Master of the Google Search
At least Symphonia allowed you to undo that crime, even if it took a guide to do so.Kratos is the real crime here. The only halfway decent character in Symphonia.
At least Symphonia allowed you to undo that crime, even if it took a guide to do so.Kratos is the real crime here. The only halfway decent character in Symphonia.
Hmm, ok yeah I just foughtboss by the broken bridge early on and the difficulty spike was crazy. It's almost as if the difficulty level changes don't effect normal enemies much but really effect bosses. Normal enemies on hard are still joke easy and die in 5 seconds, but this boss was killing people left and right with really hard hitting attacks and tons of HP. Had to use most of my items! Was fun though.Ouroboros
That being said I don't really get the guard break system? Like when I was hitting this boss with all the different elements I thought it was the water element that was giving off "weak", so I fused with water kamui and none of my water attacks were doing much damage (or any attacks at all) but then every so often he would basically become guard broken and all hits would be weakpoint criticals and I'd be doing tons of damage no matter what the attack.
Is this another FFXIII's style battle system where it's all about breaking the boss and then piling on the biggest most damage combos/hi-ougis while he's broken and repeat?
When you have two gattai people in your party there's no way to change mid-battle which one you want to kamui with, right? I thought I read a note saying something like you could but I couldn't figure out any way.
That has to be Go Shiina.
In the menu in battle, pressing start lets you change the controllable character. D-pad cycles through the tenzoku. Unless you are asking something else entirely.
Not only that, if tenzoku is hurt or even dies, switching to another one which isn't currently in the party will heal the one who has been sent away.Ok, yeah that's what I was asking about. Thanks. I remember it saying something about d-pad, but didn't try it during the battle pause screen. That's good, will be helpful if linked to one of the wrong element for the boss/enemies.
Unfortunately, Zestiria suffers from modern Tales balancing where regular enemies and bosses are wayyyy out of whack. Regular fights are too easy, bosses then seem like a big difficulty spike by comparison. It's weird since in the PS2 era, they didn't really have that problem.
Because I'm sure it's totally his choice to spam DLC stuff everywhere in Tales games these days and make tons of money off the fanbase at ridiculous prices.
Namco is the Activision/Ubisoft of Japan. If they see a way to make more money, they do it. Hence why One Piece Warriors 3 is coming to PC. The only reason something like Zestiria isn't on PC is because this whole "oh shit PC Ys Origin just sold more copies than its entire run in Japan!" realization by Japanese publishers just happened in 2014 and Zestiria's been in development for several years prior and the engine may not be something easily ported. I was talking with duckroll about this and I really think the more realistic proportions and large area design you're seeing in Xillia and even more in Zestiria is happening because Tales is one of the few Japanese series that sells something in the west, even if not a ton and they're trying to make Tales more western/global to expand the fanbase through more western fans and going to PC next is no brainer if you're chasing that.
I'm pretty confident that their next PS4 engine will be PC compatible and you'll see a PS3/PS4/PC or PS4/PC release.
I'd never understand this. I mean, in Xillia there was a moment while I was playing (on Hard) that I arrived to a mine where enemies where around 15 levels over me. They could definitely kill me in 1-2 hits if they wanted, the risk was there, but for some reason I found the hour or so that I spent there much more fun than many of the bosses in Xillia.
Sometimes in both Xillia's I felt like some bosses were playing cheap. It was worse in Xillia than Xillia 2. That problem wasn't that bad in Graces. And in Vesperia I remember the infamous wolf fight you get early on the game (where you have to stun him using the flowers spores) that made me drop the game for 6 months![]()
So a company wants to make money? That's shocking![]()
I don't completely understand your analogy. It seems you're saying the bolded statement as a bad thing, but then you actually talk about something that's good for us. And One Piece PC version is probably a Tecmo Koei thing. They already ported DW8XL to PC and released it on Steam in the West and it seems it has done good enough numbers to them. So they're betting again on the platform.
