I say go for it. Hitman Sniper Challenge is fun, but not worth the premium I'd say.
When would you like to commit acts that will get your ass booked on the next flight of ConAir? :3
Sniper Challenge is available via the humble bundle? I thought its just the basic game for Absolution.
Also off topic a bit - I've started on Mass Effect 1 for the first time![]()
A wild Far Cry 4 appears. It's going to be region-locked and the ROW sub has PRC flags, so no cheap copies.
This thread is going to take us into August. There's little sense in making a new thread with August being less than two days away and making an August thread now would just see OT2 spring up sooner than necessary.
One does not simply win Mordor.
Right after I pick up the AssUnity.
Is it too soon to tell that it will require Uplay? I'm assuming its a given since this is a big title.
Is it too soon to tell that it will require Uplay? I'm assuming its a given since this is a big title.
I don't even understand what they did to my Ibuki
Might have misunderstood what you meant. The only Hitman game you'd be missing from getting them from the Humble Bundle is Sniper Challenge, that's all I meant.
100% sure.
AC Unity incoming as well: http://steamdb.info/sub/40535/
AC Unity incoming as well: http://steamdb.info/sub/40535/
They will not give out keys to bundle purchases because it's a remake.
Probably has the same flags too.
When is Ubi gonna reveal their past gen Ass Creed game?
A wild Far Cry 4 appears. It's going to be region-locked and the ROW sub has PRC flags, so no cheap copies.
Probably the same lockdowns as well.
GMG already has the pre-order page up, bet Steam will be up soon.
Just uninstalled Battleblock Theatre. It's just horrible and boring on solo.
Uplay games aren't consistently unshareable.It's not official till there is a nice friendly red banner stating "this titles is excluded from family sharing"
I found it pretty fun, aside from the annoying as fuck narrator.Just uninstalled Battleblock Theatre. It's just horrible and boring on solo.
AC Unity incoming as well: http://steamdb.info/sub/40535/
It's not official till there is a nice friendly red banner stating "this titles is excluded from family sharing"
Battleblock is amazing.Just uninstalled Battleblock Theatre. It's just horrible and boring on solo.
A wild Far Cry 4 appears. It's going to be region-locked and the ROW sub has PRC flags, so no cheap copies.
Same flags, same prices.
60 in here.. 60$ in the US... yeah!
imo, it is. I'm replaying it right now - still a lovely game.
Yup, it's a pretty great game. Especially recommended if you liked the Gothic games. It has a few flaws and it's a bit janky but it's a really good RPG nonetheless.
That game just doesn't look fun.
Yeah, I bought this because I loved Castle Crashers on 360, but this...level design is horrible and bland, it doesn't fit a proper plot too. Really, I don't see any reason why I must waste my time on this.
I spent days on LBP, basically in solo mode. I've created a lot of levels, but this...I wouldn't compare it with LBP. I know, LBP is a triple A title while this is an indie, but single player portion of the game is just a waste of time, even the soundtrack is boring :l
Exaclty my wish, but now. Also the Gold Edition is basically "Yes, we will ruin you with DLCs even this time".
They made Makoto a Mario sibling.Most are eh or feh at best... but there are a few of those that are fantastic.
I loved Sniper Ghost Warrior 1 & 2, but I'm a sucker for sniping games.is this worth getting?