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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


Some ECB Guy named Axle Webber just came out with some hawkish comments on inflation.. Apparently that is the 'news'..

everything looks to be stabilizing.

ECB = European Central Bank


Things are looking flat now but we still have some time before the close I wouldn't be surprised if we see another leg down before the close. We're looking, and feeling a lot like the dot com bubble here where it didn't matter what you bought and it didn't matter what the news is the market just kept going up.

Just be careful, guys.


gkrykewy said:
Yowza, down almost 20%. The desperate "HOLD GOD HOLD OH GOD I'M DROWNING IN IT"-esque posts on the google finance board for that stock are morbidly amusing.

Hah, well, CHNR is down 23% but that's after it already went up over 30% so I'm still underwater with my short.. looks like it will pay dividends faster than I thought though.

lil smoke

mrWalrus said:
The market is looking real weak all of a sudden guys.. I know I was doom and gloom before but I'm really starting to think we might be at the tipping point.

We've come too far, too fast. Take a look at CROX, GOOG, APPL, AMZN, RIMM. They are all breaking down big time and on HUGE volume. Might be a good time to protect yourself before we fall off a cliff.

This is like Aug 16th all over again, just in reverse. The futures have lost over half their gains in less than 20 minutes.
CROX breaks down every other day. Trust me.

But yeah, weird scary day, though. Perhaps just a bunch of coincidences and stars all lined up?


lil smoke said:
CROX breaks down every other day. Trust me.

But yeah, weird scary day, though. Perhaps just a bunch of coincidences and stars all lined up?

According to what I read on Bloomberg, that's what happened - one analyst downgraded BIDU, and it was like a smack to the entire tech sector (http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=awE1fMrwlMyE&refer=home_)

JPMorgan's call on Baidu.com sparked a retreat after the S&P 500 and Dow average earlier climbed to intraday records on a raised earnings forecast from Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Technology companies in the S&P 500 are forecast to post profit growth of 23 percent in 2008, the most among 10 industries, according to a Bloomberg survey.

``It was all triggered with that JPMorgan call,'' said Clarence Woods Jr., chief equity trader with Baltimore-based MTB Investment Advisors, which manages $12 billion. ``You've had such a straight up run here in the last two weeks in the tech area. Everyone was waiting for someone to blink and when they did people decided to sell and take their profits.''


the market is coming back..

but I think it'll jump off again with 10-15 minutes to go.

no final cliff dive? how disappointing.. ;)


I haven't ran into this thread before but I have been actively investing and trading for about 6 years now. My portfolio in general has been up about 24% for the year based on very few stocks that have done extremely well including CRDN, BUCY, DRYS and RIG. Right now I sold most of my position off except for few longs on MPEL, CPRT and VLCM. I will post more later on other possible buys I am looking at.


if or example i want to buy some ntdoy (witch is on NYSE right?), what extension do i have to put?

and how the hell can i know wich extension to use. I think Tsx is . TO, but what are the others?

lil smoke

_Rafa_ said:
if or example i want to buy some ntdoy (witch is on NYSE right?), what extension do i have to put?

and how the hell can i know wich extension to use. I think Tsx is . TO, but what are the others?
not sure if you mean the NTDOY.PK?

Similarly speaking, did anyone ever find out the deal with NTDOF? What is that? I looked at the history, and it looks like only 2 people own shares? I don't know, I looked at the volume and it only once or twice a month someone is making a transaction. Doesn't seem to even follow the trend with NTDOY.


lil smoke said:
not sure if you mean the NTDOY.PK?

Similarly speaking, did anyone ever find out the deal with NTDOF? What is that? I looked at the history, and it looks like only 2 people own shares? I don't know, I looked at the volume and it only once or twice a month someone is making a transaction. Doesn't seem to even follow the trend with NTDOY.

E*Trade lists NTDOY as an OTC Depositary Receipt, and NTDOF as an OTC Common Stock. You'd think NTDOF would be the main thing..


What a stupid day. Just because Baidu goes down everyone else followed? It better not last because this means nothing. For example, Ubisoft was up like 3% today but on the US markets everyone like ATVI, TTWO, THQ, RIMM, APPL, etc. all go down, when all of this is due to some company in China.

Stupid investors.


Ether_Snake said:
What a stupid day. Just because Baidu goes down everyone else followed? It better not last because this means nothing. For example, Ubisoft was up like 3% today but on the US markets everyone like ATVI, TTWO, THQ, RIMM, APPL, etc. all go down, when all of this is due to some company in China.

Stupid investors.

It seems that it came at a delicate time. A lot of tech companies, like Google, will be reporting their earnings shortly, and when JP Morgan starts forecasting lower earnings for a batshit out of control insane stock like BIDU, it makes people start to see the bubble under them.


sonarrat said:
It seems that it came at a delicate time. A lot of tech companies, like Google, will be reporting their earnings shortly, and when JP Morgan starts forecasting lower earnings for a batshit out of control insane stock like BIDU, it makes people start to see the bubble under them.

