Regulus Tera said:That list is missing something something...
Missing the greatest action game of this generation perhaps.
Regulus Tera said:That list is missing something something...
Himuro said:I beat World 4 and the game is still mostly just "okay", Supermassive Galaxy aside
edit: Okay, add Space Storm Galaxy to that list. Space Storm Galaxy was the first Galaxy 1 quality level in this game. No bullshit or lame power ups or padded filler or lame gimmicks. Just great level design. More of that please. Slowly getting there... again.Himuro said:On world 6.
Worlds 5 and 6 are where the real Mario Galaxy sequel is at and what the game should have been, instead of taking 60 stars to get great.
Nah.AniHawk said:SMG2 shits on SMG from a great height from level 1 and you know it.
I concede that this is up to personal preference.Green Scar said:Having a hub world instead of a world map is only a positive if the hub world is actually interesting. SMG didn't have an interesting hub world, so SMG2 wins in that argument.
Rash said:SMG's hub world is pretty much a glorified level select screen. It's uninteresting compared to past hub worlds in Mario games, and therefore is nothing more than a time waster. SMG2 cuts this "fat" and is thus superior in regard to level selection.
Peach's Castle/Delphino-like hubs > level select screens > Galaxy 1-like hubs.
Kilrogg said:So I got this game as a present from friendsand completed world 1 so far. It's SMG all right, but I share some of Shiggy's complaints already. The cloud suit, while a good idea (cute, to boot), isn't very interesting in practice at the moment. I'll have to see if it gets better later in the game. The levels in world 1 are largely unsurprising, and I still don't like the 2D sections (although they feel somewhat better than in 1). Yoshi's tongue is kinda cool though, and any powerup that allows your character to move faster than he normally would is good in my book.
I even tried to get 100 coins there and discovered there are only like a little over 60.Himuro said:Throwback Galaxy. Meh.
You're in for a treat. What's amazing about S&P2 is that you can play it directly after SMG2 (I did) and it holds up just as well as if you hadn't. I feel like it's every bit as good at what it does, which speaks volumes about it, although the two games offer very different gameplay experiences.Himuro said:I have Sin and Punishment 2. I just haven't played it yet.
Himuro said:I have Sin and Punishment 2. I just haven't played it yet.
As far as gameplay I think they're on a pretty even keel, and mostly share the same flaws. I did like Galaxy's Soundtrack and presentation better though. On the other hand, I thought SMG2 had better power-ups, and arguably better bosses (aside from some of the more blatant recycling, which was a tad disappointing).Himuro said:I thought that while Galaxy 1 had a gradual difficulty curve, it would replace difficulty for interesting situations like solving puzzles, or beat the whole level with one life, things like that. When it wasn't hard, it was trying its hardest to entertain the player. I get no such feeling with Galaxy 2. It feels canned and it's not nearly as fun for me.
I know what you're getting at. I think SMG showed a little more panache at times, and it's certainly more thematically coherent. SMG2 is obviously still of a very high caliber, but at times I think the vestiges of its start as SMG 1.5 show through from time to time, which cheapens it a bit. I'd have almost preferred if they cut some of the filler and redundant content and worked on extending the fresher segments a bit, but I think in terms of sheer numbers they were intent on padding it out to at least "match" SMG. The other thing is that SMG had a few larger, deeper levels with more non-comet shines, although still not as deep as SM64 and SMS' somewhat more multifaceted stages.Himuro said:That's funny. I didn't find the levels in Galaxy 2 nearly as satisfying or fun as the ones in 1. It could be argued the gameplay is the same, but to me it wasn't.
It's definitely subjective, but in general I raise an eyebrow whenever someone thinks one game thwomps the other, so to speak. They're far more alike than dissimilar. I replayed a good chunk of SMG after SMG2, and even comparing and contrasting directly it's difficult for me to say definitively which is the better title. If you could have mashed the better half of each one into a single game it probably would've been a series best. As it stands I'd personally put SMB3, SMW, and SM64 ahead, but with both SMG1&2 nipping at their heels.Himuro said:I guess this is all subjective, because the SMG2 fans seem to like SMG2's approach more.
You can play as Luigi in any level, any star.Man God said:Also I would have liked to play as Luigi 100% of the time, though I realize that becomes a balance issue like it did in the first game.
Is Yoshi's Island 2 supposed to be Yoshi's Story or Yoshi's Island DS? Either way, I have to admit I find your list baffling. Different strokes for different folks I guess.Himuro said:Love
1. Super Mario Galaxy
2. Yoshi's Island
3. Super Mario Sunshine
4.Yoshi's Island 2
5. Super Mario Galaxy 2
6. Super Mario World
7. New Super Mario Bros
8. Super Mario Bros
9. Super Mario Bros 2
10. Mario Paint
11. Super Mario Bros 3
12. Super Mario 64
13. Super Mario Bros 2j
Busaiku said:You can play as Luigi in any level, any star.
Himuro said:I like exploration and focused platforming. SMG1 had a lot of both. Hence why I say it had more variety. 3d platforming is great in a "how do you get there?" approach, and 3d Mario games are great at that.
