (their games are £30 in the UK anyway) and use Steamworks because I've heard it is easy to implement.
accidentally stumbling upon a few half-decent franchises doesn't mean EA are anything other than an awful, awful company, with ambitions and methods as nefarious as anything lord kotick has on his todo list.ashbash159 said:EA confuse me.
Why not just make their games $50 / £30 (their games are £30 in the UK anyway) and use Steamworks because I've heard it is easy to implement.
I mean if they are going to release games on the PC why not try to get as many sales as possible as opposed to as little sales as possible?
I makes no sense to me.
And I love them for that.Stallion Free said:THQ switched over to Steamworks because they are smart.
No worthy compeditors yet- and besides they will have to have the ablity of "transfering" your Steam games to them for me to love them.Baki said:I love how you guys are all for a Steam monopoly. Eh...
Baki said:I love how you guys are all for a Steam monopoly. Eh...
This is the official Steam thread, what were you expecting?Baki said:I love how you guys are all for a Steam monopoly. Eh...
Visualante said:Install the everything is free mod
Exactly. Everyone cries about Steam's dominance in the PC space but Valve got there by offering the best product on the market. By far.trinest said:No worthy compeditors yet
Baki said:I love how you guys are all for a Steam monopoly. Eh...