Been busy so didn't get a chance to play more until today. Only a couple of dungeons in. Is there any balance to this game? I'm playing on hard and it's jokingly easy using a Kamui character. I'm fairly worried that the Kamui system breaks the game and everyone is useless outside the Kamui character in terms of damage output, so the two other characters will just be used for support healing/buffing/debuffing/keeping combos flowing. Does the game balance this at all as the game goes by?
Areas could look a little nicer and after playing a lot of Kiseki there's absolutely no reason why Tales games shouldn't have a retry option in battles. Having to stop at every save point and take 30-60 seconds to save even though your doing fine just on the off chance that you get killed later on is lame. Would probably only save like once an hour or two if it had a retry option.
Really, really like the story. So refreshing for a jrpg. I'm completely tired after 30 years of rpg-ing of playing the story of some dumb kid who gets involved in a grand adventure with their friends. I like the fact that right from the start you're playing as an energetic positive super-human dude whose dream is to be the real jesus and becomes jesus and goes around getting followers of jesus to go on his jesus quest to explore the world and save everyone. It's like starting with endgame rpg story characters where they accept that they're powerful, all the NPCs around them accept that they're powerful and hook them up with free stuff and praise, and you know what you're doing. The huge lack of emo-ness is pretty great even if the main dude is still kind of Tales naive/clueless, but at least he's positive and optimistic!
The other characters are pretty good too and no one's annoying.
Battle system is cool in that Kamui takes Graces system and gives even
more movelist options to your main controlled character. But like I just said, unless there's a balance for Kamui characters being ridiculously OP and making it pointless to use normal Sorey or anyone else, then that's kind of a big flaw.
There could be more stuff to do in the fields like Xenoblade (or more like FFXII but with 1/100th the budget), but I like the big feel of them. Feels much better than Xillia because Xillia just felt like big empty fields with nothing to do an a boring battle system and segmented towns and like no dungeons. At least Zestiria has somewhat map design fields, and dungeons (even if they're bland) and a battle system that makes you want to keep getting in battles and fighting as much as possible. Tales has almost never really had good dungeon/map design. The best are the sorcerer ring puzzles in a couple of them, the worst is no dungeons like Xillia. So far these are just your normal generic Tales dungeons, shrug.
Music is great, best in a while for Tales series. Love the main field adventuring tune. Gets stuck in my head.
Not sure how I feel about the skill system as I haven't really gotten into it. Everything else seems fine. Don't mind the snack/food/item making sub-system and between that and inns, cooking is covered. Party chat while walking is great and it feels like there's enough chats in the game so far. Love that the visualization system has a bunch of stuff and you don't even have to pay DLC for it, it's just in the game! I like making Sorey look like hilariously dumb because it fits his goofy character
You know what, I don't like this game's opening. Most Tales games, I listen to the song sometimes when turning it on. This time, I don't want to hear it at all.

It's good! I'm the opposite! This is the first game in a while that's made me want to listen to the OP every time I start it. I love songs with na-na-na-na-nas :X