Do itIf you buy any one of those games listed above, you'll receive a 35% off voucher. You could use that voucher on one of the games above*, and get another voucher. Rinse and repeat til you've cleaned up! How's that for a slice of fried gold?
Yeah, I thought so too. The genesis pack, virtua tennis 4 was also non steam earlier but Amazon changed it. By popular demand it seems.
Hmm, pretty good but Bio Infinite at 60 dollars is nuh-huh, specially since 2K is being nice to LA lately and they have it for $45. I'd be saving a few bucks with the 35% off but eh... too much hassle.
*Regional restrictions applied on certain titles as usual (BioShock Infinite not currently available in the UK, standard limitations apply on EA titles, if you can't search it on the store you won't be able to buy it). Limited stocks of promotional titles. Vouchers not valid on BioShock Infinite at this time.
So JaseC, spill it, Confrontation any good??
Like he plays his games. C'mon.
By the way
So beware.
It's still a pretty good deal.
Oh, Steam Beta Client, let's join that...
We have just pushed out a new beta update.
Here are the changes:
Changed Big Picture navigation to keep real global backstack – KB ESC and the gamepad B button now act on this to go back rather than having situation defined constant cancel actions.
Added KB alt-left/alt-right and backspace as back/forward shortcuts in Big Picture
Added mouse4/mouse5 as back/forward shortcuts in Big Picture
Fixed bug where chat message notifications would show while chat with the friend was focused in Big Picture
ah wait, at second glance, you're only getting ~18% off 2 purchases.
There's a new 30% off code on GMG, works with Jet Set Radio bringing it down to $2.38
Oh damn, this will probably work with the other pre-order offer, so 30% off the first game then 35% off the second![]()
There's a new 30% off code on GMG, works with Jet Set Radio bringing it down to $2.38
Oh damn, this will probably work with the other pre-order offer, so 30% off the first game then 35% off the second![]()
Fuck, if I use this on Company of Heroes 2 and Bioshock Infinite I end up paying 67.50 and get 9 in GMG credit.
1. Buy Company of Heroes 2 with code GMG30-DEC01-ARFC9
2. Buy Bioshock Infinite with 35% off voucher
3. Pay 67.50 for both and get 9
4. Never play either.
Can't use vouchers on bioshock.
There's a new 30% off code on GMG, works with Jet Set Radio bringing it down to $2.38
Oh damn, this will probably work with the other pre-order offer, so 30% off the first game then 35% off the second![]()
Wow, I just got Splinter Cell: Double Agent for free off them and didn't even see that front page, lol. Talk about a total rip-off.
There's a new 30% off code on GMG, works with Jet Set Radio bringing it down to $2.38
Oh damn, this will probably work with the other pre-order offer, so 30% off the first game then 35% off the second![]()
There's a new 30% off code on GMG, works with Jet Set Radio bringing it down to $2.38
Oh damn, this will probably work with the other pre-order offer, so 30% off the first game then 35% off the second![]()
Is Steam really updating that beta client every day? Every time I load now, I have to update the thing (which, being Steam, is never fast).
It's been a nuisance the last week. This is why I opted out of the beta last time. Only when I did that, I needed to have 100 game verify their integrity (which came with the unsurprising Steam shitting the bed with so many tasks). So I don't really wanna go that route again either.
Rock, Paper, Shotgun just did a "Wot I Think" for Hell Yeah:,+Shotgun)&utm_content=Google+Feedfetcher
Wishlist -1
They don't like metroidvanias? This is why no one makes them anymore![]()
Does anyone in here have positive impressions of the full game?
stallion is kidding around bra
I liked it but I still havent finished it because its actually too long for its own good
I think its a good game and its not the first time ive disagreed with RPS (though its rare tbh). Its akin to old SEGA games and has a great art style and genuinely funny humor. Certainly not for everyone tho
Wanted to move Walking Dead from my laptop to dekstop, but don't have my proper broadband set up yet do redownload the whole thing. How do I do that. I can connect and verify files and stuff if thats needed, but what are the steps to get to that?
Just move the installation folder from the Steam\steamapps\common directory on your desktop to the same directory on your laptop. When you go to install the game through Steam, it'll detect the existing files.
Since I finished Tomb Raider Legend yesterday I got curious and downloaded Underworld which was the only one I never started before, just to see whether its even worth playing. The mansion was a bit shit (better than a tutorial though) but the level after that D: I 'm gonna have to finish Anniversary earlier than I initially planned but it's been years since I started it.
Hell Yeah isn't a metroidvania game. It's also not good. It looks good, but the controls are really sloppy, and it's just not fun.They don't like metroidvanias? This is why no one makes them anymore![]()
No oneThey don't like metroidvanias? This is why no one makes them anymore![]()
No onelikes metroidvaniaswho matters
Is there a voucher right now on GMG? Trying to get my friend to buy chivalry.
There's a new 30% off code on GMG, works with Jet Set Radio bringing it down to $2.38
Oh damn, this will probably work with the other pre-order offer, so 30% off the first game then 35% off the second![]()