Aww, no discount on the Rage DLC.
I can run it on a 5770 with 521 MB of VRAM. Su you would be fine with yours.It's a shame that I skipped on Dishonored, although I don't think my ATI 4850 could run it :|
I can run it on a 5770 with 521 MB of VRAM. Su you would be fine with yours.
Do the Top Dog DLC packs for Sleeping Dogs stack? Or is it enough to buy the gold one? Also, is all the other DLC cosmetic except for the two mission DLCs?
don't do it, rct2 is really cheap on amazon, and sooo much better
Does Rage have any DRM?
Now show us the real list Jace ;3
(I'm with ya brother)
Do the Top Dog DLC packs for Sleeping Dogs stack? Or is it enough to buy the gold one? Also, is all the other DLC cosmetic except for the two mission DLCs?
Should I get Sleeping Dogs or Kingdoms of Amalur + DLC on Amazon?
They stack, depending on how far you are it should get you to the top level if you use both, I personally recommend not using them until you complete the game.
There's a $0.52 "foreign transaction" fee on my credit card statement...
I'm not sure what that could be. GMG? But it's dated several days after my last GMG purchase.
There's a $0.52 "foreign transaction" fee on my credit card statement...
I'm not sure what that could be. GMG? But it's dated several days after my last GMG purchase.
Should I get Sleeping Dogs or Kingdoms of Amalur + DLC on Amazon?
It's a fee your bank takes for making purchases in a foreign currency.There's a $0.52 "foreign transaction" fee on my credit card statement...
I'm not sure what that could be. GMG? But it's dated several days after my last GMG purchase.
There's a $0.52 "foreign transaction" fee on my credit card statement...
I'm not sure what that could be. GMG? But it's dated several days after my last GMG purchase.
don't do it, rct2 is really cheap on amazon, and sooo much better
How annoying. Especially since when I view GMG, it shows me USD prices, so it's not obvious that there's a currency exchange going on in the background.It is your bank. I try to pay in to avoid the fees. Or to use Paypal if I pay in $ since the bank account is debited in and Paypal takes very little fee for foreign exchange.
Should I get Sleeping Dogs or Kingdoms of Amalur + DLC on Amazon?
Despite Valve and... whichever US state Government now owns the KoA IP apparently reaching an agreement for continued sale, it's abundantly clear that the game won't be discounted, so I say buy it now on the cheap. In terms of content, if you're one for secondary quests and such, the base game alone is big.
The game isn't anything special; it's essentially Fable meets a God of War-lite combat system complete with a pinch of MMOesque game/world design. As one who enjoys Fable for its WRPG simplicity, I found the game to be quite fun, although there's no denying the sheer size of it (and resulting repetitiveness of the quest design) can begin to weigh down the overall experience.
I don't want to know how much I've spent on this sale. I'm Afraid.
Mark of the Ninja: I don't know anything about this. Looks good but it didn't motivate me.
Is there still a chance for The Secret World to be a flash sale or something? That was my New Vegas for this sale. Going B2P suddenly made that game a must have for me, the concept and the way quests work sounds awesome.
Out of those, I would recommend against DEFCON. It's a stylish but not particularly deep game, like a lot of Introversion stuff. The main purpose of the game seems to be a commentary on nuclear deterrence and the concept of "mutually assured destruction". As a strategy game, it's really shallow and would wear out its welcome quickly.Didn't buy anything this sale.
Here is my "haul of games I almost bought" but just went meh and loaded up FTL for another round.
Torchlight 2 : $9.99 Not sure why I didn't get this. Maybe I played the first one too much and was sick of it.
Defcon: $1.99 Want to get it but feel like it will eventually be part of a HumbleBundle again. I don't mind the price, I just want something to look forward to since I usually have most of the games.
Borderlands 2: $29.99 Too much for me. I would be playing by myself so I don't want to get it till it goes to $5.
Mark of the Ninja: I don't know anything about this. Looks good but it didn't motivate me.
SleepyDogs will get a lot of mentions, so allow me to offer some insight into KoA:
Amalur is big, even ignoring the DLC content:
But consider its structure:
Didn't buy anything this sale.
Here is my "haul of games I almost bought" but just went meh and loaded up FTL for another round.
Torchlight 2 : $9.99 Not sure why I didn't get this. Maybe I played the first one too much and was sick of it.
Defcon: $1.99 Want to get it but feel like it will eventually be part of a HumbleBundle again. I don't mind the price, I just want something to look forward to since I usually have most of the games.
Borderlands 2: $29.99 Too much for me. I would be playing by myself so I don't want to get it till it goes to $5.
Mark of the Ninja: I don't know anything about this. Looks good but it didn't motivate me.
Max Payne 3 or Sleeping dogs for roughly the same price?
yeah one of the reasons I was considering it was because I have a feeling it won't be this cheap for awhile.
How repetitive are the quests? and are there fetch quests?