The YouTube uploads generally aren't done until after the event.Are they adding them to YouTube throughout the week?
So I bought Hollow Knight during the steam sale, but haven't had the time to play it yet, wondering if I would be spoiling the game too much by watching the speedrun of it coming in a few hours?
The YouTube uploads generally aren't done until after the event.
Do we know if they are on track with the donations? I'd like them to break $1.2 million.
Are they adding them to YouTube throughout the week?
This account has been uploading them pretty quickly.
Aww yeah, Pro Skater 2 & 4 time.
What am I watching here?!
I used to enjoy watching Narcissa run this game.
Sadly I don't think I've seen her stream it in ages.
This game looks super frustrating to speedrun
Okay?She is doing BotW streams ....
The music in Hollow Knight is lovely! Super nice to have on at work.
Is this a separate game from shovel knight?
did I miss the awful games done quick segment?