I guess. But doesn't everyone miss this??That was basically the auction - got people more active and built up some hype for the sale. All the market transactions led to increased Steam wallet balances for many users.
Brilliant move by Valve, imo, to do such a thing before the sale rather than during. Now people have to spend those wallet funds on something.
What happened to the Steam goo thingy that someone found a few week ago?
will MG Revengance really be cheaper than the 5.99 it is now?
How's Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition? I have the PS3 version already, is the port any better?
If you like space games and building things then you'll enjoy it. The physics are amazing....$10 bucks is a steal if you don't have it in your library yet...How's Space Engineers? Worth $10?
Scholar of the First Sin isn't coming to PC right? If I haven't copped DS II, this is as best as it's gonna get right?
No, it's part of the Ground Zero daily
Someone explain Euro Truck Simulator to me.
will MG Revengance really be cheaper than the 5.99 it is now?
I guess. But doesn't everyone miss this??
Omg MGR 25gb =)
80+% of that is pre-rendered cutscenes.
It is, and the original edition will get some of its updates but not all.
I would pick it up now if you want to play it. I don't think the upgraded version will do much too noteworthy to warrant the wait, especially since it will probably be pretty expensive anyways.
Haha, this was simply from day 1 if memory serves correct. I was actually on the winning team!Nice colour choice
Blue team forever
So Dark Souls 2 is on sale but it's Season pass isn't? :/ So much for hoping to get the season pass this winter...
Have you ever wanted to drive across the european landscape, but lack the funds required to do so? Then look no further than Euro Truck sim! Not only will you be able to see what many countries in Europe look like, you get to drive a big bad truck! Every little kids dream is to drive a big truck like these and now you are able to do so with the hip virtual reality, oculus rift*sold seperately*. There are even radio stations from the different countries! Wanted to hear Czech country music then tune in and crank up that radio for some good 'ol county music. Don't wait too long though, this is a daily deal so buy it now.
It is, and the original edition will get some of its updates but not all.
I would pick it up now if you want to play it. I don't think the upgraded version will do much too noteworthy to warrant the wait, especially since it will probably be pretty expensive anyways.
Flash videos aren't working for me right now, so I'll ask more specific questions:
Is there a 'free drive' mode that doesn't require steep unlock requirements where I can just drive without giving a damn between European cities? Is it more of a 'management' sim Football Manager style or is the core of the gameplay about driving skills? What's the ratio of 'manage your business' versus 'drive around Europe' that the game offers? How high quality are the vehicle models? Are there weather effects?
It would be a much bigger issue if the original version received no updates, but it is.Have they said anything else at all after the PC community's collective "what the fuck, Scamco" when they announced that there'd be no upgrade path for the new version for old purchases? I'm still not too happy about that.
It's a pretty lazy port, but the DSfix mod by Durante makes it a lot better in some ways. Haven't really followed what happened to it after the GFWL to Steamworks migration started though.How's Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition? I have the PS3 version already, is the port any better?
LOL WTF what movie is this i need to watch this!
Do you need to have played the other metal gears to play rising?
Omg MGR 25gb =)
So is cross region trading dead? I have 3 TF2 keys languishing in my inventory that I was hoping to use this sale.
Valkyria Chronicles doesn't have a discount..... chances it'll go on daily?
Magic 8-ball saysValkyria Chronicles doesn't have a discount..... chances it'll go on daily?
Possible but fairly low. Can only think of a few times that's ever happened.
Yeah, I heard. It's doesn't look like a daily so I can wait to see if it goes down further but it's in range.