There really is no good or evil at play here, it's just $$$. Kennedy has expectations and targets to meet and if her approach (probably sold as "the old fans are dying, we need to find a new fan base, so we will hit all these disparate groups in the hopes that they will support each other and collectively replace the core audience we will stop servicing directly") is deemed to not be working she will get new marching orders or will get replaced. Lucasarts was bought by Disney to bolster their brand appeal to boys, Star Wars used to be a MASSIVE merch cash cow. Somehow they lost the goal, tried to virtue target VERY niche audiences and hoped the core fans would just stick around like whipped puppies. That clearly isn't working, the new stuff has terrible merch tie-ins, and the whole ship is creaking to its demise. Some of this is inevitable, probably ALL toy sales are cratered compared to the heady 80's and 90's, but just go look at the high profile Star Wars legos and popular stuff, its almost ALL OT based, a whiff of PT, a slight flavor of ST, and a good dose of Mando, but that's about it. Disney is throwing hundred of millions at this other stuff with no tangible results. I've little doubt they will double down on Empire vs Rebels soon enough.