rockman zx
How long will servers be down?
1h45m more from now untill we can play.
How long will servers be down?
I think they changed it already compared to the closed beta. In the closed beta, one or very few shots were enough to get the rogue status.
When playing DZ yesterday, I had the impression it needs more shots on a friendly agent to get the rogue status. It happened to me several times, that I thought 'oh shit, I hit that guy', but I didn´t get a rogue
High level players can't actually see players that are too low level.
If say a lvl 20 walks into the lvl 10-14 bracket, he will see the NPCs of that level,but no players. he will instead get matched with other same level players in that area.
their matchmaking is preeeetty seamless.
I still think 24 will be too little ;/
Btw, has anyone been using the suppression mechanic?
I went into a matchmade hard mode Madison Square Garden last night and had a 130 round LMG on me.
So I kept suppressing the enemies and I could take 3-4 of them almost entirely out of the fight but just suppressing them constantly, which greatly reduced the damage on my group and allowed my three buddies to flank/DPS.
I was quite amazed by it,actually.
Silencers affect the amount of bullets.
I still don't get one thing:
Why does the cover-to-cover run feel so damn satisfying to do?
It's not like I am really DOING anything,I am literally just holding down the Spacebar.
Yet everytime I run from cover to cover quickly aiming at the next one and my guy then crouch runs and slides in there,it just feels so damn good.
Maybe they'll up it to thirty or so? But I do believe it's a good number.
That's 6 full squads of people in a dark zone split into 6 parts. With NPCs everywhere.
Buz still - the DZ will be 3 x the size of our current DZ. Not to say there will be x layers of underground and roofs. It will be very hard to find players I think.
I think the single player stuff is going to get stale for me quickly in the full release.
Dark zone is incredible though but needs more missions and events.
IGN uploaded from the CQC perspective and it also looks awesome dat shotgun
Ubisoft's animators are really fucking good, that's probably another reason why as well. Like as much as I might dislike certain ubiquitous (pun maybe intended) aspects of Ubisoft games man I am a whore for their animation work so they pull me right back in with that. Doesn't hurt they've basically been refining a lot of those systems on previous games for the last console generation or two now.I still don't get one thing:
Why does the cover-to-cover run feel so damn satisfying to do?
It's not like I am really DOING anything,I am literally just holding down the Spacebar.
Yet everytime I run from cover to cover quickly aiming at the next one and my guy then crouch runs and slides in there,it just feels so damn good.
Guess none of those animators were ever working on Assassin's CreedUbisoft's animators are really fucking good, that's probably another reason why as well. Like as much as I might dislike certain ubiquitous (pun maybe intended) aspects of Ubisoft games man I am a whore for their animation work so they pull me right back in with that. Doesn't hurt they've basically been refining a lot of those systems on previous games for the last console generation or two now.
Part of that is also down to it being a beta - there are no real consequences to going rogue. Your progress doesn't carry over, so you might as well go all out now and test the limit/be a jerk.Right now it's: There ar epeople around every corner and everyone shoots everyone forever.
Guess none of those animators were ever working on Assassin's Creed
Part of that is also down to it being a beta - there are no real consequences to going rogue. Your progress doesn't carry over, so you might as well go all out now and test the limit/be a jerk.
Problem right now is OB have no consequence.Extraction zones son. They'll show up when people use them.
I feel the actual idea of the DZ "loop" is:
You go in. You fight NPCs. You loot chests. You get loot/rank/currency. You MIGHT meet another player during this,leading to co-op/PvP. then you go extract. this DRAMATICALLY increases the chance of meeting other players,leading to socializing/co-op/PvP.
Right now it's: There ar epeople around every corner and everyone shoots everyone forever.
Server maintanance??
Extraction zones son. They'll show up when people use them.
I feel the actual idea of the DZ "loop" is:
You go in. You fight NPCs. You loot chests. You get loot/rank/currency. You MIGHT meet another player during this,leading to co-op/PvP. then you go extract. this DRAMATICALLY increases the chance of meeting other players,leading to socializing/co-op/PvP.
Right now it's: There ar epeople around every corner and everyone shoots everyone forever.
Ok, guys. I've got a confession to make. Please tell me what's wrong with me
Played the first beta, now this one and... The Division bores me to tears.
I mean, it's all there for it to be a great game - and I'm not trying to say it's a bad one - but, man, is it spectacularly generic or what?
The graphics and art direction are great, the shooting is decent. But I feel like by playing the beta I've seen it all. There are really no surprises in store: you'll just get same mundane looking weapons with higher numbers and shoot standard-fare bad guys with longer health bars.
And I know what you're going to say: it's the same with all games of this type. But it isn't. Let's take Destiny for example. Even though it's starved for content, it still has a lot more variety even in its opening hours: you got flying enemies, teleporting enemies, invisible enemies, shielding enemies and so on, lots of . The visuals really sell the differences too. Now, getting back to The Division, I feel like we'll be fighting the same-old shooting dudes and charging dudes ad nauseum.
And I'm not against near-future military shooters! I can play CoD campaigns just fine, I like Battlefield multiplayer. But I feel that a game needs something more substantial and more variety to sustain a quasi-MMO framework.