About Tales on PC... who knows. That's a 100% Bamco game. There are other IPs that would definitely benefit from being on PC more than Tales. Like Tekken 7. Unless we see some of their more "mainstream" (wasn't Tekken selling like over 5 million units WW in the PS2 era?) IPs on the platform, I wouldn't even consider Tales.
And I'd love PC Tales. If that platform got Tales and Persona I would definitely switch there and hold back a PS4 purchase until it was really cheap![]()
there are a lot of things I don't like about this game, but when the music is good, it's AMAZING
There's also Dark Souls and Naruto. I'd say Namco Bandai is one of the biggest publishers flocking to steam from Japan along with Square Enix and now Falcom (though w/Falcom I'm not sure if it's Falcom or Xseed whose responsible). In 3-4 years I bet we start seeing Gust Tonelico series and maybe even Nippon Ichi getting Disgaea stuff on PC. I'd be surprised if Japanese console games didn't become the norm to be on PC in the west along with whatever console. Japanese games don't sell that many copies, which is why the budgets tend to be so low, especially in the rpg genre outside the big hitter FF and DQ mainlines. So an increase of 200-400k additional sales in the west through Steam is going to be a huge incentive to make game engines easily portable to steam in the future.
there are a lot of things I don't like about this game, but when the music is good, it's AMAZING
Don't woprry , he 's nothing like him.So how's the main character.
I can't stomach another Asbel, just from looking at him I highly doubt he's good like Yuri, I can only hope he's at least bland and inoffensive like Jude.
That's pretty much how i put it together too.I agree with Aeana. I started becoming suspicious whenI saw Rose in Kamui form. I don't remember seeing Alisha ever getting it (maybe I'm wrong), and it would've made sense for her to have it if there had to be two characters with the ability. She was pretty phased out regarding trailers too. A shame though, I really did like her design. Really stood out for what I would've thought to be the main heroine lol. Once I saw the name Alisha and a spoiler tag next to it in this thread, it was really easy to put two and two together.
What I've heard of the music has been really great, best Tales OST since Legendia? Wish/hope Shiina does the next one too.
Yeah, that's true. I didn't remember Naruto since the last game I played from the UNS series was Generations. That's a Bamco Bamco game on the platform.
That's pretty much how i put it together too.
I'm not even mad.. For me it was something expected , when the battle system was introduced.The final hint was when i've watched the damn opening of the game last week. You can't make it more obvious.
there are a lot of things I don't like about this game, but when the music is good, it's AMAZING
Great to hear. I am currently playing Graces F and I really don't like the music. It feels a lot worse than other Tales game I have played.
There were skills mentioned that increase the running speedyou can pay and travel to already visited locations. I don't know if there is more to that.
Thank you for the lengthy impressions. You have been down on the more recent Tales games until this one, what would you say makes this one so positively different? Only the new approach to characters and story?(impressions)
Thank you too. Agree that the option of a fixed camera should have helped. Should be a given anyway whenever more than one player play, but alas...(impressions)
And for that somebody at the team need to take multiplayer seriously again. After that all the linking, forced soloing and merging as part of the battle system would go away automatically. Maybe somebody should also finally push player vs player battles for Tales so that the games can garner a fighting community and appear on events like APEX or something. xDThey probably need to design a Tales game that doesn't involving linking first.
fixedThe backlash is mostly about one particular thingthatbecause it is not that big of a deal in the grand scope of the game.
Interestingly enough while "Team Symphonia" games were always low color, "Team Destiny" ones weren't.Tales tends to look low-color.
I already saw a full video of that on youtube, let me look if I can find it again...Got a favor to ask of you folks who are near the end of/have beaten the game or are watching streams.
We recorded a couple of the vocal songs for Go Shiina, and one of the singers wants to see her track in-game. It's called "Journey's End", and is, female vocals with english lyrics. It's not this one (which is Rising Up)13 minutes long, plays on the final night before the last boss
If you run across a twitch (or otherwise) video with it, lemme know. Will be eternally grateful etc.
