misses bull
Too much milk would spoil the broth
I mean I could make it worse if you want me too
Too much milk would spoil the broth
I mean I could make it worse if you want me too
Holy shit Mathew Mercer and I share a birthday. I'm basically Leon. Thanks Wikepedia.
Holy shit Mathew Mercer and I share a birthday. I'm basically Leon. Thanks Wikepedia.
This means you get progressively more badass as you age. Good luck with your first day on the force.Holy shit Mathew Mercer and I share a birthday. I'm basically Leon. Thanks Wikepedia.
I mean I could make it worse if you want me too
I should play RE6. The sick dive maneuver looks lie fun and the barrel explosions are fucking intense.
From what I hear the game itself is fun to play, but everything around the core game is just shit, with the Leon story being just ok.
From what I hear the game itself is fun to play, but everything around the core game is just shit, with the Leon story being just ok.
Played the game without a laser sight. It was great (gameplay only). The feeling of shooting a pistol is excellent, especially with pronounced enemy hit reaction.
Co-op time? i think so. lets do it.
Disgusting "real life" women
No I already did that a while ago.
Kill La Kill
I guess its not that lewd but this is my first time with something like this
I'm actually surprised no one broke 1k posts last thread. Usually the top 3 or 4 have 1k+ and the next couple are behind like 200 posts.
They call this "The Missile Crisis".
That's all I've heard from anyone. It sounds kinda like Destiny in that regard where the shooting feels great, but everything else is mediocre-bad.
No. NO. We still have to play Diablo you fuck. I cant believe I actually let you talk me into buying it.
I'll take 12!that's cool. Now you gotta go deeper. May i interest you in some kiss x sis?.
Xrd is the fighting game of forever though.No, buy dengeki bunko fighting climax tho. This goes for everyone!
I'll take 12!
Xrd is the fighting game of forever though.
that's cool. Now you gotta go deeper. May i interest you in some kiss x sis?
I'll take 12!
Skullgirls is the fighting game of forever though.
The only character I share a birthday with is Hanabi from Naruto.Searched google to find video game/anime characters sharing birthday with me.
Only to find 3 and I don't know any of them T^T
Oh yea I also won that, I have no idea what I would use though.I hope you got some avatars for me.. it's almost the new year.. with new avatar bets.
Skull girls is the only fighting game that I can stomachFTFY.I should git gud at SG.
You really are back! ;~; s-senpai!
I'll take 12!
Xrd is the fighting game of forever though.
No, buy dengeki bunko fighting climax tho. This goes for everyone!
Except i havent changed avatars.. so i technically havent. I should've also gotten more obscure things such as pandra the animation or garden the animation.. guys.. don't watch those.. plz.
I got avatars for days. And If you ever need anything done Pm me Zen
I got avatars for days. And If you ever need anything done Pm me Zen
I got avatars for days. And If you ever need anything done Pm me Zen
You and your emojis.
Lol, how many of those did you steal from other users? I recognize a lot of them.
You and your emojis.
Am I the only one who doesnt care for card games, or board games like Cards against humanity? I really hate how theyre so dependant on luck. Like poker has luck but being able to bluff and the such is much more important. I dont like things that dont take at least a small level of skill.
Why is there only 5 pictures in the food album and nothing in the gaf avatars?
Edit: it must be me being on mobile and it not loading.
Yep. You know my love for emojis/emoticons.(~>__<~) It's even easier on mobile since i have shortcuts to post them.
( ^ω^) ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ
I didn't steal I just forgot to delete them. Let me go purge the inventory
Yep. You know my love for emojis/emoticons.(~>__<~) It's even easier on mobile since i have shortcuts to post them.
( ^ω^) ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ
Am I the only one who doesnt care for card games, or board games like Cards against humanity? I really hate how theyre so dependant on luck. Like poker has luck but being able to bluff and the such is much more important. I dont like things that dont take at least a small level of skill.
I used to do that to....now i pay hundreds of dollars for cards that have less than 1000 attack points...When me and my older brother were kids, we would mess around with Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, and Naruto. Whichever card had the bigger number on it won. We didn't follow the rules. Fuck the Man.
I got avatars for days. And If you ever need anything done Pm me Zen
Yeah I don't have any of it organized and just go to all images. I'll fix itone day, because I'm lazy
d–(^ ‿ ^ )z
Whatever you say, mam.
0/10 not enough mega milk.
and speaking of saber, i should probably go watch fate/zero
Terrible avatar but ehhhhh.... You can't even see the words that well.
But now i'm on my computer and can do simple stuff like b(^_^)d
and its not even christmas anymore. fraud.
back on mobile.(╯ຈل͜ຈ╯︵ ┻━┻
This thread's too lewd for me. Night Gaf.
I got my eye on you, Kingtako.