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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


Cheesemeister said:
Looks like I bought at the right time! :D

Unfortunately, I'm thinking ~66 again tomorrow if this latest market dump continues. No one wants to hang onto anything, seemingly.
dem said:
Anyone else have the sick need to buy ETFC?

trainwreck.. i neeeed innn


Wait until it flatlines, but buy before it gets bought out by a competitor.


come onnnn
theyre not goin anywhere

im sure you'll be able to make at least a quick 20%



rage1973 said:
I just bought 400 shares of AAPL at 162.80. I am taking up a trading position on few stocks that can hold up in this downturn market.

Sold all 400 when it hit 170 earlier this morning.
I then bought 300 when it dipped to 165.50.
Hopefully today will be an up day so I can sell those back off on the rise.


I'm doing really well on the VSE, but I'm not happy with where my portfolio is going. Qwest is definitely undervalued (compare the P/E ratio to Sprint), but the sector doesn't seem very healthy. LHC Group was on a solid upward trend but it doesn't seem to be continuing. And shorting a giant like Wal-Mart could bite me in the ass. I'm wondering what I could do better.
The only thing saving my ass is the fact that I invested in 3 gold mines early in the year, as well as STP. Otherwise, I'd be negative for 2007.

This market sucks.


I think it's time for me to start getting into things again after a long hiatus :lol



Fuzzery said:
I think it's time for me to start getting into things again after a long hiatus :lol


Daily?!? You haven't done anything in a month. :p Anyway, that was pretty spectacular.. you lost $30,000 just on your last purchase of STV alone. I tip my hat to you, sir. You know how to win big and lose big.


Poor video game sector. NDP numbers show growth once again, which led to no rally, but Gamestop "disappoints on outlook", which sends all shares down big time.

I hate you, stock market.

On my total of $9000 in stocks, I was at $2000 of profits recently, now down $1000:|

Fun Factor

Formerly FTWer
koam said:
I haven't really followed this thread for about a month or so, nice to see a bunch of new faces playing the market in here.

Nice for what? To see their faces as their profits are eaten up?


Shore Gold(SGF) is falllling again.
I'm gonna wait it out and hope it gets below 4.. then im gonna buy in big. :D


Bane was better.
dem said:
Shore Gold(SGF) is falllling again.
I'm gonna wait it out and hope it gets below 4.. then im gonna buy in big. :D

I'm sorry if this question has been asked already...

I just put 1700$ into my TD Waterhouse account with the intention of buying SOME ntdoy stock, but they don't list any. How does a canadian go about owning bits and pieces of Nintendo?


rage1973 said:
Sold all 400 when it hit 170 earlier this morning.
I then bought 300 when it dipped to 165.50.
Hopefully today will be an up day so I can sell those back off on the rise.
I sold all my AAPL shares again at 176.90. I am waiting for some dips during the next week. I don't think we are done with the bear market at all and I am being careful with all my holdings right now. I can see the DOW falling below 12000 in the next month until this whole credit market thing has passed over and that could take half a year still.


I'm in the red in everything except ATVI, and at this pace it won't take long before this one goes below my buy price too. TTWO and IMMR fell so much already. IMMR down almost 6% today alone (AGAIN).


Ether_Snake said:
I'm in the red in everything except ATVI, and at this pace it won't take long before this one goes below my buy price too. TTWO and IMMR fell so much already. IMMR down almost 6% today alone (AGAIN).
I am expecting some bad things to happen in the next two weeks. We had good news of very good numbers for the biggest shopping week of the year and it barely made a bleep and the market has come down a good amount in the past 30 minutes. Only thing that could possibly turn the market around short term is if the Fed cuts rate again in December and I don't see that happening at all.


Even rates cuts again won't do anything for more than like a couple of days.

BTW I'm down -17.80% on VGSEN, that is -17.80% TODAY alone! :lol (all Brazilian stocks)


I'm still up for the year (though only around 5%) despite having a portfolio that constantly worries me with its complete disregard for diversification. Very tech-heavy. I'm actually getting hit worst by my more bellwether stocks like T. Unfortunately that's a Dow stock and when the Dow gets hit, 9 times out of 10 it does as well.

