sadly doesn't look like its going to make it. been waiting on it as well
New Vegas for $4.99 at Gamersgate. Activates on Steam.Still no Fallout Daily. =(
Going to check one more time with you guys before I buy this. Anyone know of any good deals on a Dead Space 1&2 pack? I checked around on gamersgate and Amazon and didnt see one.
New Vegas for $4.99 at Gamersgate. Activates on Steam.
The Basement Collection - 1.99
Broken Sword Collection - 1.99
Spectraball -1.25
I Am Alive - 5.09
Tiny & Big - 2.49
Dishonored - 11.26 (Gamersgate-Gate)
Unmechanical -2.49
Quantum Conundrum + Season Pass- 4.99
Binary Domain - 6.24
Half Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate Boy - 3.39
Rayman Origins - 10.19
Deadlight - 7.49
Hotline Miami - Gift
Need for Speed: Most Wanted (Origin) - 8.99
Thirty Flights of Loving -2.49
Sleeping Dogs: Nightmare in North Point - 2.37
FTL: Faster Than Light - 4.99 (Dev Site)
Resonance - 2.49
Civilization V: Gods & Kings - 2.65 (GMG)
Mobloid (IndieGameStand) - 0.25
Max Payne 3 - 9.99 (Amazon)
Iron Brigade - Gift
To the Moon - 3.39
Sine Mora -2.00 (GMG)
Sale Total: 96.47[/B]
Mark of the Ninja is freaking awesome. Just finished it up last night... Very well may be my Game of the Year for 2012.Didn't buy anything this sale.
Here is my "haul of games I almost bought" but just went meh and loaded up FTL for another round.
Torchlight 2 : $9.99 Not sure why I didn't get this. Maybe I played the first one too much and was sick of it.
Defcon: $1.99 Want to get it but feel like it will eventually be part of a HumbleBundle again. I don't mind the price, I just want something to look forward to since I usually have most of the games.
Borderlands 2: $29.99 Too much for me. I would be playing by myself so I don't want to get it till it goes to $5.
Mark of the Ninja: I don't know anything about this. Looks good but it didn't motivate me.
It was $17.99 at Amazon last I checked and $12.99 if you had a credit for the EC deal.Sorry, looks like that deal ended the other day.
Mark of the Ninja is freaking awesome. Just finished it up last night... Very well may be my Game of the Year for 2012.
Alright- time to stop avoiding it and buy Amnesia!
Just was hoping for Dead Space- a pipe dream!
No list posting for me yet- must maintain optimism! We've got Flash deals left!
Valve PR said:Steam Announces Weekend Encore to Its 2012 Holiday Sale
January 4, 2013 - Gamers will have a final opportunity to get their favorite games on Steam. A select number of the most sought-after titles from the Steam Holiday Sale will reprise their biggest discounts for two additional days. The Encore Weekend begins at 10am PST on January 5th (Saturday) and runs until 10am PST on January 7th (Monday).
Hehehe. Just got this from Valve. You guys will enjoy this:
A sale extension for EVEN MORE REPEATS!
Hehehe. Just got this from Valve. You guys will enjoy this:
A sale extension for EVEN MORE REPEATS!
Hehehe. Just got this from Valve. You guys will enjoy this:
A sale extension for EVEN MORE REPEATS!
CS:GO on all slots.Hehehe. Just got this from Valve. You guys will enjoy this:
A sale extension for EVEN MORE REPEATS!
Every time Gabe reads a comment regarding Half-Life 3, he delays a deal on Primordia by a day.
You can't spell "Winter Sale" without "Screw this, I'm going to bed".
Alright- time to stop avoiding it and buy Amnesia!
Just was hoping for Dead Space- a pipe dream!
No list posting for me yet- must maintain optimism! We've got Flash deals left!
Voted: Giana! I remember when this went on sale! It feels like it was so long ago!
What Sleeping Dogs DLC should I pick up if I'm just starting the game?
Towns, Towns, and Tropico!CS:GO on all slots.
An endless loop of deals. The horror.Hehehe. Just got this from Valve. You guys will enjoy this:
A sale extension for EVEN MORE REPEATS!
I'm in the middle of building my Steam Library, so yeah, I've bought way too much. Only Ni no Kuni for me in January, ignoring everything else (Dead Space 3 for example) and BioShock Infinite & Uncharted with Boobs in March.
What Sleeping Dogs DLC should I pick up if I'm just starting the game?
Steam Announces Weekend Encore to Its 2012 Holiday Sale
January 4, 2013 - Gamers will have a final opportunity to get their favorite games on Steam. A select number of the most sought-after titles from the Steam Holiday Sale will reprise their biggest discounts for two additional days. The Encore Weekend begins at 10am PST on January 5th (Saturday) and runs until 10am PST on January 7th (Monday).
A sale extension for EVEN MORE REPEATS!
Anyone know the specific time that the sale ends. I thought it ended tomorrow morning, but apparently the current daily deals go on for another 46 hours. Does that mean that just the daily deal goes on for another 46 hours, or the entire sale?
The sale in general ends in ~22h45m.
A spreadsheet without a total? Come on, son!