Wow I guess the Last of Us is just a shameless rip off of Shadow the Hedgehog then. What a shitty move NAUGHTY DOG.
The ultimate Irony is the song is so goofy, but yet actually pretty decent.
BRB, I need to get a glass of bleach
Wow I guess the Last of Us is just a shameless rip off of Shadow the Hedgehog then. What a shitty move NAUGHTY DOG.
Ryuko actually has a personality so no that comparison does not work.
Prison school tells you how to get a kiss from a girl
The ultimate Irony is the song is so goofy, but yet actually pretty decent.
Women are attracted to attitude and skills. If they'll be drawn away by looks you don't want them.I've never had a girlfriend or a first kiss so this is probably super ignorable advice
I like the lore, that has building from several sites that everything is actually shadow the hedgehog.
Ehh it's all the same bull anyways![]()
I feel so weird being in the minority here regarding dating and relationships.
I can't manage to keep a relationship longer than a year, but I've had quite a few.
.Ryuko's main characteristic is loneliness. Her reaction to that event and every other, while certainly also being about having an existential crisis, revolves mainly around that characteristic. Hold on, I'll find the thing I posted earlier
Its really stupid I like it.
Sonic 2006 has too many oddly good songs, shame they're stuck in that hellhole of a "game"
After playing alot of system shock 2 I'm gonna pull out my elitest hipster card and say bioshock ain't anything special
I wish I could cook. I could probably save money on not buy pizza constantly. Also I'm amazed I'm still not fat.
Yea, but that's a lot of effort for something I don't want to do. I'm too lazy to learn most things and I'm just gonna stick to making ham and cheese sandwiches for the rest of my life
It's understandable. Shadow the Hedgehog is completely unique in its devlopment and execution.
I heard Miyazaki say that he based his monster designs in Dark Souls based off the aliens in Shadow. True story.
Women are attracted to attitude and skills. If they'll be drawn away by looks you don't want them.I've never had a girlfriend or a first kiss so this is probably super ignorable advice
Honestly it doesn't really bother me. I'd be so shitty in a relationshipI feel so weird being in the minority here regarding dating and relationships.
I can't manage to keep a relationship longer than a year, but I've had quite a few.
That got a laugh out of me
That's how I've been going about it. Have funJust carry yourself with confidence dude. Girls love confidence. As long as you aren't completely hideous you'll find someone. Just don't expect it all the time. It's something you just can't worry about and let it happen when it happens.
Bbl gotta cook dinner.
Fucking awesome.
PS4 wins again.
I like Spiderman, but:
Even he's susceptible to dumb shit.
More like Wii U.
Please don't tell me you're referencing to the stupid shit Pat said in the spoilercast.
I should actually probably get on that now that I'm taking a break from JoJo
Super sick frog punching action, Love that Erina came and helped cool off Johnathan's burns and Jack the Ripper got his shit pushed hard
I agree with Ryuko being the best character. I certainly like Satsuki, but her one-dimensional, mostly static character only ever made her cool, never a great character. I like Mako personally, but I understand it others don't. Don't check if you don't feel like it, but here it is anyway, just in case.
That's a pretty good knowledge source to have.Prison school is where most of my knowledge about girls come from
You're damn well right I am.I'm sure Arclightborealis will be happy to know that I'm going to start playing Digital Devil Saga.
Women are attracted to attitude and skills. If they'll be drawn away by looks you don't want them.I've never had a girlfriend or a first kiss so this is probably super ignorable advice
I agree with Ryuko being the best character. I certainly like Satsuki, but her one-dimensional, mostly static character only ever made her cool, never a great character. I like Mako personally, but I understand it others don't. Don't check if you don't feel like it, but here it is anyway, just in case.
You're not wrong, JoJo did the cool thing before he even got the thing. Though the fight with the two knights was pretty coolI think that part one pretty much peaked at the beginning.
I have seen this in action, it's pretty sweet.When you find someone who is actually worth loving, they will be attracted to you, not just any specific part of you, you in general, as a whole human being, your flaws stop being flaws because they don't see them as such, they become parts that help make up the person they love.
In the meantime however, it helps if you don't act like a crazy person, most people trying to get into relationships tend to either not be themselves at all, or be the worst version of themself and refuse to realize that you can improve yourself as a person to have a more fulfilling life without changing who you are.
Satsuki did her growing off screen before the series even started, she's that good. Also he's on darkGAFWhat?
Well for what its worth , thanks for recommending Kill La Kill. I enjoyed the hell out of it and its been awhile since I went on a binge watch of anything.
Guess I go back to Wind Waker.
What exactly makes you react like this? KLK was never really heavy or emotional, it was mostly just naked girls fighting things while cool music plays in the background.
No, play bayo
What exactly makes you react like this? KLK was never really heavy or emotional, it was mostly just naked girls fighting things while cool music plays in the background.
I think that part one pretty much peaked at the beginning.
You're not wrong, JoJo did the cool thing before he even got the thing. Though the fight with the two knights was pretty cool
Well for what its worth , thanks for recommending Kill La Kill. I enjoyed the hell out of it and its been awhile since I went on a binge watch of anything.
Guess I go back to Wind Waker.
Oh, you mean the only character that isn't completely one-dimensional, has some actual character growth and has an actual personality is the one that doesn't have a personality? You're certainly entitled to an opinion, though I respectfully disagree.
No, play bayo
My brother got me the PS4 version of the Xrd LE for Christmas. It's going to be a while before I'm online though as my system is back at my apartment.
Don't forget to check the post office, Abu.
No need to apologize to me, you actually finished the series.That was a good read.
I honestly don't hate Mako anymore (sorry Banana)she did serve a purpose other than being comic relief. She was always their for Ryuko even at her worst and helped her through it
Now I know why one should never make fun of someone's waifu. Live and let live. Love who you want.
I'm with him now. He just told me he got it and now I'm fighting with him about who's the better snake (obviously raiden is first though) between solid snake and big boss (it's big boss)
You guys think the beginning was better thanthe fight with Dio?