It's so annoying to see daily graphs like TNP today - up, up, up and OH NO LOOK OUT BELOW! I logged in this morning to see my portfolio up several hundred, then just logged in again and I'm in the red $13.50 for the day. Seems like this predicting-the-future stuff should be easier.


Ether_Snake said:
Even rates cuts again won't do anything for more than like a couple of days.

BTW I'm down -17.80% on VGSEN, that is -17.80% TODAY alone! :lol (all Brazilian stocks)

I'm up only because my portfolio is kinda bearish. Wal-Mart short, then a couple of fairly recession-proof stocks.. Qwest and LHC Group, a health-care provider. The health-care field in particular might be something we have to look into as more and more boomers get old and go on Social Security.


ATVI significantly raised Q3 and FY08 guidance this morning, and is up more than 10% to 21 in pre-hours trading. Finally, some good news.

I sold about 35% of my NTDOY holdings yesterday to limit my exposure, but I'm sort-of regretting it already. I don't see this market staying below 13k for long.


Yeah that's nice, too bad I'm not moving any money at the moment (and not until I sell something anyway). First stock on the way out would be IMMR as soon as they reach my buy price again (which is probably very far off). It's too bad, I want to keep it, but not in such market conditions. If the markets are more stable by then, I'll keep it. Then it would be TTWO. I'm a keeper for ATVI till the end of the fiscal quarter at least. CGT is very long term.

And when markets recover, I will invest a lot in INTC (it follows the Nasdaq step by step).


Some more good news for CAE CGT:

CAE announces marketing collaboration with Microsoft to address defence, public safety and homeland security markets.

Microsoft has selected CAE as a worldwide "go-to-market" Industry Priority Solution partner focused on simulation-based solutions, including professional services and commercial-off-the-shelf simulation software. Working together in the defence, public safety and homeland security sectors, Microsoft and CAE will utilize the products, services, and expertise of their respective companies to provide decision support, training, and other simulation-based solutions.

This company is IMO totally undervalued, there is even no activity on the Google or Yahoo messageboards:p


Another good day ahead. If we get a good week I think the Nasdaq will hit its last highest of Oct 31st in the coming weeks.

I was 1 hair from buying INTC this morning but I'm waiting to get a clearer confirmation that this is a recovery. Plus it's up 3.75% at the moment so I prefer not to buy at a 1$ rise. INTC has been following the Nasdaq step by step, more than any other company I looked at, so it makes it interesting to buy it on Nasdaq recovery, but I'm just not that confident yet.

BTW I don't understand, on VSE, why the heck did it say my returns yesterday were of -13% when all my stocks were up? And today it says "today's gains, -1.96%" but all my stocks are green again.

BBD +7.15%

BRP +2.45%

ITU +6.21%

RIO +6.11%

-1.96% my ass!


Good to know.

Btw STP is up again, 7.89% at the moment. The only Chinese stock I ever wanted to buy (and never did:p).


Just opened up an eTrade account. I think I'm going to buy some C, with its huge lows. I just wish eTrade would hurry up with this checking account transfer.


I was thinking about this and I think once I have the funds I'll just buy more of CGT. I was tempted to buy INTC, or HAL, but screw it. I can dedicate a specific amount of money to short term stocks, and I won't increase that amount. I'll trade with that money and its gains/losses. I'll dedicate a separate amount of money to long-term investments, and CGT is going to be one of those. I want to invest more for the long-term in aerospace/defense like UTX, BA, GD, NOC, ORB, RTN, TXT, but they are all expensive (except ORB). I'll do so in the future when the funds become available somehow:p

I don't like short-term trading, it is stressful and blurry.


Short-term is hit or miss, for sure. More people have lost money in the VSE than gained, by about 2 to 1. Nobody knows which way the economy is going and trading volumes are very high as nervous investors monitor the headlines for any signs of trouble (or recovery). It's pretty vicious out there.


