The main city map. I don't know what else to call this place.

Let's cover some of the basics of this map. Left clicking on areas of a zone will allow you to zoom in. Right clicking zooms out.
For reference - Starting from the zoomed out world map. These are zones. Click on one of those, I'll call these areas. I call the really big town you go to after the starting zone the city. I call the other places towns.
The icons
Megaphone - AH
Key - Bank / Mail
Satchel / Bag - General goods vendor
Grey flag - Camp, these are usually quest hubs and also have a fire to restore vitality.
White flag with brown colored circle - Teleporter. This NPC will teleport you to different areas in the zone. You can teleport to any camp you've been to.
Wings - Flight NPC, allows you to fly to different zones. You can fly to any zone based off of level from the main town. Once you're in a zone, the only flight paths available are to other areas in the zone or back to the main town.
-City only notable places
The light blue spots on the map are where skill trainers and glyph vendors are located. I believe the top one is for ranged classes and the bottom for melee. I could also be separated by caster / physical damage classes. I'm not 100% sure.
Other notable things
Orange text is a dungeon. These are usually multi-floored, have a mix of solo and group quests, and lots and lots of quests. These places are awesome for exp.
Blue text is a town.
Bright yellow is an area or section of a zone.
Dark yellow text seems to refer to sections of an area.
Black text on a zone map are areas you haven't been to yet.
There is an AH, banker, general goods vendor, crystal vendor, and skill trainer in every town. Unfortunately, the crystal vendor and skill trainers are not marked on the map. See the sections below for some tips on finding these in towns.
Finally, in the last picture is a skill that I believe everyone gets. (It might be Elin only actually) I'm not 100% sure which level though. I believe high elves have a racial that uses the same icon so the tooltip is included. This nifty skill teleports you to the main city on a 30 min CD. This skill saves a ton of time.
Here's a few questing basics to make things a bit easier.
Most quests will be one of these two types. The first is your standard kill quest. Click on the blue text below the objective tracker. This is the actual name of the mob and will mark the location on your map. As you can see in the screenshot, match text, kill mobs, collect rewards.
The 2nd is a collection quest off of mobs. This is almost 100% identical to a kill quest except for a few things. There will sometimes be different kinds of mobs you can kill for the quest. The drop rate is not always 100%. If you're doing these quests in a group, only one person will receive credit for a drop. If you're duoing, you will need double. 3 man group, you'll need triple. Etc.
I don't have screenshots for gathering quests, but these aren't too bad. Sometimes the area of where you can gather the item is in the quest description in dark red text. Look at the item icon, is it a crystal? a flower? ore? rock? Something else? Keep an eye out for any gatherable item and just try it.
Finally, there are the go talk to this NPC quest. Just click on the blue text and go there.
AH Usage
I'm going to keep this one short.
This is the AH window, I'll describe the tabs and categories on the side.
1st Tab - Stuff for Sale (1st drop down menu is rarity)
2nd Tab - AH History
3rd Tab - Your current auctions. Drag an item into window to sell. Enter price, hit yes (left button) The right button on the bottom allows you to cancel an auction.
4th Tab - Items sold. Right button on the bottom to collect money.
5th Tab - Items bought. Right button on the bottom to collect items.
The columns from left to right are as follows:
Item - Level - Item Type - Quanity - Bid price - Buyout Price (Smaller number indicates price per unit)
Left button is bid, right is buyout.
Trading Shop Thingies
-Scrolls, Campfires, Etc.
Note: I didn't list anything for the expanded categories of crafting and a few others. You should be able to figure out the armor one for your specific type.
Edit1: Notable items that sell. Health potions sell for a lot. The ones that heal for 75% of your health over 15 seconds sell for about 150k iirc.
Here's where you need to start keeping google translate open.
Link to a list of crystals. Toss that into google translate and match with the vendor.
Red ones go into your weapons. Blue into your chest armor. White and green items are 2 sockets (I think). Blue items have 3. Gold items have 4 sockets. Upon death, there is a chance for one or more of your crystals to break.
Personally, I use flat HP blues + out of combat move speed. I use mana regen per 5 reds along with in combat move speed. This might be different for your class.
Skill trainers and Glyphs
Remember those light blue sections I mentioned in the map section? If not, go to the main city and you'll see them on your map. These locations are where skill trainers and glyph vendors are. Find the ones for your class. Starting at level 25 you have 10 glyph points and you gain 1 for every level after that. The trainer show on the left is a glyph vendor, the right is the skill trainer. You can use the 2nd half of the hangul under their name to tell the difference between them.
Note: More google translate needed here.
Here is the skill list for every class. The column on the far right shows what glyphs are available for that skill. Glyphs are organized into different categories as you can see based off the icons. A few of them include focus, time, fight, and spirit. It's not that important to know these, but it does give you an idea of what a specific glyph will do.
So toss that into google translate and click on your class icon and choose a skill. I've chosen one of my mystic skills as an example.
As you can see it shows general info about the skill up top. The section after basic info is what we want to look at. I have two glyphs available for this skill. One gives me a 20% cooldown reduction. Pretty easy to understand eh. The next one is a bit more complex, but what is means is that after I use this skill, the next skill in the "skill chain" uses 41 less MP. Pretty small overall, but when you're grinding the mana could add up.
"Sentence points" means how many points it costs to use that glyph.
Now, how do you buy and use the glyphs? You talk to the glyph vendor and choose the top option.
Usually you can match the numbers to figure out which glyph you need to buy. Sometimes you may need to load up the page in Korean and match the hangul.
Note the hangul next to the "Glyph of Time" icon. It matches the hangul before the hyphen on the tooltip in the screenshot above.
Buy your glyphs and then right click on them in your inventory to learn them.
Finally, this is where you put glyph points in.
As you can see, I already have the glyph points in. All you do is open your skills window once you've learned your glyphs. You'll see 2nd tab as shown above. Left click on the glyph to put points into it. You can see your current usage and maximum points at the bottom. Hit the button on the bottom to confirm your choices.
Note: To respec your points, you need to talk to the glyph vendor and use the 2nd option. This is quite expensive so be 100% certain about your choices.
Traveling tips
The second picture shows the tooltip and icon for your basic town portal scroll. Using this scroll will take you to the nearest town.
The first picture shows the 4th tab of a general goods vendor and a zone map of the area after you visit the city.
Notice how you can buy a bunch of different scrolls? These are scrolls that will teleport you to a specific town. The upper left one will take you to the city. I'm assuming the upper right one takes you to the main city on the other continent. I haven't tried yet. Match the hangul after the colon to a town to buy a scroll to teleport you there. This along with the city teleport mentioned earlier will save lots of time when traveling.