Hello, I have some leftover Steam keys from the Amazon Paradox package. If anyone is interested in them I would like to trade them for some cheap games.
Greed Corp (2.5 USD/EUR)
Some other cheap games, but I first want Greed Corp

- PixelJunk Eden, Abe's Exodus
Have: all keys
Magicka (Old) Collection (with DLC: Magicka Vietnam challenge mode, couple of the old custome (3) and map (4) DLCs. Not the same as the Collection found on Steam!)
Magicka: The Stars are Left (DLC, extra adventure mode in Chtulhu theme)
Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter
Sword of the Stars - Complete Collection
Victoria II
Trades I propose:
Magicka Collection + The Stars are Left for Greed Corp. You get Magicka + The Stars are Left + Vietnam for the price you can buy only the base game on Steam. Pretty good deal to start with Magicka imo, as I do not recommend all the DLC (most of them are customes and VS maps, they dont really add that much content wise) in the Steam collection.
Or one of the other games for Greed Corp.
PM me or add me on Steam (quote) if you are interested