Yeah but what applies for BIDU doesn't necessarily apply to others. Seriously, who here does business with BIDU in any way? Why would it affect US companies? Google, Apple, etc., are not over-valued as long as they perform well.

Anyway things better go up tomorrow, because some are calling this the .com bubble all over again, which is bullshit. The .com bubble was based on speculation. Tech on the other hand is real and is continuously increasing in importance everyday.


Ether_Snake said:
Yeah but what applies for BIDU doesn't necessarily apply to others. Seriously, who here does business with BIDU in any way? Why would it affect US companies? Google, Apple, etc., are not over-valued as long as they perform well.

Anyway things better go up tomorrow, because some are calling this the .com bubble all over again, which is bullshit. The .com bubble was based on speculation. Tech on the other hand is real and is continuously increasing in importance everyday.

Are you sure the two drops (BIDU and the US market) are even related? There could have been something else going on that triggered the US drop.

lil smoke said:
It's really funny though. Just about every investor in the world was like "oh shit" :lol

Only the ones doing day trading.


Well it's what is being targeted as the reason behind the drop. I see nothing else, especially since it started mid-day.

Anyway all of my investments have no reason to go down (CAE was up anyway).

Activision is going to have their second record quarter in a row, then their third record quarter, and hence their record year.

Take2 has been doing good especially considering GTA isn't even out and it will go up because contrarily to popular belief most video game stocks don't have their upcoming big sellers factored into their current values (because their biggest investors aren't the ones looking at the lineups).

Immersion is going up from here for sure as far as the company itself is concerned because the touchscreen tech is booming hence Vibetonz/haptics will continue to be in demand and the US is about to put more emphasis and recognition on Modeling & Simulation (Immersion' tech is being increasingly used in the medical field).

All of these are still sure to go up unless the whole market drags them along, but in either case I'm not selling anything.


I'm not selling anything either. I have a very conservative portfolio with a lot of money-market instruments, and it has done a good job of preserving my capital as I go through a turbulent time of my life. Things should start to settle down soon and now that I have learned a little bit, I can take a little more risk and make some slightly riskier investments. (As in, a good foreign mutual fund.. no way I'm going to jump into this shark-infested stock market without a net.)


What a load of crap: http://money.cnn.com/news/newsfeeds/articles/apwire/D8S16EB80.htm

The same analyst who downgraded BIDU today is the same one who upgraded it on Oct 2nd:

In a client note, Dick Wei said Baidu shares should rise to $400 by the end of next year. "We believe the continued traffic and market share gain demonstrate that management understands the Chinese users' needs," he said. "Over the next few years, we expect another 100 million people to use the internet in China."


Wow, today was a nice little sock to the gut. My ESPP and small bit of Nintendo stock kept some green spots on my Google stock tracker, though.


Ether_Snake said:
What a load of crap: http://money.cnn.com/news/newsfeeds/articles/apwire/D8S16EB80.htm

The same analyst who downgraded BIDU today is the same one who upgraded it on Oct 2nd:

There might be some truth in this blog post (from http://moiliiliquarry.blogspot.com/):

Mr. Nice Guy within me thinks that hey, when Morgan Stanley downgraded Baidu yesterday, well, it was about reality and the possibility of BIDU's growth rate slowing, revenues tailing off, blah blah blah.

But Mr. Skeptic in me knows that Morgan Stanley laid off a bunch of employees yesterday, and in a further potentially profitable manuever, called for the downgrade to spur a selloff ... and inevitably, cheap shares to buy for the books.

Mr. Nice Guy within me also thinks that Citigroup's downgrade of Blue Nile (NILE) this morning is more of a possible downturn in online jewelry purchases, a byproduct of a slowing economy, indirectly related to foreclosures.

But Mr. Skeptic knows that it's a bunch of bullcrap, that Citigroup is simply trying to knock down NILE's shares to rake up cheap. With all the exposure to the mortgage meltdown, a whole lotta big boys out there are going to keep trying to scare the average investor out of his/her shares, all so they can get a stock like NILE down to 90 or 80 bucks when it's worth more than 100 right now.

Yeah, it wouldn't surprise me. But it won't scare me. Hell no. Still don't believe me? How about this: Deutsche Bank downgraded Citibank from buy to sell this morning. You don't think Citibank is desperate to do whatever it takes to maximize a profit?

I'm holding my NILE, you downgrading Citibank bastards.

SO what are everyone's bargain buys today?

lil smoke

I've been thinking about RL (I work in the industry, and used to work for a license from them). They went down about 3.5 yesterday, and they generally always bounce back. Ralph is fairly strong, even in the retail sector. I expect them to make their way back to $75 when the dust settles.

Is it legal to buy shares from a company you used to work for, and currently work for the now close competitor?)


gkrykewy said:
There might be some truth in this blog post (from http://moiliiliquarry.blogspot.com/):

SO what are everyone's bargain buys today?

