If you are at different levels you will be split up. AfaikSo my brother and I were finally ready to try some DZ and when we entered we each went into seperate instances. His full of people and mine completly empty. We were pretty confused by this, isnt the point of the DZ to go in with your squad?
IGN uploaded from the CQC perspective and it also looks awesome dat shotgun
If you are at different levels you will be split up. Afaik
This cannot possibly be true. I thought the whole point of the game is to go in with your group of people? This level restriction makes zero sense.
This game is what Destiny should have been
Yeah that happened to me with two other random people today. It took me a good 30 seconds to realize it as well because I was in their party but me and another guy were in a different darkzone server. It was quite funny too cause the guy was hollering at me to help him because he kept on getting into gun fights with other players to steal their loot and kept getting his ass killed. Hahahaha karma was a bitch to him even after he kicked me and raged quit. Though I met another cool dude from that so it was not all bad lol.
I compared both on the same screen going back and forth, it's truly awful on both.I played both. X1 and PS4 beta. There is some weird input lag with the camera on PS4 which is not there on X1.
Man, if only it played half as good as Destiny... the overall package seems nice but this game is really not grabbing me.
Yup same, I tried playing again with my wife tonight and we went to do DZ together (to get her into it so we could buy it) and ya... she was a lvl 6 me 8 and we got tossed in different instances. My chances of getting her into this are exactly zero now =/
This game is what Destiny should have been
Tried it for a couple of hours with two of my friends but so far it's just not clicking with me. The missions outside the DZ was pretty fun I guess, but the DZ made no sense. Everyone is just shooting at each other going rogue and it seems as soon as you shoot back, you go rogue too and then everyone and their grandmothers will shoot at you.
Maybe it's just me, but the DZ was a messy experience.
so this game is basically destiny in third person and in a more modern setting rather than futuristic?
Yeah, I'm feeling the same. It runs wonderfully on PC and it looks gorgeous, I just wasn't hooked by anything. I'm sure playing with people may improve the experience a bit, but I played by myself for about 2ish hours. I too don't quite get the DZ thing, I mean, I do understand the mechanics but it feels like there are things about it that could be improved. I went out for the first time and was slowly making my way away from the gate (that I was still basically right in front of) and I got killed almost instantly from someone that entered right behind me. Guess it was my fault for not expecting it? But it was also my first time, lol.
Dat fashion <3
Feels nothing like destiny , I'm a huge fan of both games but you can't compare them at all. Not only is the setting different , the shooting , rpg elements etc are all vastly different .
I love both games for different reasons .
Damn! Until I saw this I thought the pom pom beanie wouldn't have any competition for most fashionable head gear choice.
This cannot possibly be true. I thought the whole point of the game is to go in with your group of people? This level restriction makes zero sense.
i gotta say, the game comes off as very meh to me right now. Generic weapons with generic armor in generic environments just ain't grabbing me. glad I played the beta, I can avoid the full game now.
I believe...
lvl 8 gets their own instance.
lvl 4-7 get their own instance.
so this game is basically destiny in third person and in a more modern setting rather than futuristic?
so this game is basically destiny in third person and in a more modern setting rather than futuristic?
It is the lovechild of Destiny, Borderlands and Gears of War
Yup same, I tried playing again with my wife tonight and we went to do DZ together (to get her into it so we could buy it) and ya... she was a lvl 6 me 8 and we got tossed in different instances. My chances of getting her into this are exactly zero now =/
PC continues its reputation as the friendliest DZ in town
Spent all night with friends, only ran into a handful of rogues and they were taken down within seconds. Pretty fun stuff, once again.
But I'm still not buying the game for $60.
When you get your fashion juuuuuuuuuust right
Yup same, I tried playing again with my wife tonight and we went to do DZ together (to get her into it so we could buy it) and ya... she was a lvl 6 me 8 and we got tossed in different instances. My chances of getting her into this are exactly zero now =/
Yup same, I tried playing again with my wife tonight and we went to do DZ together (to get her into it so we could buy it) and ya... she was a lvl 6 me 8 and we got tossed in different instances. My chances of getting her into this are exactly zero now =/
You can merge your zones via the group menu.
I think she has to go to your nickname and click something with Dark Zone OR you have to invite her again.
This new meme is just perfect xD
So completed the main story missions and side missions, thought I'd enter the dark zone as a solo....what am I supposed to be doing????
I ran around for about 20 minutes and did pretty much nothing, saw tons people and followed them about and they all seemed to be doing the same thing, randomly running around.
Went to a few extraction points and that was a bit boring too.
Also what's up with the level enemies able to one tap you down to 10% health, I kept getting creamed when I just ran down a street cause I couldn't handle the 6 level 8 enemies around me!
DZ camping the extractions is brutal. Had a lot of players camping and racking up kills and loot. Have yet to extract something worthwhile too.