Glass Soldier
Shikamaru Ninja said:EAD Tokyo Group is definitely working on a second big game.
How big though? (3)DS-big or Wii(2)-big?
Shikamaru Ninja said:EAD Tokyo Group is definitely working on a second big game.
Oh damn, I should have done that!BuddhaRockstar said:I signed up for the Amazon prime trial for mine :lol Usually don't care about getting games near day 1 but my hype for this one is just too great.
InsaneZero said:as it's basically Luigi Purple Coins on steroids.
slaughterking said:Okay, so I absolutely don't give the least bit of shit about scores or score collection sites, but I did take a look on gamerankings after your post and I do think this somehow is a pleasant sight. :lol
selig said:Wait, people are arguing about lack of story in a Mario-game?
It seems thatJRW said:Im trying to figure out how this game has 240 stars. It seems (after glancing at IGN's guide) there is 120 stars, Im assuming you get a chance at more stars after beating the game. I hate looking at walkthroughs so didnt research it much =/
Dude, maths. It's 0.07, that's even worse. SMG2 is a total letdown confirmed.0.06 worse than SMG? Unacceptable.
CassSept said:Dude, maths. It's 0.07, that's even worse. SMG2 is a total letdown confirmed.
DevelopmentArrested said:Another 2 hours in (25 stars, world 3) -
- New music (water level, World 3 map theme) is so awesome.
- Some of level design is even better than SMG1 (World 2 boss level).
- The Yoshi power-ups are such a great addition.
This is becoming one of the best games I've played in years.
Oh, really?CassSept said:It seems thatOnce you get first 120 stars, another set of 120 green stars unlocks. And they are unique challenges, not reprises like Luigi run in original SMG. So effectively, there are 240 stars altogether. We still don't know what is the reward for getting all the stars though and IGN's walkthrough suggests there is something
Well,Black-Wind said:Oh, really?
Can you spoiler quote them? I don't want to look at the WalkThrough.
Peff said:Keep in mind thatthey're not really unique challenges, but hidden through the original levels, kinda like a collect-a-thon and seemingly with no clues, so I think this time less people will get the full 240 (and beyond?).
Peff said:Also, can anybody with the confirm thatand it looks like something that could kill the replay value for some need to finish a level before the comet coin is saved? I've seen people replay entire levels solely for that
FIX YOUR SPOILER FIX YOUR SPOILERzigg said:Yeah, this is how it works.
Grandmaster Galaxy, which I personally don't yet have access to as I don't have more than a handful of Green Stars yetright now, my 7-year-old daughter is playing on her fileappears to be the reward after collecting them all.
Yes, that's how it works. So don't miss them?
(Really, it's not that bad; no level is over-long unlike a few in Galaxy, and.)there's only one Comet Medal per galaxy, always on the first stage
zigg said:Yes, that's how it works. So don't miss them?
(Really, it's not that bad; no level is over-long unlike a few in Galaxy, and.)there's only one Comet Medal per galaxy, always on the first stage
Wow at that first levelPeff said:Keep in mind thatthey're not really unique challenges, but hidden through the original levels, kinda like a collect-a-thon and seemingly with no clues, so I think this time less people will get the full 240 (and beyond?). You can see how it works here from minute 48
CassSept said:All SMG bosses in a row on a timed run? Can this game get any more amazing?
thecouncil said:Another question aboutthe 120 additional (green) stars, for those who know:
Is finding them going to be as impossible as finding the blue coins in Super Mario Sunshine? Because those blue coins were found as a result of doing things i would have never thought to do if i hadn't looked them up... and that is NOT fun.
:lolBowieZ said:If you turn your head sideways, the above black lines remind me of the proverbial prison cell bars holding me back from playing this game until July.
othersteve said:No, primarily because their sparkly noise is quite audible.
Wait, I'm confused.othersteve said:No, primarily because their sparkly noise is quite audible.
othersteve said:I think the only tiny thing I could even begin to criticize is the shortness of the final Bowser battle. You know that awesome music you're hearing? Yeah, well, if you're as good as me, you don't hear it for more than 30 seconds. Yes, the battle is longer than that, but that part of the song only plays for the very end. That's about the only regret I have, and it's my own damn fault for being so good at Mario!
El Pescado said:Wait, I'm confused.Are the Green Stars ACTUAL Stars with feats you have to accomplish to achieve them or are they just randomly strewn about a level?
I picked this up yesterday at a local Mom n' Pop Video Store and I'm stuck at work all day today. >_< I only got 14 Stars last night. The wait to play it is killing me. ;_;
othersteve said:I think the only tiny thing I could even begin to criticize is the shortness of the final Bowser battle. You know that awesome music you're hearing? Yeah, well, if you're as good as me, you don't hear it for more than 30 seconds. Yes, the battle is longer than that, but that part of the song only plays for the very end. That's about the only regret I have, and it's my own damn fault for being so good at Mario!
How big though? (3)DS-big or Wii(2)-big?
Don't mind..not even a spoiler...if it spoilers anything is that othersteve: is apparently too good at Mario games..BowieZ said:Don't like seeing someone replying to a spoiler with a sad face...