That modbot sure is swell. Has excellent taste in games too.
When will you be challenging DunderKing?
he still has much to learn
That modbot sure is swell. Has excellent taste in games too.
When will you be challenging DunderKing?
What are the GAF:s opinion now on Kill The Bad Guy that it's been in the Humble Bundle for a week?
Worth it despite if you have all the other games.
Is Risen 3 region locked? There's a severe lack of ppl selling it on tf2outpost so I don't know if I'm safe with the ROW. Is this the one? Because that one aint locked lol
I read a few days ago in here that it got locked.Is Risen 3 region locked? There's a severe lack of ppl selling it on tf2outpost so I don't know if I'm safe with the ROW. Is this the one? Because that one aint locked lol
At £50?
£50 = $84.55
I'm all for buying great games day 1 but £50 is silly.
Is Risen 3 region locked? There's a severe lack of ppl selling it on tf2outpost so I don't know if I'm safe with the ROW. Is this the one? Because that one aint locked lol
Maybe me. When are you playing?SoeedRunners Player so far:
- iosefe
- dot
quote for interest
Hey guys, don't know if y'all are aware of this or not (or are even interested/care), but the Humble Store has marked 75% off a number of Square Enix games for this week only.
Some of the games include:
Murdered: Soul Suspect - $15
Theif (2014) - $10
Final Fantasy VII - $6
Final Fantasy VIII - $6
Final Fantasy III - $8
Tomb Raider (2013) Goty Edition - $8 (standard edition is $5 and the DLC bundle is also $5)
Sleeping Dogs - $5
Dungeon Seige III - $4
Thief: Deadly Shadows - $2.24
Maybe me. When are you playing?
Is Risen 3 region locked? There's a severe lack of ppl selling it on tf2outpost so I don't know if I'm safe with the ROW. Is this the one? Because that one aint locked lol
yes, and Sacred 3
I read a few days ago in here that it got locked.
EDIT: See? No Russia in the Link you posted.
I bought a ROW copy for 18 keys from a shop a few days ago. Have a look on there.
Well, there's a lack of them, as I understand it, for 2 or more reasons:
(1) Depending on the game and it's popularity, sometimes sellers just don't stock it... if they don't think there's money to be made by doing it, as it might be more of a niche title, you won't see many of them, if any. So super popular games like Transistor, DR3, Witcher 3, etc. are all over the place, but try to find something that's not a mid-week/daily/whatever? Yeah, good luck.
(2) At some point, something happened to Risen 3 and Sacred 3. One had the preorder page removed (and was locked) and the other was just locked -- at least this is what one of my friends who deals with Russians told me. So, if a trader stocked copies before this happened, odds are they increased the price to make more money. I had a bitch of a time getting Risen 3 and Sacred 3 and I happened to take the last copy of each that liezryou had in stock. Apparently Lord Rhaknar was musing a purchase of them, but did not do so before I expressed interest and paid.![]()
uh, how long from now is that? #timezoneproblems2:30 fine?
uh, how long from now is that? #timezoneproblems
It's going to require Uplay. Rayman Origins and I Am Alive are literally the only two games since AssCreed 2 that don't.
Edit: AssCreed Unity incoming.
Then yes! The game has been very buggy for me though, so I might drop out if it becomes unplayable :/ best to have someone on mistake. in 10 minuites
and south park the stick of truth
Damn... now I need the new version of Idle Master. It was working perfectly. Now it's saying it successfully idled all of my cards but I still have card drops available.
Hey guys, don't know if y'all are aware of this or not (or are even interested/care), but the Humble Store has marked 75% off a number of Square Enix games for this week only.
Some of the games include:
Murdered: Soul Suspect - $15
Theif (2014) - $10
Final Fantasy VII - $6
Final Fantasy VIII - $6
Final Fantasy III - $8
Tomb Raider (2013) Goty Edition - $8 (standard edition is $5 and the DLC bundle is also $5)
Sleeping Dogs - $5
Dungeon Seige III - $4
Thief: Deadly Shadows - $2.24
How was HuniePop able to afford to render women?
Damn... now I need the new version of Idle Master. It was working perfectly. Now it's saying it successfully idled all of my cards but I still have card drops available.
can someone shop JShacks head into this gif...
It's possible that if you log off of Steam in your browser, their servers will kill your session data. Try making sure you're logged in to the browser and then check to see if the cookie data in your browser matches what's in your settings.txt file. If it's different, copy the new values from your browser into the settings file and try again. Hope this helps.
I am soo not worthy is soo annoying right now. I can browse the website just fine, I log in - Server error 500. I can browse it when I'm not logged in but as soon as I log in I can't. I'm also not the only person, apparently. Damn it. -.-'
Is Risen 3 region locked? There's a severe lack of ppl selling it on tf2outpost so I don't know if I'm safe with the ROW. Is this the one? Because that one aint locked lol
AllowCrossRegionTradingAndGifting No
AllowPurchaseFromRestrictedCountries Yes
onlyallowrunincountries expand RU AM AZ BY GE KZ KG MD TJ TM UZ UA
PurchaseRestrictedCountries expand RU AM AZ BY GE KZ KG MD TJ TM UZ UA
struggling to resist buying one of those ArcheAge packs just to play this 5 day beta event, which I probably wont even have that much time to play >_> whats wrong with me
Isn't Etna supposed to steer you away from doing this kind of stuff? >.>
(Gold Edition, naturally.)
I'm going to put this up here, as I understand it... if I'm wrong, the pros will correct me.
Hmm... I'm currently logged in and browsing.
(Gold Edition, naturally. Far Cry 4 Gold can wait a while longer.)
Oh, Sleeping dogs. One of my favorite games from the last couple of years. Sad to see that Murdered is discounted so heavily so soon after release, it must really have bombed.
The power of ecchi fans. I am not going to link to the images.
(Gold Edition, naturally. Far Cry 4 Gold can wait a while longer.)
I like JaseC, but his affinity for Assassin's Creed, it's there. It'll always be there. You want it to not be, but it can't not be.