My first time logging in. A studied the ground materials for a bit. Then it shut down.3 hours of maintenance??? ;_;
Are we talking about the big flamethrower Cleaner boss at the end of the tech mission?
Cause that boss got stuck under some stairs for me. Which in all honesty was a welcome glitch. He was a tough dude. Haha
There are![]()
Are you referring to the encounters? I havent seen any other kind of missions in the DZ. Its just killing guys who are holding siege for some reason. I was thinking more like a bit longer missions with interiors, and getting amazing loot upon completing. That would make extraction even more intense.
I have played DZ for the total of 3 hours so I may be missing some things.
Boss spawns top left. Cleaner elite. drops good stuff
As to retail, they've said that events will be in DZ
I see. I will look for it the next time I play. Events sound interesting.
It's possible for her to join you in your instance. I believe the option is under group management.
You can merge your zones via the group menu.
I think she has to go to your nickname and click something with Dark Zone OR you have to invite her again.
Yeah, that's how you do it!
You can only go to the higher DZ bracket, never lower (which makes sense).
I was quite surprised by the length of the subway morgue mission btw.
Also,I hope you guys took your time a bit and actually looked at the environment down there. Again,some great visual story telling.
Hidden chests too![]()
btw, yesterday I was wondering what the number below the ammo numbers is, does anyone know?
btw, yesterday I was wondering what the number below the ammo numbers is, does anyone know?
my one concern with the division is summed up in this tread. I hope they do something to prevent it before the release
Secondary weapon ammo lol I had to check too it drove me nuts
my one concern with the division is summed up in this tread. I hope they do something to prevent it before the release
my one concern with the division is summed up in this tread. I hope they do something to prevent it before the release
What do you propose they do?
What do you propose they do?
No idea but i can see this making people pissed enough to drop the game.
You can troll and grief way to easy atm. If i see someone shooting an NPC i can run infront of them and quickly pop a health pack then kill them and get a DZ level boost. In its current state PVP is flawed.
I was quite surprised by the length of the subway morgue mission btw.
Also,I hope you guys took your time a bit and actually looked at the environment down there. Again,some great visual story telling.
At least on PC but have you checked the controls options in the menu? Not just sensitivity stuff but different options on how you move along and in and out of cover and stuff that you might be able to change? Quite a few options, more than I usually expect.Plsyed this solo for about 40 minutes and was I left less than impressed. The movement and shooting feels so clunky, restricted and stiff. On the positive I think world they have designed looks amazing and is very detailed.
I'm not giving up on it yet though. I'll play again tomorrow with some friends including some Dark Zone action, but right now this definitely isn't a day one buy.
You can put it down after you activate the guards and use your regular rifle.
How often is that really going to happen, though, with 24 people across the ENTIRE DZ map? We're being shoved into what is roughly 1/5 of the entire DZ map.
What do we know about the endgame-content?
Something like the strikes in Destiny at least? Like doing long and hard missions in a group of 4 players to get the best loot?
Playing the beta has reaffirmed my initial opinion for this game. The visuals on ps4 are quite poor and that sentiment is echoed by many of the people I spoke with about the game. After all the hype, it turned out to be pretty poor. While that in itself is not enough to sour my opinion on the game, the gameplay put the final nail in the coffin. It's definitely one of the most boring games I've ever played. It's also not meant to be played by yourself. I played it by myself and with friends as well and it was just a poor experience. There are a few bugs but it's quite functional. Unfortunately, it's not really enjoyable. The shooting is not satisfying at all and playing it feels wrong. We have been conditioned through various media to expect certain outcomes when certain actions happen. Example, shogun shot to the head means death. The division breaks these boundaries and as a result, it leads to an experience that is not enjoyable.
The rpg elements in the beta are just poor and feel extremely shallow. This game reeks of generic tps syndrome. It's not surprising yet its still disappointing nonetheless.
The extraction zones are heavy on this. Sometimes 5 people waiting for the chopper then some NPCs attacks the zone and one guy hits another dude by accident and hell breaks loose. I once was in the subway area under the extraction zone and some rogue dude ran byt scream "DONT KILL ME IT WAS AN ACCIDENT" he had like 8 people after him
I think they changed it already compared to the closed beta. In the closed beta, one or very few shots were enough to get the rogue one concern with the division is summed up in this tread. I hope they do something to prevent it before the release
I think they changed it already compared to the closed beta. In the closed beta, one or very few shots were enough to get the rogue status.
When playing DZ yesterday, I had the impression it needs more shots on a friendly agent to get the rogue status.
the number below the ammo numbers?
A lot of this stuff happens because we have 24 players all stuck in the small area right now.
In the full game all players will be sprea dout across the entire DZ so you won't constantly have people run around.
The devs actually want human encounters to be rare instead of people high fiving each other in the streets constantly.
Quick question for the PC players - my friend who I grouped with told me that my mic chatter had static attached - seems to be a game feature because it was activating even when I accidentally turned my mic off and pressed my push to talk key. His voice however was coming through without any static. I looked through settings to find something relating to this but I couldn't find anything.
The only thing I can think of is that I'm using PTT and he's using voice activation. Anyone experienced the same? Fwiw, my mic has no static if we use TS/vent.
I think once people branch out to different zones they won't have the incentive to heckle lower players over their lower exp money or loot, there will definitely be massive firefights in the higher darkzones though and the tension will be nuts no doubt.
3 hoursHow long will servers be down?