That list in the first post isn't complete. I won something missing (Half-Life 2 by itself) on the first should have read first post where it lists which ones you can and can't win.
That list in the first post isn't complete. I won something missing (Half-Life 2 by itself) on the first should have read first post where it lists which ones you can and can't win.
Have: 10 coal
Serious Sam Hd double pack
Dungeon Defenders
dark messiah of herp and derp
or maybe some other shit, will negotiate
That list in the first post isn't complete. I won something (Half-Life 2 by itself) on the first day.
- Braid
- Borderlands GOTY
- The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
- Hamilton's Great Adventure
- Metro 2033
- Renegade Ops
- 14 coal
- Half Life Complete
- Dead Space
both 10% off Paradox and 50% off VVVVVV for either something% off bethesda or a coal or something.
I will never buy anything from Paradox and I already have VVVVVV
Renegade Ops x2 (7 coals each)
Amnesia (7 coals) Not tradable but giftable
Hey Gaf.
I have a 50% off any Rockstar coupon. It seems like this is one of the few coupons worth getting if you missed the LA Noire sale or whatever.
I'm looking for a 50% off Warner Bros. Coupon or 1 coal in exchange.
edit: thanks for the smooth trade!
I have 8 coal, anything want to give me anything for it?
I'll take some coal for Counter strike source + a 50% off valve coupon? lol, probably not, but it's worth a try.
anyone else want to trade? I'll trade Counter Strike Source for any other game of similar value (but not any valve games)
and I'll trade my 50% off Valve coupon for some coal
I'll take some coal for Counter strike source + a 50% off valve coupon? lol, probably not, but it's worth a try.
anyone else want to trade? I'll trade Counter Strike Source for any other game of similar value (but not any valve games)
and I'll trade my 50% off Valve coupon for some coal
anybody want to trade one coal for the orange box? Want to get to 7 to try my luck
(toddhunter on steam)
anybody want to trade one coal for the orange box? Want to get to 7 to try my luck
(toddhunter on steam)
Crafter for eufloria!
Goes well with my 50% of eufloria voucher :|
The Orange box ((Half-Life 2/ep1/ep2/Lost Coast + Portal + TF2 hat)
Make me an offer!
Want: Games I don't have.
Have two of the coupon games already and i've gotten 22 coal out of 26 objectives so I'm good for now. Sorry.2 Coal & 3 coupons? (-50% Dungeons of Dredmor, -75% Aliens vs Predator & -25% Batman: Arkham City)
- Left 4 Dead 1
- Stalker: Call of Pripyat
- 3 Coal a piece
- Left 4 Dead 1
- Stalker: Call of Pripyat
- 3 Coal a piece