Anyone currently online that can guild invite (or that will be on soon) ?
GhostRidah said:Anyone find out how to adjust the height of your character?
Gunmonkey36 said:You need to take the creature down below 30% then shoot the creature with the tranq dart in your inventory.
Also make sure you have the right creature; the quest creature is larger than the other unicorns.
I'm forcing it through the Catalyst control panel and it works fine on my 4890.GhostRidah said:Are you enabling AA through your vid card program? I dont see AA in the game options, if its through vid card you are lucky, UE3 engine games always fail to enable AA for ati cards =/
That's correct. No height slider.CcrooK said:I don't think there is an option. Not that I recall.
Sent you a PM.DeadRockstar said:Can anyone link me to a fast download for this? 22gb is too much for this horrifying speed I'm getting.
I'll be on in a few minutes. I'll /w you when I do get on. You could try sending a /w to Sobos, don't know for sure if he's on right now though.jeremy70583 said:if anyone is on, can i get an invite? character's name is ULCajun
Huge. Almost no invisible walls. I get on top of mountains/above play area all the time.-bakalhau- said:How big is the game world? On those pictures above with a forest and mountains in the background, can I, for example, reach them?
It looks huge.
It crashes your game when you try to name it? Try verifying your files when you start the launcher. Bottom right grey button.piratepwnsninja said:Weird, I keep trying to make a new character and it dumps me out of the game when I do the name.
No loading screens. When fast travelling to another region you enter a warp gate that doubles as a "loading screen". Can still do everything you normally could, you're technically still in the game.What is that last screenshot? Does this game have warp gates, or something?
I PM'd you a link to a torrent.EvaPlusMinus said:Hey guys, on the edge on whether or not I should dive in on this. Can someone link me the faster download for the client? And how easy was it to setup an account with some gametime? Appreciated.
Izayoi said:It crashes your game when you try to name it? Try verifying your files when you start the launcher. Bottom right grey button.
Mr Pockets said:So sorry that all of these questions are to compare it to WoW...that is what we all play right now (Me and my Guild).
World : The world looks huge, with a lot of variety in the environments. WoW is pretty big now, would you say it is close to that? I mean if you take teleporting out of wow the game is huge.
Towns/Cities : In WoW every other town looks the same, the buildings are about 10 styles redone over and over. Is there some variety in the cities? Also in WoW you can pretty much go in every building and poke around. I don't see that a lot in Korean MMOs is this the same?
The game is enormous. I haven't played WoW past level 30 so I couldn't say for sure, but for the game to have as many regions and as much area as it does is pretty much unheard of right after launch, I believe.Mr Pockets said:World : The world looks huge, with a lot of variety in the environments. WoW is pretty big now, would you say it is close to that? I mean if you take teleporting out of wow the game is huge.
Every single town looks completely different. You get to a new area and everything is unique. Architecture, style, mood, tone, everything. It's amazing, and the sense of discovery has yet to stop.Mr Pockets said:Towns/Cities : In WoW every other town looks the same, the buildings are about 10 styles redone over and over. Is there some variety in the cities? Also in WoW you can pretty much go in every building and poke around. I don't see that a lot in Korean MMOs is this the same?
Yeah, the fact that it isn't a tile-clicker. You're always engaged in the game, no matter what you're doing.Mr Pockets said:Fighting : I have already explained the way combat works to them. But is there anything you can think of that is annoying in WoW that I should point out as being better in this game?
Dungeons follow the same formula as pretty much every MMO ever (except maybe DDO). The bosses are nothing like anything I've fought in an MMO before, though.Mr Pockets said:Dungeons : WoW's formula for dungeons is trash - boss - trash - boss etc. Anything unique about Tera dungeons? Not a bad thing if there isn't, was just curious since most of the shots I see are outside.
Leveling curve has been VERY smooth and well-paced so far. It moves at a decent speed, but it's not laughable like WoW.Mr Pockets said:Leveling/High End : How fast is the leveling? Does it feel well paced? In WoW it is race to 85 then grind gear. Any hints as to how deep the end game is in Tera?
