Well the Steam Sale is over, but how about one more for the road as a thanks to those who generously donated games.
Any news on the Batman's and Bio 2 Grief?
Now to not play all these games I've bought.
I should start on System Shock 2 some time soon, though.
2K better deliver that Bioshock 2 update feat. Minerva's Den now that the sale is over. Don't really care about GFWL staying or whatever, in comparison.
A little delayed on this one, but I need to add this to the OP.
Minerva's Den DLC has been added to the Registry. Two forms are going to be available for purchase, standalone and in a pack with Bioshock 2.
It's essentially Metal Slug with a loot system. Which is awesome.
Well the Steam Sale is over, but how about one more for the road as a thanks to those who generously donated games.
Cool thread. I'm gonna try posting in these more in hopes that I'll finally finish some games off my backlog.
Is it bugged or have these not been taken? I'm taking my chances and entered to win the mystery game, but no PM yet.
Jørdan;72141316 said:Pretty OP, it's good to be back. Finding yesterday's Steam thread was a pain in the ass.
Will my GFWL versions of the DLC convert over?
Why the hell did I buy Game of Thrones last night? Ugh.
+ sign up dates, HL3, collection sizes, Steam ID, shitty daily, when is the next sale, HL3, delete redistributable packages, Steam level, that week end deal is worse than last sale, anyone for a 4 pack, HL3.And talk about registry leaks.
Stump probably has to point modbot to the new thread for edits to be made.
Welcome home fellow GAFfers, I hope you had a great summer, now let's get ready to clean the Backlog a bit, that is, if we can.
That you do and do so well.I bring the pretty.
Also got Rogue Legacy from Amazon. Yay!
Thank you for your kindness fellow GAFfer!
I wonder what the mystery game is... Thanks for the giveaway!
The mystery game was Receiver! Thanks![]()
Is it bugged or have these not been taken? I'm taking my chances and entered to win the mystery game, but no PM yet.
So you're saying I have to actually PLAY games now?
ahhh what an awesome backlog to clean out. Super excited to get at it.
Hahaha good luck with that. I'd stay out of this thread if you actually want to finish some games.
Since he seems to have received the mystery game and knows it's Receiver, I guess it's not being striked out for whatever reason.
Here is the challenge:Picture something in your head that represents the general atmosphere on NeoGAF, and in the several OTs, during the sales.
Then draw that picture in Paint and send it to me.
The best painting will win the challenge.
Time until this challenge ends: 30 minutes.
Well the Steam Sale is over, but how about one more for the road as a thanks to those who generously donated games.
Am I supposed to play the games now? :/
Pick up Giana Sisters if you like platformers. One of the best platformers I've played, and my only complaint (difficulty/occasional frustration) has just been fixed by the devs patching in an "easy" mode.
Edit: Nice OT as well!
Thank you very much for the giveaways.Special Giveaway Challenge!
Special Giveaway Challenge!
As the name suggests, this will work in a special way.
I currently have 10 games to gift:
- Block That Matter
- Cart Life
- Dyad
- Gemini Rue
- Incredipede
- Lunar Pack
- Starseed Pilgrim
- Super Hexagon
- Thomas Was Alone
- Under the Ocean
I will explain the rules to one challenge, and the winner will get all the games! There's a catch though: they will only be allowed to pick one for themselves, and then they'll have to come up with a new challenge to elect the person who'll get the rest. That person will choose one game and present a new challenge, and it goes on until we have 10 winners. Then, a champion among the winners will be chosen, the best of the best, la crème de la crème, and they will receive one supreme ultimate gift! (a good one, not a badsurprise.) Winning one challenge disqualifies you from the others. The keys will only be given at the end.rat
If you win, I will PM you the instructions to make the game go on
In unrelated news, I have gone through my previous bundle purchases to look for any key that might not have been used... I found those, but the odds of them still being valid are very low. Feel free to try getting one of them but don't get your hopes up!
(reposting from old thread)
In unrelated news, I have gone through my previous bundle purchases to look for any key that might not have been used... I found those, but the odds of them still being valid are very low. Feel free to try getting one of them but don't get your hopes up!
(reposting from old thread)
Which game bought during the summer sale are you guys playing? I've been playing Endless Space and enjoying it.
Special Giveaway Challenge!
4 pages? The sale thread made me convert to 100 posts per page. Now I can never go back.4 pages already? Wow.
Special Giveaway Challenge!
As the name suggests, this will work in a special way.
I currently have 10 games to gift:
- Blocks That Matter
- Cart Life
- Dyad
- Gemini Rue
- Incredipede
- Lunar Pack
- Starseed Pilgrim
- Super Hexagon
- Thomas Was Alone
- Under the Ocean
I will explain the rules to one challenge, and the winner will get all the games! There's a catch though: they will only be allowed to pick one for themselves, and then they'll have to come up with a new challenge to elect the person who'll get the rest. That person will choose one game and present a new challenge, and it goes on until we have 10 winners. Then, a champion among the winners will be chosen, the best of the best, la crème de la crème, and they will receive one supreme ultimate gift! (a good one, not a badsurprise.) Winning one challenge disqualifies you from the others. The keys will only be given at the end.rat
If you win, I will PM you the instructions to make the game go on
In unrelated news, I have gone through my previous bundle purchases to look for any key that might not have been used... I found those, but the odds of them still being valid are very low. Feel free to try getting one of them but don't get your hopes up!
(reposting from old thread)
Really thinking about picking it up....$10 is putting me off for now though...