Makes me think if the Jurassic Park is worth to pick up on a sale or something, but that is really bad.. right?
It's universally declared Telltale's worst game. Not worth it.
Morning fellow GAFfers, The Walking Dead IS awesome. I was LTTP but glad I played it.
Makes me think if the Jurassic Park is worth to pick up on a sale or something, but that is really bad.. right?
Morning fellow GAFfers, The Walking Dead IS awesome. I was LTTP but glad I played it.
Makes me think if the Jurassic Park is worth to pick up on a sale or something, but that is really bad.. right?
So what your saying is if I draw a hexagon in paint you will gift a copy to make it happen?
Did you follow their advice?Logged into the so called "NeoGAF Chat" and was told to die by Cade and FollowSmoke instantly. Good room.
Nah it's fantastic, people just love to hate whatever is popular/new.
Hated BorderLands 1.
Crappy loot mechanics, awful quest system, unsatisfying combat, vehicles, and a bunch of other stuff.
Max Payne 3 alone fills 35% of your allocated space for games. So if you have games that big , it isn't a bad idea to have a big enough HDD.Do you really need 1tb of games installed, or another 400 gb worth for that matter?
I have a 2 tb games drive and I am using 86 gb.
Now this is taking it to a ludicrous point. 2TB worth of games, I take it that you spend hours after hours just browsing your library, looking for something to play.Having most/all of your games installed is a nice convenience if you have an internet connection of less than, say, 10Mbps (i.e. ~1MBps). I ran out of space on my 2TB Steam drive long ago, with almost half of my library now uninstalled, and have trimmed all the fat I can: GoG games, Blizzard games, and Origin games. I'd planned on getting a second Steam drive, but I have just one free HDD tray remaining and it 'd be better suited for yet another general downloads drive.
Max Payne 3 alone fills 35% of your allocated space for games. So if you have games that big , it isn't a bad idea to have a big enough HDD.
3 of them: MP1, 2 & 3.How many Max Payne's do you need installed at once?
I currently have installed:
-3 multiplayer only games
-2 single player games I'm working on achievements for
-1 new singleplayer game
-1 co-op specific game
As soon as I finish the co-op game it will be replaced with my next one. If I plan to do all achievements for the new SP game (Mark of the Ninja), it will be kept until 100%d or replaced with my next SP game. I plan on getting Max Payne 3 during the Christmas sale as I will have a bit more time to roll hard on games and I will uninstall it after beating it once (bullshit achievement list that I have no desire to complete).
Complaints seem to be very brand/model specific. I have a 460 1 gb and at 1080p settings maxed I was getting 45-60 fps depending on how demanding the scenery was. Way better than I was expecting after reading all the complaints. I'm also a lot more forgiving of FPS drops in open world games after GTA4.I'm glad that Prototype 2 is better than 1. Did you encounter any technical issues? The SPUF was bursting with complaints about it.
It's an unlimited free trial, apparently.Why does that Windows 8 thing cost £1.49? I wonder if Valve will send them a cease and desist for using their product logo in a commercial software.
You reminded me I picked up that Amazon pack and never touched the games. I still don't know if I will (specially after your comments on the first one), but I certainly have them in my mind nowI don't try new purchases, I beat them immediately. I played Prototype 1/2 back to back last week because of that rule. Speaking of which:
Prototype Thoughts
A harsh reminder of the PS2 era of open-world games. NYC looks and feels incredibly bland and it offers zero incentive for exploration. Perhaps the greatest mistake by the game though, is making the super-powered main character feel even weaker as the story progresses due to the increasingly absurd enemy spam. Boring challenges are a poor excuse for side content to fill out the world, too.
Prototype 2 Thoughts
A pretty significant improvement over the original. The world has a lot more flavor to it and the art direction is kicked up a notch. The combat functions much more fluidly and the super-powered main character actually feels powerful. The main character's voice acting and dialogue is absurdly ridiculous in the best way possible, a refreshing change from Alex Mercer's whining.
Oh they actually make an effort with the side missions this time too.
Complaints seem to be very brand/model specific. I have a 460 1 gb and at 1080p settings maxed I was getting 45-60 fps depending on how demanding the scenery was. Way better than I was expecting after reading all the complaints. I'm also a lot more forgiving of FPS drops in open world games after GTA4.
Ah good, I got worried when I saw that. I don't know if I'll be in the mood to play it after I finish Prototype but I'll tackle it eventually. Fuck Alex Mercer though.
If it makes you feel better Prototype 1 only lasts like 12ish hours give or take.
guys stop playing Borderlands 2 and play Super Hexagon
how long-ish is the 2nd one? I played mostly through the 1st, but got bored near the end and never got through it. Good to hear the 2nd is a vast improvement
With or without side missions and stuff? I wouldn't mind rushing through it just to get it done.If it makes you feel better Prototype 1 only lasts like 12ish hours give or take.
About the same length. The city is divided into three distinct zones that unlock through the story which helps with the feeling of progress. Big bland downtown Manhatten was a serious detriment to P1.
It's an unlimited free trial, apparently.
With or without side missions and stuff? I wouldn't mind rushing through it just to get it done.
Keep an eye out for Amazon deals. They were the ones who ran the double pack deal for 7.50 and then later 10$. You may be able to snag P2 for 5$ alone around Christmas.good to know....will have to try and pick it up during a sale. Mercer made me want to punch babies
Now this is taking it to a ludicrous point. 2TB worth of games, I take it that you spend hours after hours just browsing your library, looking for something to play.
Wait, do you even like playing games? Or only buying them?
Prototype 2 took me 10 hours to 100%. Fun game, but pretty damn short for an open world game.
Meh... IDKFA and I'll blow everyone apart with a sweet BFG 9000 attached to my bionic arm.With the sidestuff (investigation missions). The side stuff is worthwhile because you get some pretty sweet upgrades from them.
The combat was definitely poor in BL1 which they improved in BL2.
BL2 is a multiplayer experience but I think you meant competitive multiplayer in regards to CoD but what I said earlier, that was a jab at its single player when it comes down to it, it's really stupid but its a fun experience none the less which was my point in the end.
It is when you Prestige, get it.
Motivation is leveling up and getting more skills and improving my character for BL2 for me with friends.
Did you play Torchlight 2/Diablo 3 coop?
Playing coop is such a important factor.
Oh cool. They are adding dialogs in Big Picture Mode to bypass Game Launcher windows. Seems to be a game by game basis.
I can confirm that MotioninJoy works in BPM.I haven't been following the Big Picture Mode developments for a while. Have they patched in support for x360ce (the 360 controller emulator)? If not, what about MotionInJoy?
Tried searching the thread but didn't find mention of it.
Edit: Done. thanks.
I can confirm that MotioninJoy works in BPM.