Joe Molotov
I have a feeling it won't be next week
Next week is the Stearn Sumer Seal, so they won't wanna conflict with that.
I have a feeling it won't be next week
I have a feeling it won't be next week
I expect Valve to begin it Thursday in the week following July 4th, same as last year.
I have a feeling it won't be next week
I know achievements can be silly
I know achievements can be silly, but the achievement showcase really is cool. Because for one thing, you realize there are so many achievements you could put there, and it can make you really think about what games you enjoy the most. And for another thing, it makes you realize how well done the art on some achievement icons is, or how clever the descriptions are.
Why do I want to get NBA2K13 when I have no interest in real basketball? What to do...
Why do I want to get NBA2K13 when I have no interest in real basketball? What to do...
I don't know if or how one can buy multiple copies on GMG, and I haven't decided if I want it or not...Buy me a copy as GMG hates me.
I don't know if or how one can buy multiple copies on GMG, and I haven't decided if I want it or not...
Why do I want to get NBA2K13 when I have no interest in real basketball? What to do...
Even if the port is a bit wonky, it's still one of the best sports games out there, and also doubles as a nice RPG experience if you dabble in the Build-a-Player mode.
Even if the port is a bit wonky, it's still one of the best sports games out there, and also doubles as a nice RPG experience if you dabble in the Build-a-Player mode.
Okay you and Smoove on youtube sold me on it.NBA2K is fun, no idea what the PC port is like. The mod community seems outstanding though.
I don't know if or how one can buy multiple copies on GMG, and I haven't decided if I want it or not...
Well if you don't buy it for yourself let me know.
Or if anyone that is able to buy NBA 2k13 can do me a solid as GMG isn't allowing it in my region.
From my experience you need to have multiple accounts.
From my experience you need to have multiple accounts.
Not anymore. I bought Tomb Raider twice from them, because now they allow you to buy multiples of some games, if not all.
Only pick 2?
Not all that compelling.
From my experience you need to have multiple accounts.
I can help you out. I got it in a pack with XCOM so I think I can still buy it separately. I'll PM you.
Edit: Done
What should I get?
Seems like only two.
What should I get?
Dead Rising 3 - The direction they took this in looks horrible.
Seems like only two.
What should I get?
Brink and Hunted, duh
Dishonored and something else.
Dishonored & New Vegas.
Seems like only two.
What should I get?
Get Loaded Bethesda is now live
Pick two games for €12 or $15, all Steam redeemable
- Dishonored
- The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion GOTY Deluxe
- Doom 3 BFG
- Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Pack
- The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind GOTY
- Fallout 3: GOTY
- Hunted: The Demons Forge
- Brink
Oh, new design. Somewhat cleaner. But the mobile GAF kinda broken
There's a video of gameplay showing that all the craziness is still there they just made the setting 'serious'.
IDK about that.
Has anyone managed to get Bioshock 1 to work on Windows 8? I'm trying but none of the workarounds seem to work on my machine.
Some people bought that, redeemed some keys, had GamersGate contact them and give them the full refund, then the rest of the keys in about a month, plus they had the 20% mistake discount added to their accounts for all purchases for a year. The Stearn sale didn't have a chance against deals like that.Only two Bethesda games for 15 bucks?
GamersGate had a better deal.
Every time someone crafts a badge, someone else gets a booster pack. Since nobody's actually crafting badges anymore, just selling the cards in preparation for the market crash, nobody's going to be getting any boosters.I don't understand Booster Packs.
Are they super rare? I've had Steam running for 2 days straight and I've gotten zero.
Get Loaded Bethesda is now live
Pick two games for €12 or $15, all Steam redeemable
- Dishonored
- The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion GOTY Deluxe
- Doom 3 BFG
- Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Pack
- The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind GOTY
- Fallout 3: GOTY
- Hunted: The Demons Forge
- Brink
Oh, new design. Somewhat cleaner. But the mobile GAF kinda broken
mods really iron out most of the issues with the game, plus there's a ton of new content, restored stuff, you can turn everyone into anime girls, dancing mods, all kinds of fun shitI'm thinking about getting New Vegas and Dishonored, but I already have New Vegas on 360...
mods really iron out most of the issues with the game, plus there's a ton of new content, restored stuff, you can turn everyone into anime girls, dancing mods, all kinds of fun shit
seriously new vegas pc is 100 times better, it looks better, UI is better, performance is better, less bugs, etc.
I'm glad, even if obs doesn't get a single penny new vegas just can't be played enoughYou've convinced me, I'm going Dishonored and New Vegas
That, and I already have Brink, Morrowind and Rage on PC, the other games aren't really that interesting to me seeing as I don't like Oblivion and don't even know wtf Hunted is
Edit: What is an issue number and why does Get Games hate my money
was about to take it as payment for you not convincing me to buy a 3ds but I just realized I already own it
Walking Mars key in this post
Walking Mars key in this post