And yet Acolyte so far have been great. Go figure.
What makes it great?
And yet Acolyte so far have been great. Go figure.
As great as a partial lobotomy.And yet Acolyte so far have been great. Go figure.
And yet Acolyte so far have been great. Go figure.
Which leaves the question. Who are they making these shows for?
It was written by people who have little to their name. Either they've done nothing before or what they have done wasn't well received.What a nonsense, now the evil sister is turning good and just wants to surrender. Was the script written by 12 year olds?
What a nonsense, now the evil sister is turning good and just wants to surrender. Was the script written by 12 year olds?
They need to stop breaking that 4th wall.
It’s so hilarious this is obviously someone subconsciously projecting real life situation into the show that is incredibly stereotypical of black people, but nobody will even comment on it.They need to stop breaking that 4th wall.
It's only okay when they do it. They forget to hear the "dog whistles" and all that malarkey.It’s so hilarious this is obviously someone subconsciously projecting real life situation into the show that is incredibly stereotypical of black people, but nobody will even comment on it.
For those of us that are super old - Tucker Carlson had a show called “Crossfire” on CNN. They were brave enough to invite Jon Stewart on the show where he absolutely destroyed Tucker and later on CNN admitted this interaction was a catalyst of them shutting down the show:What a nonsense, now the evil sister is turning good and just wants to surrender. Was the script written by 12 year olds?
What a nonsense, now the evil sister is turning good and just wants to surrender. Was the script written by 12 year olds?
Made plans tonight so I have to wait until tomorrow to watch tonight’s episode. Gonna be trying to stay away from spoilers until then.
He never said "Luke I am your father". Fake news.Darth Vader is Luke's father!
But... but she threatened to kill her sister. That doesn't sound like loyalty to me. That sounds like the writers forgot what they wrote.She believed the Jedi killed her sister... Now she sees her sister is alive... I get why she turned because what she believed was wrong.
3.4 with 57k votes. High levels of rejection.
One thing that surprises me about these shows, even the new got is that it has no fandom. They don't penetrate our culture, they are never talked beyond the rage they elicit. Sure, some people find that negative reaction a bit too much but, fundamentally, there is no community. As time passes by, it's like these shows never existed in the first place.
Which leaves the question. Who are they making these shows for?
But she was the one who set everything on fire
I see the usual suspects are in full damage control.
Is this satire?No one said the show is a masterpiece. I find it perfectly fine. Not amazing, far from unwatchable. Epsiode 3 was the weakest and they've yet to get better than epsidoe 2.
This cycle repeats in some form every time a Disney star wars thing comes out, but star wars fans complaining about whatever new thing is out has been going on long as I've been alive. Theres been "damage" so long that it's lost any impact on me. I was around when ahsoka tano was a Mary Sue who disrespected the " legacy of the franchise" and "disrespected Skywalker" and proves Lucas had sold out... then she became the new golden standard for what a heroine in this franchise could be against the newer ones like rey... now she seems to have circled back into the status of ire.
Lucas learned the lesson quickly and stopped giving a rats ass what the people were saying. If he wanted to retcon some 90s book he retconend it. If he wanted midichlorians we were getting midichlorians. If he wanted maclunkey we were getting maclunkey. now fifteen years later those very things they were complaining about are the things they are begging to return.
This is business as usual for better or for worse. My only hope is those ups at Disney become privy to this and let their artist make their art. Some of it is going to suck, some of it is going to be good, but it will always be better than trying to appease an audience that is not possible to appease. Trying that is how you get TROS.
Gaslighting 101.No one said the show is a masterpiece.
The actress just made a song
Yeah but she is a victim so stop this racism DeepEnigma!!The most privileged are always "a victim."
Can't not wait until that currency is all dried up.
Is this satire?
Gaslighting 101.
The actress just made a song
The actress just made a song
It is all he ever does.Gaslighting 101.
But... but she threatened to kill her sister. That doesn't sound like loyalty to me. That sounds like the writers forgot what they wrote.
Osha threatened to kill her sister when she found out she was alive ... Not Mae. Mae didn't find out until she saw her face to face. That's why she's having a change of heart because she thought the Jedi killed her sister Osha.
The actress just made a song
Anakin slaughtered a giant pile of children and there’s a whole “what about the good things Anakin taught?” subplot to Ahsoka.It was written by people who have little to their name. Either they've done nothing before or what they have done wasn't well received.
They honestly wrote her saying that she'll be forgiven for killing two Jedi because she has info on theSith lordDark Jedi (which is a thing that doesn't make sense). And you know what? I've seen writing from people like these ones and let me tell you, they will stupidly forgive her and just go "Oh she's good now even though she straight murdered two Jedi. No consequences for her. It wasn't her fault, she was being manipulated by theSithDark Jedi".
The actress just made a song
And I thought that was dumb too, really wish George didn't have him go that far because that's some unforgivable shit.Anakin slaughtered a giant pile of children and there’s a whole “what about the good things Anakin taught?” subplot to Ahsoka.
The writers of that have plenty to their name lol
Granted Ahsoka fans also loved that subplot so go figure.
The actress just made a song
He clearly said "to blathe", which as we all know 'to blathe' means 'to bluff'!He never said "Luke I am your father". Fake news.
The actress just made a song