Stellar Blade devs on why the protagonist is sexy: "That's what players want most of the time"



Face it Tiger. You hit the jackpot.


My biggest issue in all this is the double standards western media and social media takes.

Video Game Women must be normal or "not attractive" because it takes away from the game.
Yet EVERY TV show and movie must have outrageously attractive movie stars with perfect skin, teeth and ratios.
Beauty and sex have always been big sellers for TV and Movies and there’s way too much money involved worldwide for the ones in charge to let a few feminists to fuck it all up. So they settle for the videogame industry to spread their propaganda and influences. The problem are the publishers and developers that don't push back and would rather cave in, put out shit and lose tons of money and jobs in the process.

Just look at what happened to Saints Row. We told them it was shit and not what we wanted but they would rather push their agendas, and lose their jobs and money instead. In the end, places like Sweet Baby are going to cost these publishers more money than actually earn
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There's many people here becoming super passive-aggressive when someone says that he doesnt like fan service.

But you're definitely not alone, I know a lot of people that finds this game distracting or disgusting, myself included, beyond the virtues of the devs of being honest and straighforward.

But here on the internet, we have to take one side, either we are woke, or we have to like fan-service by obligation.
This is actually a good comment I don’t like fanservice much (turns me off from a lot of anime) but I also despise narratives, and censorship. If it helps I think they designed the character this way to also promote a lot of the customization they will have so I can at least act like it’s partly game related


Gold Member
I read earlier today that back in 1975, they were designing the Susan B. Anthony dollar coin. However, the feminists objected to the sculptor's version, saying, "They made her too pretty." And so the engraver went back to work, giving her a heavy brow, hooked nose, and grim mouth. The critics were satisfied. However, the public thought it was ugly.

I don't know where to put that observation, but I figured this thread was as good a place as any. Feminists' attempts to eliminate attractive images of women go way back, and they include attempts to uglify images of their own heroes.


I'm at a loss of words at what an absolute fucking cancer that community is.
They are literally fucking insane.
But let's not forget they used to rule this place before the split.
Easily in the top five of the most insufferable users on ResetEra, too.
Which is impressive since he's not really lacking competition.
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I know you're joking around but this is about sexualization in games. I'm 100% for Stellar Blade and beautiful, sexy characters but, making this a race thing is going to far. If Eve was any race, it would not matter. As long as it's the devs vision (hopefully hot but whatever). Let's be better than reee.....not polar opposite in the worst way. Adding a BLM tag on that image is just weird. Whether you believe in that or not.
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So the guy interviews about 10 people and I'm not sure any of them even plays video games, he's also misrepresenting the facts by saying the face of Eve is based on the Korean model, when it's just her body, her face is an anime style creation of the developers. So he's asking them to make a false comparison of whether Eve looks like the model by asking them to compare pictures of respective faces.


Me too. She is pretty but not really my type.
The villain or whoever this girl is has much better design than Eve.

Yeah, the protagonist babe lacks the surly, but fine sadistic looks needed to act in a believable way when she is torturing the enemies. Also, it would be nice that while progressing the babe would get battle scars. Slashed face, busted ribs, calluses etc.
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"Give customers what they want" is meant to be Business 101.

And when we say Customers, we mean people who speak with their wallets. If you are a customer, your opinion matters. if you are NOT a customer, your opinion about something you don't buy or paid for is irrelevant.
"Give customers what they want" is meant to be Business 101.

This is why it's so important that this game succeeds. Its developers understand something many have forgotten: they are in the business to please their fans, not to pander to crazed ideologists and groups that hate videogames.

Suicide Squad failing and this one becoming a hit is great news for us.
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