Mercenary Kings has a Gears of War-style "timed reload" mechanic.
Which game bought during the summer sale are you guys playing? I've been playing Endless Space and enjoying it.
4 pages already? Wow.
Looks like the steam version on amazon is back up to $15
4 pages? The sale thread made me convert to 100 posts per page. Now I can never go back.
Which game bought during the summer sale are you guys playing? I've been playing Endless Space and enjoying it.
While it wasn't critically well-received, I've seen plenty of people on GAF who actually said it's pretty decent.
It's weird seeing the normal Steam page now, it's like nothing ever happened... but where did all of my money go?
Am I out of line for asking for an invite to the NeoGAF Steam group in this thread? My Steam ID is the same as my NeoGAF username (Kumubou).
So, how is the Summer Sale card market doing?
I picked this up right away thanks to some tweets I read and your recommendation on steam (which btw I love reading them, you do a fantastic job)
So I take it the game is quite difficult? Haven't heard much about the game until now. Easy mode better to start with?
Been playing quite a lot of Torchlight II and The Pit. Both great.Which game bought during the summer sale are you guys playing? I've been playing Endless Space and enjoying it.
Which game bought during the summer sale are you guys playing? I've been playing Endless Space and enjoying it.
UK Gaffers can save a few pennies on Mercenary Kings if you buy direct from the developers site. $15 converts to little over £9, saving about £2.50.
Steam code.
Cannot wait to give this a try.
It's weird seeing the normal Steam page now, it's like nothing ever happened... but where did all of my money go?
Am I out of line for asking for an invite to the NeoGAF Steam group in this thread? My Steam ID is the same as my NeoGAF username (Kumubou).
Which game bought during the summer sale are you guys playing? I've been playing Endless Space and enjoying it.
Just got gifted Giana Sisters by a friend! Now the steam sale is complete.
Ouch that typo
Running around almost naked while beating up people and realizing I need to turn off the mild auto-aim on guns - the Game.
Also known as Sleeping dogs. Seriously, fuck clothes when you can go full EL MACHO LIBRE or something like that.
It sounded like you were describing SR3.
After the XBL/GFWL outage a few months ago and what it did to my progress in Flatout UC, I can only recommend Flatout 2 instead. I recall FO2 having the better soundtrack as well.
Ouch that typo
Typo is accurate, where all my rouges up in here at ?
Edit: Holy shit so glad I didn't pull the trigger on those flatouts during the sale because I was considering.
Capitalism, ho! etc. etc.. It's a good game but I can't see spending $20 for it.Man. I made a list of all the smaller indie games I wanted to grab last night and near the top of that list was Recettear and I just got home and looked at my library and realized I forgot to nab it before the sale ended :/
Now it's 19.99. Shit!
Hope it's a daily sooner rather than later.
Thanks!I sent you an invite.
Flatout 1&2 were great,is 3 any good?
Flatout 1&2 were great,is 3 any good?
Nikopol is a dissapointment.
Fortix 2 "giveaway" on indiegala