ATVI total gains are of +15.09% so far. Everything else is pitiful (Oct 31st was really nice, but that is all gone since):lol

On VGE today:

ITU +11.34%
BRP +7.54%
BBD +10.34%
RIO +8.50%

Those Brazllian stocks always follow the overall market. If it's up they jump way high, if it's down they tank.

BTW who the heck posts on Yahoo message boards? I'm surprised most "investors" write like they're on GameFAQs...


Here's why I wanted to buy INTC today. The only reason I'm not doing so is because I don't have enough funds to make it worthwhile, since I expect it to go up to 27.50 or 28 at most in the near future before going down again. Basically, since I think the Nasdaq is on a recovery and will reach its previous highest of highs, and since INTC has been following the Nasdaq step by step, I think it's a good indicator of a buying opportunity, selling it when the Nasdaq hits its previous all time high. But as I said above I wouldn't make enough money so I'm opting out, plus I'm still not entirely confident in the market.


Try to find another company that follows an index so closely. Here is Apple in comparison, very difficult to predict because it's not following the Nasdaq in a predictable manner (well it seems to multiply the Nasdaq's highs and lows):

Following the above logic I would think that Apple will reach 189 by the time the Nasdaq has reached its previous all-time high. We'll see!




Futures were mostly down this morning because of a big jump in oil prices. Looks like the indexes are following suit as expected. Still I'm not doing too badly out of the gate. NFLX and TNP are both posting modest gains, and GME recovered everything I lost and then some from when I tried to play the earnings card and lost. I had a huge day yesterday with every single stock in the black. Not too shabby for such poor diversification :D

Bernanke has a talk tonight but I wouldn't expect anything big out of it. Who knows though.


Ether_Snake said:
Even rates cuts again won't do anything for more than like a couple of days.
Like I said the rate cut is pretty much the only thing that could right the market at its current state. The reason for the good rebound this week is due to some Fed members hinting at possible rate cut in December. This news has a double fold affect now as bad news about the economy can actually drive up the market since bad news actually raises the chance of a Fed rate cut. Hopefully this will be a catalyst to a rising market in the next month or so but the overall bear market trends still continue in the next year or so.


That could explain why today it continued to hold up even tho a couple of bad news came in.

Anyway I'm really hands-tied for a while. There is no stock I have that I want to get rid of. ATVI, I am very confident in them, I think they are going to continue to close-in on EA (and a Take2 acquisition is possible sometime in late 2008 or early 2009, and Take2 compliments ATVI moreso than EA).

TTWO's new management are obviously working to put the company on the right track to get serious offers, and I expect that to show in late 2008 early 2009. So I'm not selling, especially with GTA probably in line for a spring release (altho it could be delayed). I could see myself selling and buying TTWO, because when they dip they dip hard. But I'm not letting go of it completely.

IMMR is one I could get rid of when it reaches the price I paid for it, but again I actually believe in what they are doing, the tech, and there chance to grow. It's all about management at this point and this is something I have no idea about.

CGT is very long term, and it's my safest stock as far as I am concerned. I'm probably buying more next month when I'll get the funds.

So I just don't see myself selling anything soon. Which sorts of suck in a way, because there are a couple of aerospace/defense stocks I want to invest in but they are all extremely expensive to me other than ORB :| They are all around 70 to 100$. Same thing for other interesting investments like PG or UN :|


Gonna be a great end to the week. Futures are up big time on the Fed comments and a drop in oil prices. All major foreign indexes up. Even the poor beleaguered dollar is making some gains. Looking forward to a good day.


Damn... back in May I think I told my friends they should buy Ubisoft, thinking it would go from 35 to 45 Euro within a year. Well it's at 59, and probably going to hit the 60 next week:p

I always missed my chance with Ubi...


Market is up today but since it's friday and we had a nice runup for the week I am expecting some profit taking selling before the market closes and we should wind up about flat for the day.


I think it has been an IDEAL week. First a drop, but then we've had rallies even in the face of bad news. There is the interest rate cut going, but it's not there, so it helps people get off the panic mode and pay attention to the stocks. Yesterday things calmed down, which again is a good thing because hasty buying leads to hasty selling. Now we will have had two days of calm but good trading, which is really what we need to return to a sense of normality.
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