Mael said:Well it took me a long time but finally : 241!
Dear god was the last one hard!!
O M G, there's a fucking comet coin I missed!
btw SMG1 record your best time on each galaxy, you can even take a picture of that screen and send it to a friend
AniHawk said:
AniHawk said:There's 242 stars.
Here's how:
You're going to need 9999 starbits and put them in the bank after you get the comet coin.
And I didn't know that about SMG1. The game was so taxing on my patience that I don't think I ever noticed that.
Mael said:Well thanks, good thing I actually cached that much
Wait you mean the last level with the trophy of best in the universe is NOT the last level?
There's a black luma that display your score, in that screen there's all the stars you took and the time related. You can even take a picture of the screen and send it on the Wii's desk.
AniHawk said:You have to have 242 stars and the level calledis not the final level.The Ultimate Test
AniHawk said:Nope never saw that. All I remember is pressing A over and over until I just wished Flanders was dead.
Himuro said:Meh
11. Super Mario Bros 3
12. Super Mario 64
Yeah. The folks who still think that the game is too easy need to understand that Nintendo's catering to a massive audience of players with varying skill levels, and the fact that we even got a harder 3D Mario game is pretty much a miracle. But, hell, if Nintendo gets too many reports that SMG2 was still too hard for certain audiences, even with features like the Cosmic Guide, they may tone things back again, so appreciate what you have while you can.Ledsen said:This game really is way better than SMG1, I love the level design and the challenge. Sadly it's a bit too much for my girlfriend. She loved the first game but the much higher difficulty in this game is making her frustrated :/
Himuro said:I'm still curious about this. What levels are people finding harder? It's that much more difficult at all.
SMG2's "difficulty" is overstated.
It's funny but I died more times in SMG. At most on a single star I died 3 times in SMG2, and I beat most of them on the first try. I made note of one exception where I died like 8-10 times (although I forgot by now which one it is, and maybe there's more than one).Himuro said:I'm still curious about this. What levels are people finding harder? It's that much more difficult at all.
SMG2's "difficulty" is overstated.
Himuro said:Uhhh
I don't think anyone said SMG's difficulty was particularly high. People keep going on and on about SMG2 being so much harder, I died a few times, but death != harder. They are not mutually exclusive things. Because you die does not mean a game is challenging or hard. Game is still easy as shit.
Well, you've only played half of the stars [120], and even though there already were levels which were harder than most of the stuff in the first game (Flip-Swap, or Flip-Out comets), or just flat-out tougher variations of levels in the first game (like Luigi's Purple Coins and theHimuro said:I'm still curious about this. What levels are people finding harder? It's that much more difficult at all.
SMG2's "difficulty" is overstated.
Sunshine is way harder than SMG2.Mael said:depends it's still the hardest 3D Mario games but yeah they're easy stuff compared to what unholy horrors they've done in stuffs like smb2j or YIds (that thing is fucking ruthless, I didn't even know you could do that to a game with Yoshi :lol)
upandaway said:Sunshine is way harder than SMG2.
Himuro said:I don't understand this "hardest of the 3d games" thing either. If anything, Sunshine should take that crown solely for its warp levels.
In this case, unless you did a lot of green stars, an opinion on difficulty in the game is completely invalid.Himuro said:I did the minimum and beat the game.
The spin float makes that level a lot easier, not to mention it wasn't the hardest in Sunshine.Mael said:Actually no, not by a long shot
/!\attention real smg2 spoiler alert
.there's a galaxy with a special level from Sunshine, it's the easiest level of the hidden levels. heck there's levels harder than that in the 4th world
Sunshine had difficulty pikes but the fucking pinball level is bloody harder than the fludless levels, it's not even a contest (and that is easier than some stars in SMG).
And if you did only the minimum on Sunshine to beat the game you wouldn't see the flud less levels or the fucking pinball either.
upandaway said:The spin float makes that level a lot easier, not to mention it wasn't the hardest in Sunshine.
I had a heck of a hard time with Sunshine and I didn't with SMG2. That's about all I can say for an argument on the matter.
You could maybe argue that the 120 stars of Super Mario Galaxy are harder than the first 120 stars of Super Mario Galaxy 2. I would personally disagree with that, since SMG2 throws tougher variations of SMG levels at you a couple dozen stars in and generally expands on the ideas of SMG by putting you into increasingly complex and clever situational setups, but I'd accept a well-made argument for SMG throwing you into so many new situations you first had to adjust to that it appeared harder to you.Himuro said:I did the minimum and beat the game.
If you thought 241 was hard, you're gonna love 242!Mael said:Well it took me a long time but finally : 241!
Dear god was the last one hard!!
Rash said:You also have to take into consideration that Sunshine and Galaxy just play and control a tad differently. If you took specific levels from Galaxy and transplanted them into Sunshine, or vice versa, the levels may seem more or less challenging depending on what you're used to. The way Mario moves, turns, jumps, and slips around is not exactly the same in every 3D Mario game.i.e. the Sunshine void level in SMG2's Special World
Jokeropia said:If you thought 241 was hard, you're gonna love 242!![]()