About to say. People arguing about the continuity and consistency in Mario game are just...:lolselig said:Wait, people are arguing about lack of story in a Mario-game?
About to say. People arguing about the continuity and consistency in Mario game are just...:lolselig said:Wait, people are arguing about lack of story in a Mario-game?
JSnake said:hey guys if i play mario 64 do i have to play the other 63 mario games to understand the story???
Rash said:Hell, most Mario games exist in alternate universes. Or, they might as well. No one's observing the continuity between SMB, SMB3, SMW, and NSMB, right?
DeathbyVolcano said:It's times like these I wish The Grey Ghost was still around, just to see what fucked conclusions he would draw from all the praise of this game.
Shikamaru Ninja said:EAD Tokyo Group is definitely working on a second big game. The main programmers of the original Super Mario Galaxy, Hideaki Shimizu and Naoki Kaga are not involved in this game. The original sound programmer, Masafumi Kawamura is also not involved in this game. Though they are listed in the EAD Tokyo Special Thanks.
The planet design staff is almot entirely new. About 6 new graphic designers working on the planet design, while the original planet design staff is not present bar 1-2 designers. A couple of the new designers may have been hired from Sonic Team and Namco. Also one from GameFreak/Creatures. There are also newly hired programmers and character designers showcasing that apparently EAD Tokyo has hired a lot of people.
Apparently, Nintendo is still hiring for EAD Tokyo.
Is EAD Tokyo working on Donkey Kong 3DS? Star Fox? New 3DS game? They are definitely doing something big to have 3 of their big Galaxy programmers and several artists not involved in Galaxy 2.
But....I thought people said this game's level designs were good...?Shikamaru Ninja said:The planet design staff is almost entirely new. About 6 new graphic designers working on the planet design, while the original planet design staff is not present bar 1-2 designers. A couple of the new designers may have been hired from Sonic Team and Namco. Also one from GameFreak/Creatures. There are also newly hired programmers and character designers showcasing that apparently EAD Tokyo has hired a lot of people.
But....I thought people said this game's level designs were good...?
Shikamaru Ninja said:EAD Tokyo Group is definitely working on a second big game. The main programmers of the original Super Mario Galaxy, Hideaki Shimizu and Naoki Kaga are not involved in this game. The original sound programmer, Masafumi Kawamura is also not involved in this game. Though they are listed in the EAD Tokyo Special Thanks.
The planet design staff is almot entirely new. About 6 new graphic designers working on the planet design, while the original planet design staff is not present bar 1-2 designers. A couple of the new designers may have been hired from Sonic Team and Namco. Also one from GameFreak/Creatures. There are also newly hired programmers and character designers showcasing that apparently EAD Tokyo has hired a lot of people.
Apparently, Nintendo is still hiring for EAD Tokyo.
Is EAD Tokyo working on Donkey Kong 3DS? Star Fox? New 3DS game? They are definitely doing something big to have 3 of their big Galaxy programmers and several artists not involved in Galaxy 2.
Shikamaru Ninja said:EAD Tokyo Group is definitely working on a second big game. The main programmers of the original Super Mario Galaxy, Hideaki Shimizu and Naoki Kaga are not involved in this game. The original sound programmer, Masafumi Kawamura is also not involved in this game. Though they are listed in the EAD Tokyo Special Thanks.
The planet design staff is almot entirely new. About 6 new graphic designers working on the planet design, while the original planet design staff is not present bar 1-2 designers. A couple of the new designers may have been hired from Sonic Team and Namco. Also one from GameFreak/Creatures. There are also newly hired programmers and character designers showcasing that apparently EAD Tokyo has hired a lot of people.
Apparently, Nintendo is still hiring for EAD Tokyo.
Is EAD Tokyo working on Donkey Kong 3DS? Star Fox? New 3DS game? They are definitely doing something big to have 3 of their big Galaxy programmers and several artists not involved in Galaxy 2.
JRW said:Love the music for Boo Moon Galaxy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBezytVycaU&fmt=18
Well if you're gonna do that, you might as well add Super Princess Peach because it was basically the same thing. And include all the Wario's and both Yoshi's Islands. There has to be a line somewhere. I say just games where Mario is the main character.mclem said:What about Wario Land? The first title was a *lot* more like a Mario game than subsequent titles in the series were, despite the fact that the lead character wasn't Mario (you could argue the same about Yoshi's Island, too)
Ericsc said:The last time I was this hyped for a game I was still a kid. I ordered from amazon, I can't wait until this comes in the mail. It's so hard to wait.
