Out of the first 120 stars, I had the most trouble with this level. :lolRlan said:Thanks.
Oh great, the level I unlocked is a fucking Fluzzard level, and it's fucking hard!
1 was not that hard. 2 was easy once you figure out where to jump from. 3 was.. well, the only hard part was the last one. And the 4th, so easy once you figure out where to jump from.Mama Robotnik said:That one is the most horrific. I also am reserving a special place in hell for,Rainbow Road Purple Coin Challenge,Stone Cyclone 1st Green Starand that bastardingBoss Blitz Speedrun. They really got me.Green Star in midair in Flipsville
But the last star is the most horrific.
jaundicejuice said:The tilt control/ball levels are fucking terrible.
Ramirez said:They really are, but don't bother in here. :lol
So wierd, I had exactly the right amount I needed for every last one, and I didn't really went out of my way to get em, just point if there.Rlan said:So I'm 115 Stars In, got all the stars I can
But I've yet to unlock TWO "Luma" stations -- one that costs 1500 Starbits, and one that costs 2000 Bits. I've only got 1,000 total! Fuck! I swear I've been collecting as much as I can, but bloody hell -- I now have to FARM Starbits?
What would be the best level to do this in? :/
toasty_T said:Does anyone have any idea what track plays in Bowser's Gravity Gauntlet ? I really enjoyed that level, loved all the castle levels actually.
Yeah, wow, don't stop there. They do take a little bit to get going, but some of those are really great. It's not missing out on half the game or anything, but a third sounds about right.Rlan said:I finished getting all 120 starts and unlocked the green stars. I got the first two and then decided "Nope, not gonna get those".
$200 said:
I feel the same. It's a great game, but I can't say that I'm as hooked as I was with SMG1. So far the levels and music are clearly worse. Far from bad, but not as good as I expected.schennmu said:Started playing this yesterday. Of course it's great, but there seems to be a big too much stuff thrown into it. Variation is great, but I usually prefer old school mario platforming with less gimmicks. (Using gyros, disable gravitation, etc.)
Awesome game but so far I don't get the "game of the forever" talk. I've only completed world 1 and a few parts of world 2, so it might change.
They're just sort of sprinkled around levels for the most part. A lot are positioned so that you have to do different combinations of jumps to reach them.effingvic said:Also, what's the deal with the green stars?
Shiggy said:
HOLY FUCK AT 1:18Shiggy said:
There's some crazy shit in there.Shiggy said:
AniHawk said:HOLY FUCK AT 1:18
M.I.S. said:112 Stars in and beaten Bowser and I still want to continue playing (stopped playing SMG at about the 79 Stars mark) so I'm well chuffed.
Those Toads amuse me no end but I can't understand how Nintendo failed to incorporate those famous lines: "Thank you Mario! But our Princess is on another planet."
That's awesome.Shiggy said:There are even 1 Up mushrooms hidden in the corners![]()
Didn't you have to do that (or something similar) for some of the green stars?AniHawk said:HOLY FUCK AT 1:18
nincompoop said:Didn't you have to do that (or something similar) for some of the green stars?
Dever said:I just finished this. It's a good game and all, but I enjoyed SMG1 a lot more... I don't see why Nintendo would want to lock entire levels, the very meat of the game, from players.
zigg said:They did the exact same thing in SMG. It was just... less visible.
You're just burnt out on Galaxy.Himuro said:I'm on world 3 and I'm starting to question why people think this is remotely on par with the original Galaxy. It's good...great even. But not Galaxy great. By the halfway mark, I knew Galaxy was one of the best games I had ever played. This game simply settles for the best game this year I've played (that wasn't Galaxy). I mean, it's pretty much the same shit except...not as good so far.
That said it's still the best 2010 game I've played so far but I'm kinda regretting my purchase. I should have waited a year to cool off on the original Galaxy before biting in this. I waited two months after beating Galaxy to start this up and I'm still having issues getting into it.
I beat Galaxy in and got over 80 stars in 2-3 days. I've had Galaxy 2 for a week and a half and only have 20 or so stars.
The music isn't as good, the levels aren't as interesting, and it feels like the same thing. I'd even wager there was no point to having a sequel to Galaxy at this point.
But to be honest, I don't give a shit. More Galaxy is great. It's like complaining one can have too many orgasms.
Thanks for something to look forward to.
The_Technomancer said:Alright, I finally got 240. Now for the Grandmaster...
Well it's certainly valid to enjoy Galaxy 1 more, but my guess you're enjoying it less because the throwbacks from the first one feel rehashy and you still have the sense of amazement from the first one.Himuro said:Don't think this is the case. I played some of Galaxy as Luigi the other week and did like, multiple entire galaxies in one sitting. SMG2 has a slower pace than SMG1, this is fact.
Himuro said:That said it's still the best 2010 game I've played so far but I'm kinda regretting my purchase.
In my experience it picked up right from the start, so I don't know...Himuro said:Then again, people say it picks up.
Love it when you troll :lolHimuro said:Super Street Fighter IV, Mass Effect 2, Dragon Quest 9. Oh right, FF13. I always forget I've played that game. I wonder why.
Himuro said:What the fuck are you talking about?
Himuro said:Uh, it's not hard to understand why the game is praised as much as it is.
Willy105 said:No, it's all over the place. Same with the first game actually.
It's a special quality.
souvlakispacestation said:You clearly haven't played many games released in 2010.
Himuro said:I love the fact 2 doesn't have a shitty hub world. That's easily the best improvement. But I love the way Galaxy soothes the player into the game. It has its tutorial stages and it has an interesting difficulty curve and interesting scenarios. I'm 20+ stars into Galaxy 2 and it still feels like I'm unlocking new features and doing this and that. In Galaxy 1 the game paces itself so that you don't feel like you're being coddled 99% of the time.
I can't explain it. But that's the feeling I get playing 2.
Then again, people say it picks up.
Himuro said:How in the world do I play as my main man Luigi after unlocking him?
No, when you first fly into certain levels Luigi will be waiting by the beginning to tag out. And at least you get him fully at 70 stars this time instead of 120 :lolHimuro said:So if I pick a random galaxy it should let me play as Luigi rather than Mario. It'll be a pop-up?
I hate that Lugi's a hidden character these days. Lemme choose from the beginning please.
Really? He's far slipperier and his longjump is better, if I recall.Himuro said:Ohhh, I played a level as Luigi and he still controls the same.Still no float jump.