Yeah, don't compare it to WoW. This game is on a completely different level.Mr Pockets said:Anything else to add as a comparison to WoW that would be worth mentioning?
Ugh, that sucks dude. So you already paid?Noshino said:argh, tried to add gametime to my account, payment went fine and all...but my paypal account wasn't verified, so the company requested not only that I verify my PP account, but also personal ID....
So I was like fuck it, I ll verify my PP account and ask them to just accept it....but then PayPal decided to act on me, and I can't get the instantaneous verification....I have to wait 2 more days for it to verify, this is ridiculous....
Izayoi said:Ugh, that sucks dude. So you already paid?
I've started work on a sort of FAQ. I'll be covering mounts, basic questing, and common inventory items.
What do you suggest? I'm no good with this kind of thing.Noshino said:Anyway, yah, you need to clean up the OP a bit, haha.
Noshino said:I did :C
So now I have 22 bucks on hold, and a still unverified PayPal account.
I guess I ll wait til tomorrow to try once again to add gametime, hopefully I can get it working before monday...
Sucks that I've been working all week and now that I want to play the damn game, I can't :C
Anyway, yah, you need to clean up the OP a bit, haha.
Izayoi said:What do you suggest? I'm no good with this kind of thing.
Mandoric said:It's the weekend! I can play! (in 719 minutes when it finishes downloading)
Izayoi said:The game is enormous. I haven't played WoW past level 30 so I couldn't say for sure, but for the game to have as many regions and as much area as it does is pretty much unheard of right after launch, I believe.
Randy said:The comparison isn't fair too, as TERA just launched. WoW got so much polish over the years and with Northrend, Outland and some of the revamped areas, it's just a very big world Blizz delivered. We shouldn't be expecting the same size from TERA when the game just hits the stores.
Though looking at the interactive map on the official site, I'd say it's big enough to ponder around for a couple of months.
V_Arnold said:WoW. You better not give MMO-related advices to people who ACTUALLY played with WoW.
Hobs said:Game is still very fun in the middle levels, but it sucks there are a lot of quests that require groups. I hate to solo, but its pretty hard to find any locals to help out since we don't know the language.
What is your problem?V_Arnold said:My problem is when advocates of one game tries to sell the game by calling upon WOW, when it is clear that spreading BS about that game wont convert anyone who is actually playing WoW and enjoys it.
Hey you still play ffxiv by any chance?Unknown Soldier said:Wait for the rest of who started later to catch up and you'll have a ton of people to group with. :3
The animation when you level up is, like the rest of the game, incredibly, excessively, pointlessly beautiful:
Unknown Soldier said:Wait for the rest of who started later to catch up and you'll have a ton of people to group with. :3
Quadratic said:Spent all night downloading the client via a secondary source. Got my account set up with a 30 day time card. Now it's patching at 25kb/s. It's going to take a while. How many characters can you make with 1 account?
Actually, there is.Izayoi said:What is your problem?
The game is complete. There's no "missing content".
If you have shit reaction times it's kinda hard, if you know how to play action games well it's not that hardzlatko said:How difficult is the game both solo and in group dungeons? Be honest.
QisTopTier said:If you have shit reaction times it's kinda hard, if you know how to play action games well it's not that hard![]()
zlatko said:Ah, so it's super easy then?
That's a bit of a shame. I like difficulty in my MMO's to a good extent otherwise I just get bored no matter what the quest pertains. I'm a former FFXI player, and the story missions in that game were some of the most difficult things to get done in any game ever, but the feeling of accomplishment was second to none.
I'm hoping this game leans more towards that and not just a constant WoW set up where nothing is hard, until the very end game, and even then it's more of a time commitment then a super hard battle where you stay on top of a lot of micro.
piratepwnsninja said:Comparing it to the way WoW is "difficult" is completely wrong. You have physically dodge attacks, read enemy animations to do such, aim all of your attacks so they hit while doing this.
Make no mistake, this is no a faceroll MMO.