I could buy more today but I'm not sure how far it may go down. ATVI would be the only company I'd invest a lot more into right now. THQ is almost a good buy but you have to wait for the quarterly results first, I think they will do well during the holidays.


Ether_Snake said:
I could buy more today but I'm not sure how far it may go down. ATVI would be the only company I'd invest a lot more into right now. THQ is almost a good buy but you have to wait for the quarterly results first, I think they will do well during the holidays.

All kinds of good news so far this morning. This will be a boom day.


What news? I see nothing yet:p

EDIT: Oh yep I see now:D But I'm not spending more money, can't afford it for now.


I wish I was able to buy Google stock when it first came up. *foaming mouth*

I am playing the Virtual Market game that Ether_snake suggested and my portfolio consists of STV and MOT and I'm learning quite a bit from just checking this site here and there. Sigh...maybe in a few years I'll be able to invest for real.


Yay, yesterday's loses were today's gains:) Glad to see the market didn't continue to head down today. IMMR was my most hurt stock, but obviously I'm keeping it. TTWO has been doing extremely well for the past two weeks.

Can't wait till the next quarterly results for all of the companies I've invested in, I'm quite confident.


Yowza, NTDOY was up 5.6% on the nikkei last night, and is at another all time high: http://www.advfn.com/quote_Nintendo-Co-Ltd_JSX_7974.html . At some point I'm going to be tempted to take some profits, as I'm marginally concerned that the recent slacking in Japanese Wii sales combined with the unusually weak dollar-yen price during much of the third quarter, may mean Nintendo won't beat quarterly forecasts by as much as they usually do. But then I remember that WiiFit is releasing in Japan during Q4, so... :D


I wouldn't count on WiiFit too much, it's an accessory. I'd bet more on new Wii versions/colors/bundles.

It's really difficult to tell if this is close to as high as they'll get before a drop.


Ether_Snake said:
I wouldn't count on WiiFit too much, it's an accessory. I'd bet more on new Wii versions/colors/bundles.

On the contrary, I am counting on WiiFit. The stock jumped in Japan when it was confirmed to be releasing on 12/1 (in Japan), meaning that domestic (Japanese) investors are expecting a very strong domestic (Japanese) performance. It may be an accessory, but I'm sure it's a very profitable one, and I expect it will move a ton of units.


NTDOY is at an all time high today yet again.

I got screwed with my Chinastock. Selling it off today. Keeping Sandisk due to their earnings this week.


Man, defense contractors have been doing good, most are at 5 to 6 years high. RTN, ORB.

I'm still on the lookout for a US or Russian business with plans for Helium-3 mining on the moon, since the first mission is planned for around 2015:) Harrison Schmitt has been a big proponent of this initiative, and the Russian company RKK Energiya also has such projects.

Future projects

* Further assembly of ISS Russian segment: development of Multipurpose Laboratory Module (together with Krunichev Space Centre) and "Oka" space production modules (not permanently attached to ISS).

* Development of Kliper transportation system with 3 stages:
1. Modernization of "Soyuz TMA" spacecraft for manned lunar missions.
2. Development of "Parom" space tug (in order to replace "Progress M" cargo spacecraft).
3. Development of "Kliper" spacecraft (for 6 persons each).

* Development of manned lunar program: landing by 2015, creating of permanent lunar base by 2020 in order to extract helium-3.

* Development of manned Mars mission: landing by 2025.

* Development of "Yamal-300" and "Yamal-400" communication satellites for Gazprom corporation.

* Development of "Smotr" remote sensing satellites.


Ether, you're going to invest in somethnig that's going to happen in almost 10 years from now? I have problems investing in something that will happen in 3 months.


koam said:
Ether, you're going to invest in somethnig that's going to happen in almost 10 years from now? I have problems investing in something that will happen in 3 months.


Nah I won't really invest in it, plus there is nothing to invest in really hehe. Not yet, but it's nice to keep an eye on this.

Anyway so far today is not a good day for me. All game companies down, CAE down a bit, only IMMR is up and that is after last's week strong drop, so I'm almost back at the starting point as far as they are concerned:p


2007 = Apple / Google / Amazon / Ressearch in Motion / Nintendo
2008 = ?

I'm thinking Apple will do wonders if they announce an iPhone Nano next year. Or reduce the 8GB to $299 and launch a 16GB at $399.

Google will stop growing once they hit $800.

Rim is moving way too fast. They have to update their product line. I'm hearing touchscreen and WiFi is their next focus so that's great if it's true.

Amazon I think still has room to grow but I doubt they'll be as volatile next year.

Nintendo is lucky that the holidays are here cause they're starting to go flat product wise. They've got Brawl, Smash, Kart and Wii Fit in the next 6 months so i'm not worried.

What's going on next year though? OLED will probably become big in 2009 so 2008 might be a good year to start putting money in.

RFID is a pretty nifty tech, a lot of places are converting magnetic cards (example banks, subway systems) to use RFID. In Montreal, we've got major banks and our subway system making the conversion to this "new" tech. Might be good to look into that.
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