Well, I thought after playing for a bit, and having most classes at levels 11+ (highest being 23 or so) I would give some of my thoughts of the game for those of you who can be bothered to read it all
It looks absolutely gorgeous as you can see from all these screenshots, and it does not stop there. The UI is very different from most MMO's in the fashion you handle it, yet while it is strange at first, it is more of an UI that makes you go "ahhhh, cool!" rather than the usual "why did they do this?!".
Animation wise I am quite please - they flow well together (well most at least), look very nice and have some nice effects. On my Slayer, I had this skill to bash really hard (but very slow), which leaves an awesome trail of dust, and slices the ground texture dynamically. Of course, I know the texture being overlaid exists since all times, but the Dust is something I have rarely seen - especially since its volume does change depending on whether you hit a mob or not.
Let me try to explain the UI a bit, or try to... You basically have this real-time combat, which doesn't give you a friendly mouse to just click things, as you have you reticule with which you aim. So to talk to an NPC, you can use your "pickup" button (by default, it is F). This is basically an "interact" button. You can climb up stuff using it, pickup items, and talk to NPCs.
Now, you actually then have a "HUD" mode outside of this, which you enable with ALT/Mouse Browser Forward or Escape Key. This will give you a mouse to arrange your windows, move things about, look after your inventory and sort it. (Although, you do have auto sort and don't really need to do so).
This might sound odd, but to play it, and see it in action, this is very nice. Because, you will toggle off the HUD mode as I call it, instantly when moving. So it's not "close these 10 windows, then you can continue with what you wanted". It's quite quick in that regard. It might sound simple, but it actually gave a lot of freshness, at how fast things can be done, and the game not trying to hinder you from having fun.
The Combat is taking most of it's roots directly from Monster Hunter. Real-time, where you face is important, learn the behaviour of a mob in order not ot get hit, etc. It is not as intricate as Monster Hunter for the most part, on Elites, it isn't lagging much behind either though. Regular mobs however, stay simple, although this is true for Monster Hunter too.
Skill progression is simple, and quite well done. For the big part, every 2 levels you will gain new skills or upgrades. Upgrades are simply replaced on your hotkey bars, so you don't have to bother doing so. New skills you can drag and drop into the bar. Usually, you get at least 1 new skill (which you didnt have before) and a couple of upgrades. However, some levels do not give you a new skill at all (Like level 16), but only upgrades.
All in all, the pacing is done quite well in that regard, you always get something new to add to your rotation (which is heavily changed depending on mob, etc).
Leveling currently only works (efficiently) with questing. Grinding with repeatable quests is much slower and not as rewarding (item wise). Leveling also seems to be most efficient as a duo. Playing it in single player fashion will give you the kills much slower, and thus progress is slowed down too. From trio and upwards, you actually don't get enough of a party XP bonus to cover the level requirements for quests (in my experience).
While I enjoy that people do not have a dire requirement of grinding (as the term has gained alot of hatred), I miss it very much, as it's a lack of an option of how I choose to level. Grinding should be more rewarding so you can keep up time wise with your questing friends.
Quests, are your standard MMO quests. Kill X of Monster Y. Escort person X without person dying. etc. Its the only part of the game where I had not witnessed a fresh take on things. The UI, the graphics, the combat mechanics, all are overhauled and taken to a new interactive level - the quests... not really... But, that isn't a bad thing either - I enjoy my "go kill X mobs" and the "get x amount of items which mob Y drops" quests, So i am not too bothered.
Class wise, the variety is quite nice, yet a little short too. I will try to explain the roles a little bit (as to my understanding) of each class and their role, so you get the idea.
Warrior: Off tank, or main tank which is evasion based. Meaning, you have to generate enough aggro with your skills and damage output, and not be touched (you roll away) on time. This is very straining on a healer, as your position influences their targeting and healing capabilities. So while it might be a good idea to stand on the side behind a huge monsters leg, its not cool for the healer, especially with your combat run speed/roll.
Berserker: (2 Handed Axe) Brutal in your face damage, nice AoE
Slayer: (2 Handed greatsword) Damage from behind, but slow attack speed as well
Ranger/Archer: (Bows) Good ranged DPS, less DPS (so far) than berserker or slayer - but much safer HP wise to play.
Sorcerer: (Discs) Good ranged DPS too, didn't play mine far enough yet to tell you more..
Mystic: (Wand) Off-healer, buffer, CC - quite a nice Class, and it can DPS a bit too

Priest: (Staff) Main healer,Ii think that enough.
As you can see - a few roles are missing here.
The Ranger used to CC in WoW, this seems to not exist (until level 16 at least) in TERA.
The Warrior has low defense with its light armor and is not a traditional tank, making many people (in Korea) hate the class as a whole. (I personally love mine!)
The Berserker and Slayer are almost identical when questing, slayer has a bit worse performance, but hey, a cool greatsword has to bring a back draw, right?
You also lack a true assassin class who can stealth and such. You also lack a heal-over-time (HOT) healer like druids (again from WoW).
The question then boils down to a simple thing: Do you play any of those classes and couldn't find a liking to the others in TERA? Well, I do miss the variety, but on the other hand, this leaves it very easy to understand the game. It also helps them to balance the game, which they did a magnificent job at so far (but not perfect either).
Now else, the combat is pretty much like a dumbed down monster hunter on regular mobs. They have 1-2 things they do, you barely need to learn em, as they leave no true difficulty to be beaten.
