I'll trade Left 4 Dead for:
Half Life 2
Half Life 2 Episode 1
Half Life 2 Episode 2
any other game that isn't Left 4 Dead GOTY....I already have L4D2
I have Half life 2, not the episodes though, wanna trade?
I'll trade Left 4 Dead for:
Half Life 2
Half Life 2 Episode 1
Half Life 2 Episode 2
any other game that isn't Left 4 Dead GOTY....I already have L4D2
Have: The Ship
Want: Like 3 coal I guess? Also would prefer to give it to someone who will actually give the game a fair shot and not just waste away in their backlog. Will come with an extra gift copy so please give that one out as well.
Have: The Ship
Want: Like 3 coal I guess? Also would prefer to give it to someone who will actually give the game a fair shot and not just waste away in their backlog. Will come with an extra gift copy so please give that one out as well.
Renegade Ops (plus all DLC)
2 x The Ship
Happy to take offers on anything I don't already have. Really quite fancy Borderlands GOTY, Dead Island, and Geneforge especially. Have an odd desire to play a train game too, oddly.
Anyone have MW2 for trade? I missed out when it got on sale![]()
Trade stuff
I have a 66% off MW2 coupon if you want to trade?
I'll take coal or any other offer
-40% Witcher2
-50% Bioshock2
-10% Paradox
Coal or games. I'm thinkin' five coal each for the top two, two or three for the last one?
Open to offers. PM me.
It has to be. Has to.Joke post?
Okay, updated again!
I really really really want Skyrim!
I have the following to trade (obviously will trade multiple items for Skyrim to at least it's dollar value)
Valve Complete Pack
Bit Trip Runner
Bunch of Heroes
Oblivion GOTY Deluxe
Plants Vs Zombies
Vegas Make It Big
World Basketball Manager 2010
Joke post?
Ok, I have:
Worms Ultimate Mayhem,
Alien vs Predator,
Like 20 coals,
And discounts.
Anyone willing to trade for Dungeon Defenders?
+ all Humble Indie Bundles
Serious Sam 3, Hard Reset, Duke Nukem Forever, F.E.A.R. 3
Thanks RoaringHawk for gifting me Ass Creed II when I was trying to trade coal for it. Friends 4 life.