Thank you for the lengthy impressions. You have been down on the more recent Tales games until this one, what would you say makes this one so positively different? Only the new approach to characters and story?
Been avoiding this thread and various other places for spoilers until it was out in english but still managed to be spoilt anyways. Hearing some mixed things about this game but regardless I'll still try to get as much enjoyment out of this as I possibly can. Got 2 questions, is there a time limit for how long you can stay in Kamui and hows the replay value once you've beaten the game?
I'm more surprised it matters this much to some people.
Kratos is the real crime here. The only halfway decent character in Symphonia.
That I find to be very good to hear!(...) It reminds me a lot of the PS1/PS2 era Tales in that way. They were fun games.
Glad to see I'm not the only one reminded of Vesperia even if the end result still differs. ^^The more I play and the more towns and locations I see, it definitely becomes apparent the art direction is the Vesperia guy. The game at times looks very close to Vesperia just slightly less cell-shaded. (snip)
Please go to the DLC thread if you only want to complain about being "farmed". As for stuff being cut I'm pretty sure this is not the case here, what everybody seems to think as being cut wasn't even planned as such,Same as with the costume deal, I don't like to feel like I'm getting "farmed";(snip)
You can just call Mikleo "Mibo" like Edna does.
I already saw a full video of that on youtube, let me look if I can find it again...
JP audio tends to have the audio for the SE and Music higher than the voice during many scenes making it more difficult to hear voice-acting. Tales is notoriously bad for that too, IMO, so I just knock those two settings down a level before I start the game to get the correct sound volumes.
I wish I could trade someone for Edna.
JP audio tends to have the audio for the SE and Music higher than the voice during many scenes making it more difficult to hear voice-acting. Tales is notoriously bad for that too, IMO, so I just knock those two settings down a level before I start the game to get the correct sound volumes.
Do you know if the audio quality is on par or better than the Xillia games? The music in the Xillia games sounded a bit muffled. Same with the voices, though that may have been a problem with the localization and not the JP version.
I work pretty late some times, but this was waiting for me when I got home last night! I only got to play for an hour, unfortunately. I hope to play more after work tonight.
I wish I could trade someone for Edna.
That I find to be very good to hear!
Glad to see I'm not the only one reminded of Vesperia even if the end result still differs. ^^
Please go to the DLC thread if you only want to complain about being "farmed". As for stuff being cut I'm pretty sure this is not the case here, what everybody seems to think as being cut wasn't even planned as such,. The expectation that the publishing side initially built simply didn't match with what the developer was actually creating.Alisha's minor role in the story and her character design being done by one of the internal ones, not the celebrities Fujishima or Inomata
Skill system this time is tied to gear in this game so it's not as straightforward as other Tales games.
The skill system is based around your gear and what's called a Skill Sheet. On each piece of gear, there are 4 slots of a variety of skills. Usually, the 1st slot is set by the piece of gear but the other 3 will be random, I believe. These give you a variety of effects like in previous games.
However, it goes beyond that. These also show up on the Skill Sheet, which is a grid showing what skills you have equipped at the time. What you can do is mix and match skills and your gear to make combinations on the skill sheet to gain bonus skills on top of the ones you equipped. This is done by either stacking the same skill several times, putting on skills that are next to each other on the skill sheet, or creating a full column with your layout (which is called a Unison).
The bonuses aren't anything to scoff at it seems. I got the Unison bonus for Mikleo early on and it gave me an additional 20 per stat for creating that layout on the skill sheet. So you can do some interesting things despite not having the gear that has the most defense or attack at the time.
Union with the first column is so overpowered, which leads to getting new equipment becoming a chore, because you need to find a way to get the best upgrade while keeping that bonus going.
The skills stuff sounds indeed very confusing... So isn't there a way to keep skills on characters and wich them on/off as you want/can? Or you just have to plan your equipment enhancements/customization in order to get a certain set of skills that go active the moment the character carries the gear...?