However, the game began to become very interesting (Monster Hunter Style) with elites. I tried on my Berserker with my friend Selavi (Mystic) to duo one of them. We utterly failed the first two times. We thought of it as "this must be a 5 man mob" and asked for help in the Guild. During the process of fighting these mobs with the full party, I was able to learn its behavior, this time a bit more variation and randomization coming from it. (For those who play, it's the lizards before the instance.)
The next day, I went ahead and told Selavi "We can duo this, let's try!" - and magically, knowing its pattern, we evaded its attacks, prepared with healing orbs, blocking the attacks when necessary, and went through it, albeit both of us being tense, and beat the hell out of it. We were the same level, we had no new gear - yet, player skill was the difference between a crushing defeat/wipe, getting the mob only down to 90%, or staying alive with 80% hp/mp on our side.
There are more elites, harder, later on that were as much fun to do, as trio or more. This is exactly what I was hoping the PVE to be, challenging on the player-skill side. And that, it is! Its a lot of fun, especially as you get the sense of achievement of honing your own skill, not a stat of your character.
Now onward from this, I tried checking out the PVP a bit with my mate Trib. In towns, you can duel one another, but, this makes you capable of running through others. Outside, you both block each other from moving through one another. This seems so small of a change from most games - but this was exactly the big issue in Aion and its PVP.
Now, i will sidetrack to explain how PVP worked in AION due to non-solid enemies but bear with me. In aion, Sieges of fortresses were done with 2 big groups forming a huge blob. The defending block behind a door of the fortress, the attacking one outside. At some point in time, the attack blob would move, and on either side, all you did was "next target" and then hit a skill. Whichever blob was more massive would win by default. This was possible only because people could walk through you.
In TERA, that isn't possible, and for the PVP side of the game, I can imagine great things like Formations mattering, and not "next target -> Shoot" being the best strategy. This opens up a great deal of the PVP system capabilities.
As for open-pvp, I sadly believe we play on a PVE server. PK'ing wasn't possible thus far. Also, I have to voice my discontent of the planned behavior of PVP that I read from an interview. Apparently, you declare a PK on your enemy, and then it counts down for 5 seconds, warning him, before you can PK. This removes the surprise element of things, and gives them a head start to port out (a scroll takes 5 seconds :S) or run away. Thats quite carebear if you ask me.
But, maybe it will work differently for EU/NA.
Now, the things I dislike or at least, think could be improved are coming in too....
Open World, or is it?
While the world is connected, without any loading screens - it still encages you by surrounding you with huge mountains you cannot traverse. It is definitely not a closed corridor game as Aion was, but it does not reach the freedom of Lineage 2 either. (Heck, I think WoW, according to my memory when playing BC was a bit more open).
Another stab in this direction are the Channels we know from Aion/Guild Wars. I dislike that I can stand next to someone, and they are in an alternate channel, and thus I can't see them or interact with them. I prefer to "one world, no channels" of Lineage 2 - and am still hopeful, one day we will get it. Don't get me wrong, this is not horrible, but the sense of a "complete world, we all share" goes away - heck, on open PVP servers, your enemy could just be hiding in another channel; Its very disconnecting you from other players and removes a bit the number of other players you see. I hope it is something they will alot dynamically and if the server does not require multiple channels, they won't exist. (I hoped the same in Aion, but it wasn't the case).
Performance Scalability
The performance of the game (Frames per second, etc) does not scale very well according to Hardware in my opinion. I have seen the same framerates on a GTX260 as a GTX570OC. That could be bad drivers, but as soon as we jump to the AMD/ATi camp, the same issue seemed to arise. (only had 1 person tell me so though).
Some people with newer GPU's on the ATi side actually got worse FPS than the older versions of the GPU or the nvidia counterpart. That for me, is bad scaling, whether the issue lies with TERA or drivers on both ATI/nvidia side of things, I don't know.
Key Remapping
Remapping keys, while possible, did not allow a few shortcuts to be made. For example Right control could not be used as toggle (example: Ctrl + 1). Only Left control works for that. And while the game does allow you to map the mouse buttons (forward/back), they also do not work with a modifier key.
Invisible Walls
The last issue i have is that the game features Invisible walls (bad collisions) on several accounts. They sometimes hinder you to walk through/past something where you could easily fit, but also, some areas have them buggy, and you can't walk through open spaces, others you stand in the air, and sometimes a wall is just bigger than its supposed to be with the collision detection. To be frank, all these issues were found in one area and happened almost exclusively there.
I can understand you don't want to limit players by real geometry, but then add the extra layer of polish so I don't float in the air depending where I stand (yes I am that nitpicky) or can't walk past an opening, because your wall is 6 feet longer than it shows on my screen. (As side note, L2 had a lot of these issues, especially getting stuck in its early year too, and they fixed them since and the bugs are almost non-existent).
Polish, and I don't mean the Nation!
The few cows stuck in buildings, mob going through the floor, clipping errors, shadow flickering and invisible walls all seem to be very rare occurences, yet they are there. While the game is highly polished where it does count (gameplay/ui), a few other subtleties have went by unnoticed or unfinished. Its not really bad, but I won't deny its existence either.
Stupid Open-PVP system so far...
Yeah, we might get changes, but we might not. So for now, i think the open-pvp system sucks to be plainly put. The PVE aspect is good enough to hold me interested though
All in all, TERA is a delightful experience overall, I love the game - and the combat is so fun compared to the other MMOs that I don't see myself being able to go back anymore.
I hope for a true PVP Server with Open PVP ala Lineage 2, and I will be set for many years to come. The game isn't without flaws, but for this early, I can give it nothing but praise for the things it does right.
So far, I would give it an 8/10 - as there is still some room for improvement, but this is definitely a gem of its own kind

You should definitely try it out if you have any interest in the game at all imho