blu said:good game is good. i'm still not entirely sold on Yoshi's base mechanics, but that's mainly because i think the game's already great without those.
Yoshi is not used that often
blu said:good game is good. i'm still not entirely sold on Yoshi's base mechanics, but that's mainly because i think the game's already great without those.
BowieZ said:Meanwhile, a few negative opinions on the soundtrack over at that FFshrine site:
fernoca said:Also, experience..maybe..
In many cases the GBs are just filled with redundant data ..maybe since they already knew on what they were working on, knew the engine..just used the necessary space. Probably the first game still has the original-not upgraded textures from when the first game was shown ..or there...or they found other ways to do similar effects and visual quality..with less memory.
darkwings said:it is weird that you cannot do the ground stomp move with yoshi though
Vitet said:You can't spin jump or grab your cape in SMW when riding Yoshi.
darkwings said:huh, but this isnt SMW.
EzLink said:Without spoiling what it is, is it worth it to get allstars? I didn't find the reward in the first one to be worth all the effort to get everything. I quit after the first 120, but I'm hoping Galaxy 2 provides enough incentive to want to get every single one240
JRW said:Am I missing something on bowser stage? Is therea comet challenge or something else to make it show a completion crown icon lke the rest of the levels? I took a snap off my tv screen here: LINK
autobzooty said:Did you think it was worth it in Galaxy 1, Kard8p3?
Like the first one, lives are easy to get ..because you lose them when you quit/turn off the game..LiquidMetal14 said:Is it me or are 1UP's easy to build up?
Kard8p3 said:No but I did it anyway.
Not that I could tell. It doesn't even seem to acknowledge your victory.Nose Master said:Do you get anything for beating a?ghost
BowieZ said:HOLY SHIT.Theme *IS* in this game! (No, I don't mean Haunty Halls)SMW Castle
claviertekky said:1. Wild Glide Galaxy Star #2: Race. Fluzzard won't go faster even though I'm tilting the remote down to go faster. I always get stuck in second place and not farther to first. What the hell am I doing wrong???
2. The wood slide prankster purple coin challenge: Which character is the best to use here? Aside from the nostalgic Mario 64 slide music, the slide mechanics are broken! I can't brake or jump backwards. I always miss a few purple coins down the straight line and near the end there are some stupid tight corners that always get me because of the broken controls!
Mejilan said:The rolly star bar controls are excellent! I never understood the complaints. Not in SMG1 or this one. They're perfectly responsive. The only thing you need to worry about is moving back to the neutral position when you want to slow down/stop. For the first rolly star ball galaxy, I cleared both the regular and Prankster Comet versions at my first go!
I just tilted down as much as possible. Also, it seems that if you tilt back up after you see the speedy wind trails, then you'll swoop up a bit before slowing down, so you should be able to squeeze in more swoops. I did it in just under 1:07 and that was enough for first. (I had 1:14 and change at the end of my first star).
Change your batteries or something, because the controls are perfect. I never had to slow down or jump backwards, and I got it on my second try. There are 140 purple coins on the track, and you only need 100. There are certain times where you'll see coins both on "top" and on "bottom" of the slide. When it's either/or, go for the ones that show a double row of coins, instead of the usually easier single row. Cleared this one with 103 coins without too much difficulty. Memorization helps, of course.
Woah, just be careful for a second... be prepared that it's a subtle quote of the theme planted for those who wish to hear it.SpacePirate Ridley said:*insanely hyped*
BowieZ said: :lol :lolRelix said:As an off topic post, this is not exactly related to Galaxy 2 but please someone tell me there are not this crazy people:
(this advice is not from me, so I may be misinterpreting things)2. The wood slide prankster purple coin challenge: Which character is the best to use here? Aside from the nostalgic Mario 64 slide music, the slide mechanics are broken! I can't brake or jump backwards. I always miss a few purple coins down the straight line and near the end there are some stupid tight corners that always get me because of the broken controls!
Which modulation specifically? Any? LOL they're all great. Also, totally agreed. OST of the millennium so far, for me, personally.claviertekky said:I love that hurry theme. The chord modulation is awesome.
Whole game music score is contender for Video Game OST of the decade.
:lollandoverbapshit said:Also, when Mario finishes a level, he jumps on a flagpole, and with the pole between his legs, his slides down. Then he ends it all with a terrorist fist jab.
It boggles my mind how the perveted sex-maniacs at Nintendo managed to come up with so many deviant ideas. They must do nothing other than give sake-lubricated shiatzu massages to their ladyboy gieshas, and produce homosexual recruiting tools aimed at America's children.
I weep for America.
Proud supporter of Bobby Jindal For President/Exorcist-in-chief 2012! REGISTER TO VOTE!
Relix said:As an off topic post, this is not exactly related to Galaxy 2 but please someone tell me there are not this crazy people:
claviertekky said:I strongly disagree. I felt like I was playing a Sonic Adventure game that had to go through tunnels with those broken controls. Jumping doesn't let me go over to the other side and I'm little holding left on some areas that Mario and Luigi just slowly goes there to respond. Jumping adjusting doesn't work like Mario 64!
ethic said:Bah. Someone help me. My disc is not being read by my Wii. SMG 1 reads fine; and does Twlight Princess. Wasn't there some sort of issue with certain Wiis not being able to read certain discs a couple years ago? Is this that type of disc?
fernoca said:From what I remember, the disc problem was tied to dual-layer discs (Brawl and Prime Trilogy)....if other discs work, you could try exchanging it for another copy.. :lol :lolfun website
Somnia said:Haven't had a Wii since after mario galaxy. Just ordered a black wii with mario galaxy 2, twilight princess (already beat it but why not...), new super mario bros, monster hunter tri (and a new classic controller pro), silent hill and RE4![]()
Relix said:As an off topic post, this is not exactly related to Galaxy 2 but please someone tell me there are not this crazy people:
Darn..well..ethic said:Brawl doesn't seem to work either (I've had the game for years but haven't actually tried it until just now lol). Freakin' heck. Laaaaaaame.
Mejilan said:You're thinking of dual layer DVDs, such as Metroid Prime Trilogy and Super Smash Bros. Brawl. SMG2 actually takes up much, much less space than SMG1 did. Neither of the SMGs are dual layer DVDs, so that shouldn't be the issue. Did you check the disc for heavy smudges or scratches?
It's apparently exactly 1337 MB. No joke.richisawesome said:This game is apparently 1.29gb in size.