The realistic New York is rendered beautifully and faithfully, but as modern cities are, it's a bit samey.
And don't get me started on the weak virus plot (still better than Destiny though!).
What do you think, GAF? Does The Division have legs to support a stable player base over an extended period? Or maybe there's an AC-styled twist somewhere and we're playing in a post-Cloverfield disaster or something along those lines? (unfortunately I doubt that, as it's a Tom Clancy-branded title...) What's wrong with me?![]()
What do you think, GAF? Does The Division have legs to support a stable player base over an extended period? Or maybe there's an AC-styled twist somewhere and we're playing in a post-Cloverfield disaster or something along those lines? (unfortunately I doubt that, as it's a Tom Clancy-branded title...) What's wrong with me?![]()
Yeah but our DZ now already has 3 extraction zones, if you apply this to the rest we would have 9 zones. 9 zones for 6 full squads means everyone has his own b;/
There will be monsters and infected humans like 28 days later.I hope
I don't doubt it'll have a decent player base as people love these kinds of games and Destiny is a fucking fuck and is still going.
There's nothing wrong with you. This game is incredibly generic but well made like most Ubisoft games minus the bugs.
Alot of people agree. Its tedious and boring.
There will be monsters and infected humans like 28 days later.I hope
I don't doubt it'll have a decent player base as people love these kinds of games and Destiny is a fucking fuck and is still going.
There's nothing wrong with you. This game is incredibly generic but well made like most Ubisoft games minus the bugs.
Name of the virus is Smallpox Variola Chimera.
It's on a sign in the new mission with all the dead bodies.
Ok, guys. I've got a confession to make. Please tell me what's wrong with me
Played the first beta, now this one and... The Division bores me to tears.
I mean, it's all there for it to be a great game - and I'm not trying to say it's a bad one - but, man, is it spectacularly generic or what?
The graphics and art direction are great, the shooting is decent. But I feel like by playing the beta I've seen it all. There are really no surprises in store: you'll just get same mundane looking weapons with higher numbers and shoot standard-fare bad guys with longer health bars.
And I know what you're going to say: it's the same with all games of this type. But it isn't. Let's take Destiny for example. Even though it's starved for content, it still has a lot more variety even in its opening hours: you got flying enemies, teleporting enemies, invisible enemies, shielding enemies and so on, lots of . The visuals really sell the differences too. Now, getting back to The Division, I feel like we'll be fighting the same-old shooting dudes and charging dudes ad nauseum.
And I'm not against near-future military shooters! I can play CoD campaigns just fine, I like Battlefield multiplayer. But I feel that a game needs something more substantial and more variety to sustain a quasi-MMO framework.
The realistic New York is rendered beautifully and faithfully, but as modern cities are, it's a bit samey.
And don't get me started on the weak virus plot (still better than Destiny though!).
What do you think, GAF? Does The Division have legs to support a stable player base over an extended period? Or maybe there's an AC-styled twist somewhere and we're playing in a post-Cloverfield disaster or something along those lines? (unfortunately I doubt that, as it's a Tom Clancy-branded title...) What's wrong with me?![]()
Oh, this is interesing. I hope the virus does what it says on the box...
I don't think so![]()
I really hope they stick with it just being humans as enemies and don't add monsters or any kind of other ridiculous stuff. That'd really turn me off from the whole experience.
I really hope they stick with it just being humans as enemies and don't add monsters or any kind of other ridiculous stuff. That'd really turn me off from the whole experience.
I really hope they stick with it just being humans as enemies and don't add monsters or any kind of other ridiculous stuff. That'd really turn me off from the whole experience.
I really hope they stick with it just being humans as enemies and don't add monsters or any kind of other ridiculous stuff. That'd really turn me off from the whole experience.
Yeah i really like how well human and grounded the game feels it has some future technology in it but not what you see in the likes of call of duty for example. To me it feels fresh and different.
But don't you think that at the same time it's not realistic at all? I mean, who are those unnamed legions of looters, prisoners and freaky contamination squad guys? Where do they come from? Where do they get their guns from? How can they survive in NC? Why hasn't the US army just squashed them as the insignificant bugs they are?
For me this is an interesting dissonance dichotomy. On one hand you've got a game like The Division with its grounded setting and story that just flat-out fails to justify its contrived circumstances. It's realistic in everything but the situation (which is the heart of the game). On the other you get something like Destiny: a made up space fairy tale about aliens and demonic forces which is unrealistic with its setting and story, but which is perfectly logical in the circumstances the player is put into (aliens have their homeworlds/infrastructure to support a prolonged war effort and so on). The world is fantastical, but in its context the situation is realistic.
This is fascinating stuff.
Yeah i really like how well human and grounded the game feels it has some future technology in it but not what you see in the likes of call of duty for example. To me it feels fresh and different.
Watch the Agent Origins videos.
Could you give me the cliff notes?![]()
Could there not be room for Tigers, or Ligers or even an occasional angry house cat.
All the enemies in games are mostly humanoid, either zombies or men with guns. I mean most RPG developers understand the repetitive nature of the gameplay and try to mix it up with creative enemies. I cant see how this would engage people for very long with just humans for enemies.