Steak is the only food you need. Ever. It's the only reason cows are on this earth, cause they don't do anything else.
Hey have you ever heard of this white creamy substance that comes from Cows? I believe they call it something crazy like "Milk".
Steak is the only food you need. Ever. It's the only reason cows are on this earth, cause they don't do anything else.
Now you're just being silly, everyone nows milk is just a myth!Hey have you ever heard of this white creamy substance that comes from Cows? I believe they call it something crazy like "Milk".
No, that's what girls are for.Hey have you ever heard of this white creamy substance that comes from Cows? I believe they call it something crazy like "Milk".
I'll eat Steak as dinner and drink milk at night.
Cow best animal.
Sorry Magaradyne
Oh boy waifu wars. Sorry Liam
Still not best girl :3
One thing I'm never giving up however is Steak. Fuck you body, I'm going to keep making and eating Steaks forever!
Seasoning (salt & pepper), oil, butter, thyme, bit of garlic, medium rare to rare steak. All of that is going right in there and into my mouth. I don't give a fuck.
Steak is so good.
So this thing that never came out and never would have is dead? Absolutely shocking. I need to sit down here.
Not like he even posts here.
Also this ain't waifu wars. No one is arguing
Also SMT x FE is vaporware(((((
Now you're just being silly, everyone knows milk is just a myth!
Cause he's not cool enough?Why do you think Liam doesn't post here?
Who look at that, the game in development hell isn't coming out
Sorry Magaradyne
So this thing that never came out and never would have is dead? Absolutely shocking. I need to sit down here.
Why do you think Liam doesn't post here?
That was me at age 20, I'm 22.Since I hit 25 my metabolism has shit the bed. Used to eat anything but slowly I'm morphing into a fat shit.
Cuz we are creepy.
Fuck waifus. Eat steak.
I don't know, I'm pretty sure it's real, Beloved was asking me if Australia had any of these "Cows" years ago when we first started talking, I didn't know what she was talking about, I thought it was a folklore creature or something, but apparently they produce Milk.
...I don't think she would lie to me, I wonder if you can import a Cow.
Fuck waifus. Eat steak.
Why do you think Liam doesn't post here?
Its ok guys. We'll all get over this one daylike right now.
Fuck steak. Eat waifus.
I don't know, I'm pretty sure it's real, Beloved was asking me if Australia had any of these "Cows" years ago when we first started talking, I didn't know what she was talking about, I thought it was a folklore creature or something, but apparently they produce Milk.
...I don't think she would lie to me, I wonder if you can import a Cow.
I got over it months ago when that game had zero hopes of ever being good.
Nah, they're just changing the name.
I got over it when I realized it was made by the people that did Ico and SotC
Well? Is it true? Do such mythical beings create a magical substance known as milk?
I share this sentiment,
SotC is my all time favorite game
Pat told us the Waifu wars scared him away.
I got over it when I realized it was made by the people that did Ico and SotC
Don't let Sony do this to you man![]()
I haven't actually played it, I was like 7 when I had a ps2 so I would have hated it
sKLa there is a certain number of fucking terrible opinions I am willing to tolerate.I got over it when I realized it was made by the people that did Ico and SotC
Don't let Sony do this to you man![]()
FoodGAF made me randomly wonder, what are you guys favorite condiments? (ie. ketchup, mustard, mayo, salsa, soy sauce, tartar, honey mustard, malt vinegar, bbq sauce, teriyaki sauce, etc etc.)
In the Fire Emblem games released outside of Japan starting from Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword, the RNG generates two numbers instead of one and uses the average as the real hit value. For example, if your Hit Percentage is 63% and the RNG rolls 28 and 74, the average would be 51 and that would be considered as a Hit, while if the RNG rolls 48 and 92, the average would be 70 and is regarded as a miss. This also means the on screen Hit Percentage is somewhat lying to you as a high Hit Percentage would be even higher than what the game leads you to believe and low Hit Percentages would have an even lower rate of hitting than the number you see on screen. This is why it is uncommon for 90%+ Hit Percentages to miss. If you were to miss with a 99% Hit Percentage then the RNG would have to roll 100 and 100 for it to miss which is very unlikely but still possible. (Only ever happened to me once).
FoodGAF made me randomly wonder, what are you guys favorite condiments? (ie. ketchup, mustard, mayo, salsa, soy sauce, tartar, honey mustard, malt vinegar, bbq sauce, teriyaki sauce, etc etc.)
You love it.
I just turned 26 and I've been steadily losing weight over the last year or two.Since I hit 25 my metabolism has shit the bed. Used to eat anything but slowly I'm morphing into a fat shit.
What do you mean by that?
sKLa there is a certain number of fucking terrible opinions I am willing to tolerate.
But there is a line.
And you found it.
And took a FLYYYYING leap the fuck over it.
skla pls stop sucking ass
What do you mean by that?
Depends really. As long as it makes my food taste better, anything's game. Except castup. That shit is an abomination straight from Satan's thorny asshole.FoodGAF made me randomly wonder, what are you guys favorite condiments? (ie. ketchup, mustard, mayo, salsa, soy sauce, tartar, honey mustard, malt vinegar, bbq sauce, teriyaki sauce, etc etc.)
FoodGAF made me randomly wonder, what are you guys favorite condiments? (ie. ketchup, mustard, mayo, salsa, soy sauce, tartar, honey mustard, malt vinegar, bbq sauce, teriyaki sauce, etc etc.)