"Reports from the beta were that the full widescreen cabinet setup for Tekken 5 would run $30,000 and $5,000 for the board alone. IMO both of those figures must be off, especially since you can get Initial D Version 3 Dual Cabinet for $15,000 and it's brand new."
Arcade game prices usually have nothing to do with the actual cost of the hardware/dev, but is more inline with how much coin the machine is expected to take.
Anyways, Mak Japan arcade supplier has the full Tekken 5 kit (2 pcb kits, 2 net cities, 4 signal converters, 1 live monitor (?) , router cables and 200 info cards for....
Available from November.
3,129,000 yen = around $28,500 a set.
So, as long as each unit gets played 15,000 times, then arcade owners will get their cash back
PCB kit is liksted at 522,900 yen (1 board only)
Hmmm... over 20 characters - some time released.
Hmmm.... Ghost Character system. Looks like you upload your "ghost" to fight others?
And doesn't it say System 256 at the bottom??