After you get the 240 stars, you open up another Galaxy. Correct?
What happens after you beat that new Galaxy? Do we know yet? Do we get another bonus?
is this for real?:lolAceBandage said:You get to play as Miyamoto.
Fixed!ILikeFeet said:Koizumi's new IP? :O :O :O
AceBandage said:That's so awesome.
Man, I'd buy the hell out of this OST if they ever released it in the states.
Or hell, release it on iTunes as a digital LP, Nintendo.
Lkr said:is this for real?:lol
JRW said:You can get a mostly complete OST here: http://forums.ffshrine.org/showthread.php?t=76298
I remember yelling "FUCK YEAH" when I finally won.cory said:My favorite star in the first game was the rock boss 1-life challenge.
One can dream... imagine by next weekend "Final Bowser Battle" being #1 on iTunes around the world. :lolAceBandage said:Or hell, release it on iTunes as a digital LP, Nintendo.
Well, I'm neither pirate nor press. Call it a third 'p'. Professional connections.DevelopmentArrested said:there's 5 mins of story at the beginning.. that's about it
yes, these are the only 2 ways for people to be playing right now.
ForzaItalia said:97.21% after 17 reviews at gamerankings.com
Is it possible to buy this at a 24 hour Walmart at midnight tonight?
Downhome said:Is it possible to buy this at a 24 hour Walmart at midnight tonight?
Okay, so I absolutely don't give the least bit of shit about scores or score collection sites, but I did take a look on gamerankings after your post and I do think this somehow is a pleasant sight. :lolForzaItalia said:97.21% after 17 reviews at gamerankings.com
:lol :lol :loldsister44 said:Rosalina sent mario back in time to stop bowser before he took over the universe.
In one timeline the mushroom kingdom gets destroyed so mairo and peach set out across the sea in search of a new land leading to super mario sunshine and Yoshi's island
In the other timeline the mushroom kingdom is still intact and is followed by super mario land 64
Galaxy 2 takes place in the latter timeline inbetween super mario land and mario kart double dash
Snakeyes said:Without going into too much details,are the 240 stars unique? how many of those are comet challenges?
Peff said:There are still many comets, but this time they're just one color with different challenges (including the ones from the first game). According to the IGN guide there are 24 comet stars in the game. The other 120 stars are unique as far as I know, but they are hidden in the existing levels.
Maybe they all got fired by Miyamoto for sneaking story stuff into Galaxy 2!Shikamaru Ninja said:EAD Tokyo Group is definitely working on a second big game. The main programmers of the original Super Mario Galaxy, Hideaki Shimizu and Naoki Kaga are not involved in this game. The original sound programmer, Masafumi Kawamura is also not involved in this game. Though they are listed in the EAD Tokyo Special Thanks.
The planet design staff is almot entirely new. About 6 new graphic designers working on the planet design, while the original planet design staff is not present bar 1-2 designers. A couple of the new designers may have been hired from Sonic Team and Namco. Also one from GameFreak/Creatures. There are also newly hired programmers and character designers showcasing that apparently EAD Tokyo has hired a lot of people.
They are definitely doing something big to have 3 of their big Galaxy programmers and several artists not involved in Galaxy 2.
I'm pretty sure it's just Mario, Luigi, and Sonic.Lkr said:is this for real?:lol
Shikamaru Ninja said:EAD Tokyo Group is definitely working on a second big game.
slaughterking said:Okay, so I absolutely don't give the least bit of shit about scores or score collection sites, but I did take a look on gamerankings after your post and I do think this somehow is a pleasant sight. :lol
Wii said:Maybe they all got fired by Miyamoto for sneaking story stuff into Galaxy 2!
There is a bit of implied story to Galaxy 2.Wii said:Maybe they all got fired by Miyamoto for sneaking story stuff into Galaxy 2!
Fantastical said:Had to switch to regular shipping instead so super saver because I am a whore. :lol
Fantastical said:Had to switch to regular shipping instead so super saver because I am a whore. :lol
I think I'm hearing different versions of the same music again and again with, like, half the levels. Am I imagining this?JRW said:You can get a mostly complete OST here: http://forums.ffshrine.org/showthread.php?t=76298